I'm Coming!!

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Tennis Ball's pov

I sit in my room upset. If only I knew who actually messed with the gravestones. I need to think of a plan to save Golf Ball. I shouldn't have messed with Blocky... he could've helped me. How am I gonna get into the Iance house? They are pissed off at me... they won't just let me in. ... Golf Ball's costumes!! I'll pretend to be Snowball.... that'll work for sure!! I rush into her room and check around for the costume. 

She has voice changers too... that's actually where whoever framed me got the costume and voice changer to do it. I have to make sure Snowball isn't at his house before I go there. I look outside and see Snowball, Eraser, and Blocky approaching the door. I go sit on the couch and watch as they enter Blocky's room. Next, I quietly climb the stairs and sit against the wall, listening to what they are talking about.

 "What's the best thing you've done since all this started?" Eraser asks in confusion. "Well Blocky's definitely has to be watching Pocoyo," Snowball says normally. "No it isn't!" Blocky says in annoyance. "Mine would be the new gravestone prank which somehow worked!!" Eraser says normally. "Mine would be the old gravestone prank," Snowball says normally. I quickly pull out my phone and record.

 "Huh, you did that?" Eraser asks in confusion. "Yep, it was pretty fun!" Snowball says normally. Damn it, I got nothing important. I stop recording them. "Well, I'm gonna go clear that from the security cams," Blocky says normally. Just then I stand up and dash to our security room. I quickly download the footage and hide. "Just gotta delete that and oh it's already gone," Blocky says out loud to himself and leaves the room. I get up and peek my head out the door. Once he shuts his door, I sprint to my room. 

Ruby's pov

"Fanny, I'd say it's time to kill Golfball," I say normally and pull out a tank full of water. Next, I pull Golf Ball out of the sack we put her in. We tied up her legs and put duct tape on her mouth. Her eyes widen as she sees the tank of water. She knows what's gonna happen next. I hold her over the water. 

"Any last words?" I ask and rip off the duct tape. "Ow, Tennis Ball didn't do anything... neither did I... let me go!!" she screams and cries. "Nope!" Fanny says and I put her in the water. Literally, 5 seconds later I hear a knock at the door. Fanny walks over to the door. "It's Tennis Ball, do we let him in?" she asks in annoyance. "Yes, he can witness Golf Ball's death," I say happily. Fanny smiles and opens the door. Tennis Ball's face goes from determined to completely terrified. "Golf Ball!!" he shouts and immediately tears up. "Hey there stupid!" I shout in annoyance. 

Tennis Ball's pov

"Ruby please get her out of the water, I have your proof... please let her go!" I shout while crying. "Where's the proof?" Fanny asks in confusion. "Here, take the proof... give her to me!" I scream and continue crying. Fanny and Ruby watch the security cams. "Second grave prank?!" Ruby screams in annoyance. 

"Snowball did it?!" Fanny screams and breaks the tank. She kicked it so hard it shattered. The water started leaking on the floor. I quickly turned Golf Ball over so her face would stop being in the little bit of remaining water. "Golf Ball... wake up... please!!" I shout and hug her. Ruby looks at me with a look of concern. Fanny shows concern on her face too. These two seem very sorry about what they've done.

 I carefully place Golf Ball on top of me. "I'm going back home, Snowball is in Blocky's room... maybe wait to kill him until we find out if Golf Ball is dead or not, she'd love to join you in killing him," I say and rush back home as fast as I can without dropping GB. When I get home I rush her to her room. "Come on Golf Ball please wake up!" I say and sit there crying. Leaning against the wall of her room. 

"What happened here?" Basketball asks in confusion as she enters the room. "Why are you here?" I ask in confusion. "Heard ya crying, had to find out why," she says normally. "Golf Ball could be dead," I say in a sad way. "Hmm," Basketball says before kicking GB really hard. Golf Ball coughs up a little bit of water. "G-Golf Ball?!" I say and hug her. She stays in the hug for a bit. "I'm not dead?" she asks in confusion. "Golf Ball!!" I say happily. "Tennis Ball, what happened?" she asks in confusion. 

"I almost lost you!" I say normally. "Well ya didn't," she says before exiting the room. She looks downstairs before screaming, "WHY ARE YOU FREAKS HERE?!" Basketball exits the room and screams, "FANNY LEAVE THIS HOUSE IMMEDIATELY!!". 

"Golf Ball, they came here to murder Snowball, I told them they should wait for you since I knew you'd take interest in that," I say normally. "Thanks, TB!" she says normally. "Can we kill SB now?" Fanny asks in annoyance. "Yup, he's in Blocky's room!" I say normally. 

Blocky's pov

"Can we kill SB now?" I hear Ruby ask. "Yup he's in Blocky's room!" I hear Tennis Ball say normally. .... "That bitch!" I scream in annoyance. Golf Ball breaks down the door and in comes her, Ruby, and Fanny. "Guys, please... Snowball didn't mean to upset people I'm sure!!" I say and try to stop them. Fanny and I end up fighting physically.

 Ruby holds Eraser against the wall so he couldn't stop them. "Die bitch!" Golf Ball says and stabs Snowball almost 100 times. "Stop!!" I shout and push her off. It's way too late... why'd she do this?! "He deserved it," Ruby says normally. She and Fanny walk out of the house. "And stay out!!" I hear Basketball shout. "Fuck you!" I hear Fanny shout. "Fuck you right back!" Basketball shouts. 

Author's Notes

I'll try to go for 1 more chapter today who knows tho!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Bye, my little shopkins!

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