bottles adventure about death

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bottle pov

my team is slighty stressed out about pillows death. i wish i could help them out but the stress is getting to me to. i wonder how people get over things such as death. do they just have to remind themself that the person is gone or do they do more than that. do they cry about it forever or do they not. i dont know and before this all started i didnt think i would ever need to know.

 i mean when death is a normal thing and no one was really gone forever no one ever thought about the effects of death. after the recovery centers were sucked up people like fanny started to only think about death and its effects on a person. i still didnt i still didnt think id have to. but now i realize i do. 

and since i am loyal to the team and only want to make them happier i need to find a solution. i need to find a way to make everyone happy again. i think the first thing to do is write a letter and leave it in the living room. people will see it then right alright time to get writing. 

(this next set of paragraphs is what bottle is writing)

dear death pact 

i have decided to set out to find a way to make you all happier. tho i dont know excatly what that way will be im super sure itll be effective. im not sure how long ill be gone but i know for a fact i will come back. so no one cries while im gone or atleast when i get back dont tell me  ok. and dont come looking for me  i need to go do this alone. 

also someone tell taco not to go getting in to anymore trouble. and before you get mad at me for saying that lets all remeber that her best friend died and pillow one of my friends died so i kinda feel like taco but yet again not the same. before you think i wont be fine im smart i can do this and i can stay safe. 

oh yeah and tree take care of remote for me she has been telling me about some problems she has been having. and pie stay calm for me and for pillow and even for liy ok thanks. well bye from bottle.

bottle pov

now that im done writing the letter i better just relax for a sec before placing it in the living room and leaving. truth is i dont really know if ill be fine i just dont want to upset the team. because to be honest and i havent told anyone this yet seeing them upset just upsets me more it makes me just think of ways to stop the crying.

 when i know i cant or atleast its gonna be hard.but im the only one happy enough to do anything about all this. remote was crying and having problems. tree was silently crying and trying to work with gaty to help pie. pen has his own issues ick just thinking of it makes me wants to barf from the description tree gave.

 he said "bottle it was horrible i had to chop the side of her body so pen could get in and then i had to glue it back".i guess the only one ok right now is black hole and even he has started just staying in his room away from everyone else i feel as if he wants to just not develop real friendships in case they get killed.

 anyway time to head downstairs and find a spot to put this. i then get up and walk over to the door. i open it and it seems everyone else is in their rooms perfect. i walk down the stairs and find that i should put the note right on the back of the tv. not to hidden yet not to noticiable. i think its time for me to leave. i open the front door and leave.

 hmm what to do to fix this. i then notice to the left of me a little far away is the cliff pillow died falling off. i walk over to it since its there and i look down. "wow its a far way down" i say to myself at the bottom i can see a little bit of white material and blood on the rocks. ew just looking at her disgusts me. i then start to walk away.

 i think i should answer the first real question ive had which is how do people deal with death. maybe i should ask the other teams lets start with iance. i walk over to iances house and knock on the door. ruby answers with "hello bottle what brings you here". i reply with "i wanted to talk about death" i say.

 "how ironic your team prevents death right" she says. "well uh yes but uh to be honest pillow died yesterday" i say. "oh you poor thing here come in" she says. "thank you ruby" i say. "now i was uh wondering how does a person deal with death" i ask. "uh what do you mean" ruby asks.

 "well how do you deal with the fact that flower died" i ask. "wait wait wait hold up this conversation wasnt supposed to be about flower this conversation was supposed to be about pillow" ruby says while crying. "well i mean yes" i say.

 "so what you are saying bottle is you think you have the right to come in and try to compare flower a beatuy to pillow a piece of garbage" ruby says. "hey hey hey pillow isnt a piece of garbage" i scream. "well she certainly isnt as good or beatiful as flower" ruby says. 

"well hmph maybe i dont want your advice if you want to automacially think everything anyone says is about you and flower" i say then leave.

Authors notes

Ok where to begin uh

here is the art this chapter

It's the letter bottle wrote to the team😐

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It's the letter bottle wrote to the team😐

death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

ok so uh i have a bfb camp on yt now you can join it from yt anyway yeah request art for my sis to draw and she will

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sis roblox is shoplkins4

my sis wattpad is shoplkins

anyways bye my little shopkins

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