The Cloaked Strangers.

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Fanny's pov

"I hate this, how much longer am I expected to want to live?!" I say and lay face down on my bed. "Hmm, I don't know, probably not long!" Ruby says normally. "What's the easiest way you can think of for me to get to Bubble?" I ask in confusion. "... Drowning, or going to Book's house.... but Fanny.... you can't leave me here!" she says and cries in the corner of my room. "Well then, why'd you give her advice Ruby?" Lightning asks in confusion. "Lightning! You didn't mean what you said... right... you were just mad... right?!" she asks in confusion. "Yes Ruby, you guys really need to get smarter, it's painful to be the smartest one here," he says normally.

 "Ok well... Fanny's gonna try to commit suicide!" Ruby says while crying. "... Fanny do-" Lightning says before I go and try to blow him away with the air pressure from my fan blades. "That's not going to do anything if you wanted me to leave... you could've just told me," he says before leaving. "Finally, that bitch is gone," I say in annoyance. "... Fanny he apologized!" Ruby says in annoyance. "He's just lying so he isn't responsible for causing a suicide!" I say and push Ruby out of the room. Once she's out, I slam the door in her face and lock it. .... What would Bubble say to me if she was here. 

"Bubble, what would you want?" I ask myself out loud. I feel a shiver on my side. Why'd I suddenly feel cold?! Whatever, I need to think about Bubble and what she'd want from me. She'd want me to live happily right? She was always friendly like that. "Fanny! Open your door, I wasn't done cheering you up!" Ruby says happily knocking on the door. "No thanks Ruby, I can't be cheered up right now," I say and look out my window. The second floor... I wouldn't die from the fall, although I wish I could. Well... there's only one way to see if I can! I have to try! I climb up my window and stand up on the sill. Looking down at the ground I think about whether I should actually jump out or not. 

I definitely won't die from that... at least I won't die from it.... unless I change a variable! I open my drawer to see what I can do to change the situation. When I look inside I see some glue and scissors. Maybe if I glue the scissors to the ground, with the blade sticking up, I'll die slowly after landing on them. That's my only idea so I'm going to try it. I apply glue to the scissors' handles and throw them one by one to the ground right outside the window. They all land exactly how I want them to on the ground, sticking up. I stand there at the window getting ready to jump out. "Fanny stop!" I hear a voice shout to me. I look out the window and near the scissors, I had just prepared and when I do, I see a cloaked figure.

 "Who are you?" I ask in confusion. I don't recognize their voice, are they from somewhere far away from here? "That's not important, what is important is that you stop, you don't have to do this, we can talk out your problems a-," the figure says before I shout, "Leave me alone! You don't understand!". I jump out of the window trying to land on the scissors before another cloaked figure swoops in and saves me. "Ugh," I say in annoyance. "What do you mean ugh Fanny... I just saved your life!" the figure says in annoyance. The tone it said that in was more of a tone that sounded like, 'I knew you'd do that,' instead of a 'what the fuck'. "Yeah you did.... but maybe, I didn't want my life to be saved.... I hate you!" I say in annoyance.

 A third cloaked figure walks over and says, "I know the situation we are in is bad but please try to cheer up,". "No why should I listen to some random strangers?!" I scream in annoyance. "Shush, don't call attention to us!" a fourth-cloaked stranger says in annoyance. There are 4 of these annoying people? "Ha, do you guys think I give a fuck about you?! I couldn't care less if Book walked over and found you all right now!!" I scream and smile. "Bra- dude, I think she's a lost cause can we just go?" one of the cloaked strangers says in fear. "No! Fanny, you will stop this right now!" one of them screams loudly. "Oh this is not gonna be good for anyone," the same scared cloaked figure says in annoyance and fear. 

That one seems the most sensible of the 4. One of them won't back down, that one was addressed by the letters Bra before the person addressing them as that quickly switched it to bro. Seems like these cloaked idiots are hiding something. "What are you hiding?" I ask in confusion. "Huh?" one of them asks in confusion. "Do you think I'm an idiot?! I know you are hiding something... I wanna know what it is," I say in annoyance. "Will it keep you from committing suicide?" the one who wouldn't back down asks in confusion. "Depends on what it is," I say normally. "..." Silence fills the area. 

The cloaked strangers look at each other and nodded. The stranger who wouldn't back down grabs the hood of their cloak and pulls it down. When she finishes, I stand there confused. "Bracelety?!" I say in shock. "Ssh, if Book or Pencil hears you, we are DEAD!!" she screams in annoyance. "That's not helpful," the scared one says still scared. "Sorry Barf Bag," Bracelety says normally. "Barf Bag?" I ask in confusion. "..." she says as she stares at something farther away. 

Author's Notes

Sorry for the long wait on a new chapter. I'm gonna try to give you all at least 2 more new chapters today, we'll see though. 

I got into a new franchise recently too! Re:Zero.

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Nickel was slain by Pencil stab cut cut.

(forget where Nickel goes so he is there now)

Roboty was slain by Pencil crush.

David was slain by Pencil.

Rocky was slain by Pencil strike strike.

Welp, see ya guys in the next author's notes.

Bye guys.

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