donut what the ****

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donut pov

"donut why would you eat gelatin" barf bag asked. "i dont know he was just annoying me" i said. "oh my sap he was right you are a killer" barf bag said. "what no" i say. "you killed firey jr and him and i dont feel like dieing now im even more scared" she said. "barfy" i say. "dont call me that only my friends can call me that donut and you are no longer my friend" she says. "w what" i say. "you heard me" she said then she held her hands on her ears. i look around bomby and spongy cover their ears to. maybe i am a just another killer. maybe their isnt a difference between me and pencil and book. maybe i should join them. i look around and see barfbag getting ready to leave with spongy and bomby to go 'hunt for stuff' i just continue to cry. am i evil or not. am i mean or innocent i dont know anymore. all i know is i didnt mean to kill firey jr and i just ugh i miss gelatin already. i think im gonna be sick thinking about him. eating a friend is distuging. "ugh so are you guys gonna go or not" i ask barfy. "uh yeah in a minute" she says. wow do i even have friends lets see who can i talk to for support on my issues. hmmmm maybe bell she likes me for who i am ever since i pointed out the people climbing her string we chatted once a month after that dfor about an hour but if she listens to my issues we might chat more often. i hear the front door open. "bye bye murder" barfy says then she spongy and bomby leave. ugh they are gone i cant believe gelatins theory is true so far ugh. well for now ill go talk to bracelety as long as i dont hurt icy she will talk to me still right hopefully. i get up from the couch and approch the stairs ready to climb them. as i start climbing the stairs for some reason i cry. i then go over to braceletys door and knock on it. i hear icy say "bracelety unlock the door and let whoevers outside in". i then hear the lock of the door click as if its being unlocked or locked. then the door starts to creeck open and i can see the vivid blue color on braceletys walls the black floor and well bracelety herself. "h hey bracelety" i say my voice trembling from fear. "hey donut what are you doing here" she asks. "uh just wanted to talk with you and possibly icy" i say. "listen donut you can come chat with us as long as you dont hurt icy or do anything bad to icy" she says. "i promise not to hurt icy" i say. tho im not even sure if that promise will be kept. "hey bracelety" i say. "yes donut" she replies. "am i any different from pencil or book" i ask. "uh yes" bracelety says. "how tho" i ask. "well youre a boy not a girl and youre round they are not" she says. "bracelety i meant personataily" i say. "oh uh that ones easy they murder you dont donut" icy says. "yeah i uh defintily dont murder" i say. "do you" icy says sounding scared. "no of course not" i say. "DONUT LEAVE YOU ARE SCARING ICY" bracelety yells. "fine i will" i say on the way out of the room i punch bracelety and icy biggest mistake of my life. i start to walk downstairs and i hear bracelety open the door very strongly and she even growled. she yells "donut where are you". i decide to run to free foods house and resort to plan b chatting with bell. i open the front door and step outside. i then hear bracelety say "donut where are you". i just start to run i notice that i have to go the long way since my 'team' is blocking the short way. ok i start to go the long way and im already out of breath. i turn around to see bracelety with a knife shes gonna try to stab me and then ill go oof i just keep running. yet she is catching up i manage to only need to run for 3 minutes i turn around again and bracelety is right there almost like she teleported to me like are we playing minecraft jeez i continue running and her knife taps me but i jump to the side. she chases me in circles i look to my left barfy smiling at this like its the best thing shes seen. i look to my right book stands there to. i look behind me thats the side bracelety is standing on. and i look in front of me i see pencil. welp im screwed. then i know that barfy is scared of me and wouldnt actually hurt me i run right past her and as i thought she does nothing bracelety chases me again and book and pencil slowly follow. i start to approach free foods house tho im still a minute away. i look behind me and again it looks like bracelety used the command /tp bracelety donut or something i then get up to the stairs of free foods house its very hot out here by the way. i go over and start knocking on the door like crazy eraser opens it and i enter and shut it. he asks me "what are you" doing but i dont stop i then lock the door. foldy comes and asks me "whats wrong donut" but i simply continue i go to their kitchen grab their tables and chairs and block the door since i dont want bracelety to enter here ever i look out the window and a message was scratched on the window it said one more wrong move and youll be ded donut from bracelety.

authors note

alrighty ill try to update as much as possible tho there are variables like my mom, school, my homework, nah jk i dont get homework, my sister and our roleplays which i enjoy, trying to make the chapters more child friendly, and there are certain characters im not allowed to kill off tho there names will NOT BE MENTIONED. also i wont be giving details on the deaths im only a kid myself so but anyway this whole chapter was donut pov do you guys enjoy more povs per chapter or less povs per chapter let me know in the comments also how do you like the cover if its not there it will be there soon.



alright so oof list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice

woody was slain by slice

yellow face was slain by dirt/ no breathe

flower was slain by poison

bubble was slain by poison/ pop from cough

Gelatin was slain by got eaten

how do you like the oof list is it good

also thank you again wolfythewerido

well you know my roblox is shoplkins

and my youtube is fnafgirllizzy

Ok let's talk gelatin right now his theory states 'each team will have 1 slainer whether it be on purpose or an accident and tho others might get close to slaining only 1 will here's that list

Slainers list
Team bleh book
Team ice cube donut
Team beep unknown
Team death pact pen
Team free food eraser
Team iance pencil
Team a better name than that unknown
Team the losers unknown
If you have any questions feel free to ask
I do write this🤔
Unknown because nobody slainer from those teams

bye my little shopkins

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