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Tennis Ball's pov

"Grassy Grassy Grassy," I say wanting to get this stupid search over with. Grassy doesn't answer. "Grassy if you don't come out here now I will take a sticker off your good boy chart!" I threaten but there's no reply. "Huh, usually Grassy would reply to that" BasketBall says confused. "What if he's in danger," I ask BasketBall with a scared expression on my face. "Oh, he better not be," BasketBall says annoyed. "Yeah if he died I'd kill myself!" Blocky adds in a sad tone. "I don't know what I'd do" BasketBall continues looking like she wants to cry. "Me neither," I say preparing for what will eventually come upon me. "We have to keep looking," I say determined. "Ok" BasketBall says trying to stop crying. 

Grassy's pov

"Grassy is so glad Grassy went out to help Grassy's team since there were no boundaries to our game of hide and seek," Grassy says happily. "Grassy is going to open this chest," Grassy says feeling happy. Then Grassy opens the chest and finds candy and pain killers. "Grassy will taste-test the pain killers," Grassy says still feeling happy. You know what Grassy will taste-test the pain killers later. Grassy is lost tho, Grassy doesn't know how to get home Grassy thinks to himself. Hmm, Grassy sees Donut tied up at Blahop's house. Grassy's gonna go check it out Grassy thinks to himself. 

Donut's pov

"Book what are you planning on doing?" I ask feeling scared. "Using your cherry filling since you can replenish it!" she says lying. "Really," I say happily. "No dummy I'm actually planning on you being my team's meal for dinner tonight," she says smiling. My eyes stray away to see Grassy over at a chest about  25 feet away. Grassy better run i think to myself. Then Book says "Got that". "Uh yeah," I reply. Then I just sit there wishing I would not be eaten as a dinner tonight but also kind of glad I would be with firey jr in heaven so he isn't alone. When Book dies she's going to H E double hockey sticks.

Barf Bag's pov

"Uh guys Donut's gone is this concerning I think this is concerning," I say stressed. "He just went out front chill," Naily says trying to calm me down. "But he's not out front," I say super stressed. "Oh he's probably just looking for more stuff," Naily says looking to the bright side. "I hope so all of our houses are about 100 feet away from each other," I say feeling a little scared. "Yeah," Naily says calmly.

Pen's pov

"Like yeah, Bubble I know but uh lets like chat with Pencil," I say happily. "Uh why she hates you remember," Bubble says. "Oh right," I say in a sad tone to make it sound convincing. "But don't worry Match you've got me and that's all that matters," Bubble says happily. "Like yeah I guess your like right Bubble," I say. This really hurts my voice I think to myself.

"Yeah," Bubble says, "Any way we don't need them. I've also been forming a friendship with Fanny and Lightning "Bubble says happily. "Oh like really?" I ask not believing anyone could be friends with Fanny. "Yeah," Bubble says smiling. "The more I listen to you the more I start to think of Pen eh probably nothing," she says stating the truth. "Yeah like nothing," I say lying. "Anyway let's just stay here in my room and chat," Bubble says coming up with a good idea. "Good like idea," I say normally.

Bubble's pov

Ok, I know somethings up. This place has smelled bad recently. I think I smell ink and Match has been sounding different. Maybe Pencil stopped using air fresheners around the house. Nah what could it be? I don't know but I'm glad Match is ok, if anything happened to her I don't know what I'd do I think to myself. "You know Match if anything happened to you I don't know what I'd do, I'd probably find someone and tell them to pop me," I say relieved. "Like at least nothing happened," Match says calmly. I swear every time Match talks I think of Pen eh probably nothing.

Nickel's pov

"Ok team so apparently we have lots of candy, some cyanide some painkillers and some bandages I think this was a successful search," I say happily. "Eh," woody says. "Woody, what do you mean no?" I ask confused. "Eh eh," Woody says. "You mean no but we found cool stuff?" I ask confused. "Ehe eheh" Woody says. "Of course I wouldn't use the cyanide to kill people. If anything I'd give people the pain killers to help them" I say reassuring Woody. "Aeh," Woody says. "Yes, Woody nothing to be afraid of here," I say calmly.

Eraser's pov

"Hey Eraser," Fries says stressed. "Oh hey, everything ok?" I ask. "No Yellow Face is missing and so is Puffball" Fries says stressed. "Oh," I say calmly. "They probably didnt return from hunting," I say calmly. "Hmm, I guess your right" Fries says starting to calm down.

Pin's pov

Oww these babies hurt and I think I will barf again maybe. I see Coiny sleeping adoreably then I look out the window and see a nightmare. It's Book she is just staring at me with a knife is she gonna kill me when Coiny's asleep. She comes in and stabs me the world flashes black for a second then I wake up. I realize it was just a nightmare Book's actually not at the window and not in the room. But Coiny is asleep... I shake him awake to talk to him about my nightmare.

Coiny's pov earlier

Hmm, Pin is sleeping peacefully so I'm gonna go to sleep to she will be fine. Then I decide to go to sleep. I dream of Pin holding up 2 beautiful babies. One of them a nice mini version of me but tinted red. The other a copper pin. Both were adorable. I didnt want to wake up from this dream. Then i felt a nudge from Pin and woke up. I'm so excited for when the babies are born I will protect them and Pin with my life.

Puffball's pov

"Yellow Face do you know the way home?" I ask hoping he does. "No" Yellow Face replies. "Then get up on top of me, I'll fly around and find the way home". "Ok," he says and gets on top of me. I flew around for about 2 hours "It's getting to be 3 pm right now" I say and continue the journey home.

Grassy's pov

Grassy decides to walk over to Donut when Book leaves. "Hey Donut," Grassy says happily. "Hey," Donut says normally. "Can you untie me," he asks hoping Grassy can.

"Grassy doesnt know how to untie things," Grassy says. But then Grassy noticed that it's just wrapped around a minecraft fence with an anvil holding it down. "Grassy will remove the anvil so you can be free," Grassy says but then Book came back.

Author's note

What will happen to donut and Grassy!!!

What will happen to Yellow Face and Puffball!!!!

Will Bubble find out!!!!

Will anyone else die!!!!!!

Death list.

Match died of cyanide.

Firey Jr died of rain.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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