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match pov these events take place after chapter ruby but match might show us flashbacks

''ugh you guys like bored'' i ask flower and bubble who just recelenty got here. ''uh no not really besides theres nothing we can do we are dead'' bubble says. we look over at flower who is sitting on her grave since we can interact with objects down there not objects as in people like ruby but as objects as in gravestones trees that arent tree etc.

 ''flower you like ok'' i ask. ''no'' flower says crying. ''flower i like get it but the past is the past we just have to get over it''. we look over at liy who has been watching taco her whole time here. death works like this there are these little windows we can go through they are sorta like portals that take us to the person of our choice.

 so if i went in pencils window id end up in the room where pencil is. ive just been spectating we can also posses things and people as well plus we are all ghosts so we have tails. anyway when woody like got here i felt sad for him its just how he died was unfair and to make matters like worse he wont even talk to us so he just sits well floats in a sitting position in the air crying alone.

 i like want to help him but i cant. firey jr says ''i hate bracelety she sucks''. i ask him ''why did you say that shes on your team''. he says ''look shes scaring them''. ''like oh yeah she is'' i say. ''yeah'' he says watching.

 i think its time we have some control i want to talk to pence pence. ill just control leafy through possesion then i can talk through her and walk as her and all im so smart. ''match what are you planning'' bubble asks knowing im planning something its very easy to read my emotions.

 ''n nothing bubble'' i say ''i know youre planning something'' she says. ''no im like not why dont you go back to watching fanny'' i say.  ''fine i will'' bubble says. ''hey guys do you think the song ruby and i sang was beatiful'' flower asks.

 ''like uh no because you were a part of it'' i say. ''hey'' she says. anyway i go to leafys window and think do i really want to do this pfff of course i want to do this. i go through and watch as leafy talks to firey about stuff i then go right to leafy and start to posses her.

leafy pov

huh whats happening i think. i then open my eyes and it looks like im in my mind. i see match i rub my eyes shes still there and it looks like she has me in a cage. she possesed me of course what does she want from me tho ugh i wonder.

match as leafy pov

''hey uh firey hate to end the conversation here but i uh got to go'' i say. ''uh oh ok leafy thanks for stopping by'' firey says. ''no problem firey'' i say. i then begin my walk to pencil. i know that pencils at team blahops house so i start heading that way.

 i then realize that pencil might try and kill me since im techinally leafy right now. i continue walking there and i start to gather up courage to knock on the door.

leafy pov

no match is gonna kill me and i dont want to die i cant take control since im possesed all i can do is watch this isnt good as soon as i regain control im headed back to firey right away i need someone to calm me down since right now im scared

bubble pov

''hey flower'' i say. ''yes bubble'' she says. ''uh match was acting weird'' i say. ''speaking of where is match'' flower says. ''i dont know maybe watching pencil'' i say. ''nah she isnt there'' flower says. ''uhhh where is she'' i say. ''I DONT KNOW'' flower screams. i then see flower watching ruby so i decide to investigate.

woody pov

im scared of everything again. what do i do im scared. i guess ill just close my eyes and pretend none of this is happening. when i open my eyes again i see bubble directly in front of me which spooked me. ''h hey bubble'' i say. 

''hey woody whats up'' she says. ''uh im scared of everything again'' i say. ''i see'' she says. ''yeah but what are you up to'' i ask. ''gonna find out where match is'' she says. ''i saw match go that way'' i said pointing to my left. ''thanks woody'' bubble says then heads that way.''no problem'' i say.

liy pov

well im glad taco has been well since i died its nice to see her talking to lollipop again i look over to my left and see woody so i fly over to him. ''hey woody'' i say. ''eh'' woody says. ''woody its ok you dont have to be scared'' i say. 

''ok'' woody says. ''hey uh liy what are you doing'' woody asks. ''uh nothing no litterally nothing'' i say. ''oh ok'' woody says. i then go back to watching taco. tho i see taco had gone to books room id have enough of that jerk so i flew away.

 i see flower she watches ruby i see that flower is crying so i go over and ask ''whats wron g flower you look depressed''. ''oh uh hey liy its just ruby and fanny think tennisball did something that snowball actually did and now as a punihment they are gonna kill golfball for no reason''. 

''wow uh flower i get it thanks for telling me'' i say. ''no problem'' she says. i then decide to fly away from her and sort all this out since what else am i gonna do ugh being dead sucks.

authors notes

we will find out what match is up to

i may eventually make more of these if i think up ideas for them

if new people die i might make more of these chapter fcused on them

my roblox is shoplkins

sorry this chapter took so long i was editing my other chapters to have quotations but i finally finished this chapter

my youtube is fnafgirllizzy

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellowface die dof being burried alive

bubble died of poison / force of coughing

flower died of poison

anyways bye my little shopkins

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