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Taco's pov

"Where is this?" I ask confused and scared. "Hi!" a light blue girl says happily. "Hi do I know you?" I ask confused. "Uh yeah you know me, don't be silly!" that same girl says in a serious tone of voice. "Uh, your name is uh Lightswitch right"? I ask guessing. "Uh, no my name's Liy," she says sternly. "Oh," I say, feeling bad. "So Liy where is this?" I ask for the second time today. "Uh, Death PACT's house" she replies frowning. "Please don't hurt me" I plead. "Uh I'm not gonna do that," she says. "Why?" I ask confused. "Because I prevent death," she says looking bored. "Oh, I heard death in the name I thought I would die," I say relieved that I'm not going to die today. 

"No silly DeathPprevention And Creating Trust that's what Death PACT stands for," she says not entertained. "Oh," I say still feeling a bit confused. "Well is this my house?" I ask confused. "No you live at team Blahop," Liy says still bored. "Team what?" I ask. "Your name and your teammate's names at once or Blahop" she replies normally. "Oh uh well I'd better get going," I say while waving. "You uh can't," Liy says in a scared tone.

 "Why not?" I ask while stopping my waving. "Because your uh teammates dared you to uh stay here for the day," Liy says lying. "Oh uh, I never lose truth or dare so I'll stay here!!" I say excitedly. "Anyway Liy who else lives here?" I ask wondering. "Uh Tree, Pillow, Black Hole, Me, Pen, Pie, Bottle, and Remote live, here," she says normally. "Oh ok well I'll have fun here," I say happily. "Yeah!!" Liy says normally.

Liy's pov

Oh, switch she is innocent. She is the only innocent one left I can't just make her sad. If she goes back to Blahop's house she'll die from Book. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? Hmm, Lollipop... she must be the answer she'll be able to explain and keep Taco here! Yeah, I'll go get her tomorrow! "Anyway Taco you don't remember who any of the people I listed are, do you?" I ask hoping she does. "Umm nope, no clue at all!" Taco says happily. "Taco why are you so happy?" I ask confused. "Because today is a great day the best day!!!" she says smiling. Yep, there is no way I'm telling her. 

Grassy's pov

"Hey, Book!" Grassy says happily. "Hello, Grassy," Book says holding something shiny with a blade Grassy has no clue what that is. "What are you doing here?" Grassy asks confused. "Nothing now oh my word is that Blocky in the sky!! I think he's skydiving!!!" Book says shocked. So Grassy looks up and sees nothing, but continues to try to find Blocky to catch him as Grassy did in episode 1!! Then grassy feels some syringe thing in Grassy's arm and the world goes black.

Blocky's pov

"Guys any luck?" I ask scared. "Nope, he's not in the house!" BasketBall says scared as well.  "He's not right outside the house either." Tennis Ball says trying to help. "Oh-air he's not hurt is he??" I ask very scaredly. "I don't know," Tennis Ball says also scared. "GOLF BALL HAVE YOU JUST BEEN SITTING AROUND" I scream feeling annoyed. "No I was building a grassy tracker and now it's done" Golf Ball replies annoyed. "Oh ok," I say relieved. 

"Now let's turn it on!!" she says excited to see if it works. "Where is he?" I ask stressed. "I don't know it's like a GPS but it doesn't tell us our final location until we are there," she says sternly. "What are you waiting for let's go" Tennis Ball adds quickly. "Ok," I say in a rushed tone. We start walking and the GPS  tells us to go left the direction of BLAHOPS HOUSE!!!! "Oh no, he can't be dead!!! He's in Blahop's house oh no no no no no NO" I scream very stressed. "Calm down Blocky," Golf Ball says trying to calm me down. "I can't," I say sadly.

Book's pov

"Hey Grassy!" I say after Grassy finally wakes up. "What did you do?" Grassy asks scared. "I used a slow kill poison... it kills in 6 hours from now!!!!" I say smiling. "WHAT!!!" Grassy screams while crying. "Book you can't just torture innocent people!!" Lollipop says angrily. "Shut it Lollipoop," I say smiling. "I don't know what you mean also don't call me Lollipoop," I say annoyedly. "I guess we are eating Lollipop for dinner tonight then team!!" I say smiling. "What no!!" Lollipop says annoyed. "You made me mad," I say arms crossed. "Please I'm so sorry," she begs. "Nope enjoy your last 6 hours of life you two... I'll see you later Lollipoop" I say then walk away.

Lollipop's pov

Oh no no no no NO I can't be eaten as dinner tonight... Then that would break Taco's heart! I mean I hate her sure but not that much to break her heart!! Only a sicko would do that right? I think to myself. I'm gonna tell Taco I'm sorry for being mad at her!! I enter her room and she's not there! Did she run away? Did Book kill her? So many questions and no answers! I feel horrible am I the reason for a suicide attempt by Taco? I don't know but if Taco's dead... being eaten as dinner won't be so bad then!

Donut's pov

"Team I'm back!" I say. "Oh, Donut we thought something bad happened to you!" Barf Bag says crying tears of happiness. "Something bad did happen Book wanted to eat me for dinner!!!" I say. "Then what?" Barf Bag asks. "Then Grassy saved me... but he got caught while I ran away!! But I saw his team going to save him so he should be fine!" I say happily. "Oh ok," Barf Bag says feeling happy. "Well, I'm glad you're safe and not in Book's stomach!" Naily says normally. "I know its great to be alive right now!!!" I say normally. "Well, we are all glad you are" Gelatin walks over and says normally. "Thanks, team," I say relieved that I'm not dead. "No problem!" my whole team says in unison.

Bubble's pov

"Match is there something you're not telling me?" I ask skeptically. "NO I mean no zilch!" she says laughing. "Match are you sure?" I ask feeling like she's hiding something. "IM SURE NOW STOP ASKING ME!!" she says angrily. "You're not Match," I say and I go cry while sitting out back of our house. That cant be Match... She hasn't said like for 2 whole sentences!!! Where is mat-... wait if that's not Match and I think of Pen. Is Pen wearing Match's body like a costume? What a sicko!! I thought he was gonna save Match not kill her!!! "I don't know what I'll do now!" I say while crying.

Pen's pov as Match

Oh hell no I messed up bad I think to myself.

Author's note!

Yes, Bubble is that smart.

Yes, Grassy is poisoned!!

Yes, Book plans to eat Lollipop in 6 hours!!!

Yes if someone doesn't remove the poison from inside Grassy... he will die in 6 hours!!!!!

Yes, Book is a sicko.

Yes, Donut is safe.

Yes, Pen you messed up bad!!

Death list.

Match died of cyanide.

Firey Jr died of rain.

That's all the deaths for now!

Bye my little shopkins!

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