"Just you... where's Tree?!"

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Bottle's pov

I walk around in circles outside for a while not knowing what to do. I can't just go in there and kill my team! They all care about me, I... can't do it! I already killed my boyfriend... Remote's gonna kill me! ... But I can't wander about out here! Eventually, Book would notice me! I've been here for hours! Ugh. 

I turn the doorknob to the house, when the door opens Remote holds Saw up as a weapon! "Woah woah, Remote chill, it's just me!" I say and sit down on our couch. "Just you... where's Tree?!" she asks with a look of confusion on her face. "..." I say nothing. "Bottle, answer me!" she screams and gets ready to punch me. 

"Pie, can you get her to her room, or will that be too stressful?" Gaty asks in confusion.  "I can bring her there," Pie says and grabs Remote's hands. Everyone is silent for a few minutes. Saw stands looking out the window. Gaty sits next to me on the couch. Pen still tries to remove the corpse from his body.

 Taco sits there looking at the wall. She hasn't talked to anyone since Pillow died. I think she thinks it's her fault, and that she's useless. "Taco, you ready to talk yet?" Saw asks in confusion. We all wait a few minutes only to receive no response. "... Fine, I'll talk to Bottle," Taco finally says. "Heh, you wanna talk to me? Sure Taco!" I say and walk to my room. Taco follows carefully behind me.

 "So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I say in a tone of fake happiness. "Bottle, don't play these games, something happened to Tree, didn't it!" Taco shouts as loud as she can. "W-Well, yes... but i-" I say before getting interrupted. "You are gonna tell me what happened right now!" Taco says in annoyance. She crosses her arms and looks away from me. "I, I just can't!" I say while crying.

 "Bottle, I'm someone you can trust, I've dealt with loss and pain, if you need help you can get it from me!" Taco says in a serious way. ... Can I though. I shouldn't have done this in the first place. I should've just asked a few people how they dealt with death. I shouldn't have talked to Book in the first place!!

 "Bottle, look, calm down, I get it if you don't wanna talk to me specifically about this, but you are gonna have to tell someone at some point," Taco says normally. "Ok Taco, I'm not ready to tell anyone yet, I'm gonna have to think for a while before I say anything," I say and lay down on my bed. Taco exits my room and shuts my door. I cry myself to sleep. 

Taco's pov

"Guys, I tried," I say as I walk out of the room. "Oh, what'd she say?" Pen asks in confusion. Seems like he's given up again on removing Match's body. "She said that she won't tell anyone, she needs time to think before telling anyone," I say normally. "Ok, well uh, do you wanna be in charge of finding out, or should I?" Gaty asks in confusion.

 "Gaty, it's my job, if she's having a serious issue... I can help her," I say normally. "Ok Taco, we'll let you handle it," Saw says normally. "Should we go look for Tree?" Pen asks in confusion. "... no," I say normally. "No?!" Pen asks in confusion. "It's clear, something bad happened to him, for all we know... his disappearance could be a trap set by Book. 

"What about Pencil?" Pen asks in confusion. "She's too dumb to think of something like this, Saw, Gaty and I have lived with Book for a long time... we know how she can be," I say normally. "Ok," Pen says normally. He seems sad from what I can tell. "Pen, did you care about Tree?" Saw asks in confusion. Pen just nods before running off to his room. Everyone here is a wreck. 

Bottle's pov

"Goodbye,". A few minutes later I open my eyes. Oh, it was just a nightmare, or maybe a dream? I get up and open my closet. If I don't start killing soon... I'll be in trouble. I walk over to Pie's room. I knock on the door. "Who's there?" Pie asks in confusion.

 "Uh, Bottle!" I say normally. "Bottle, I'm really not sure you'd want to come in here right now... Remote is mad at you for some reason," Pie says normally. "Why would she be mad at me?" I ask in confusion. "I don't know, it's probably about Tree," Pie says normally. "Oh him, I don't know where he is," I say in a lying way, that sounds legit. "Oh, no I can't believe that, he went to go get you!" Remote says in annoyance. 

"Just... we can talk this out!!" I say normally. "... let her in," Remote says defeated. "Got it," Pie says and opens the door. I walk in slowly and carefully. Remote gives me an annoyed look. "Ok so, I didn't even know Tree left the house!" I scream in annoyance and cross my arms. Suddenly I start crying.

  ".... ok, Bottle I'm sorry!" Remote says and hugs me. She then takes a knife out of her pocket and stabs me. "Oww! Remote.... we prevent death on this team!" I scream and pull out my knife. "The fact that you had a knife too, doesn't make anything better does it?" Remote asks in annoyance. I back her up into a corner. I pry open her battery compartment and take out the batteries.

 I open Pie's window and throw them out of it. "B-Bottle... you just killed her!" Pie screams and quickly calms herself down as much as she can. "...". I walk over to Pie and corner her. "Bottle, say something, your silence is creepy!" Pie says stressed out. Seems like she might explode any minute now. 

"Goodnight Pie, we can't have any witnesses now can we?" I say in an unstable tone before pushing my knife into her head. She explodes and I quickly rush out of the room. I sit in my room for a minute before rushing down the stairs. "Guys, I tried to kill Remote in self-defense but Pie got in the way,". 

Author's Notes

Sorry, it's been a while since I posted anything. 

I'll try to post a few more chapters today. 

At least I didn't cancel this book, it might've seemed like I did.

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Bye, my little shopkins.

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