X Announces That He And 4 Are Leaving

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X pov

I guess it's time to tell them I sigh. "EVERYONE attention pls," I screamed the everyone part to get their attention. "Yes, X?" Cake and Ruby said in unison.  "I have an announcement," I say frowning. Was I really gonna do this, I think to myself. Yes, I will it can't be that bad.

"But first if some of your teammates aren't here, please tell them this news alright?," I ask. "Ok," Everyone who was here said. "Alright so 4 and I will be leaving, I announce."  "WHAT?" Ruby screamed she sounded slightly scared and shocked. "Now I know this sounds bad," I say trying to calm Ruby down.

"SOUNDS BAD IT IS BAD" Ruby screamed very scared and stressed sounding. "Calm down please I don't like making you feel stressed," I say frowning. "Fine," Ruby said trying to calm down. "As I was saying we will be giving you your final challenge, survive if you die you lose your chance to win dream island," I say while doubting myself.

 "After this, when 32 of you die, we will return, and not recover any of you," I say feeling like I might cry". I then pull out my phone and tell 4 to remove the gas. "Uh what just happened could someone bring me in the loop?," Basketball asked confused. "Uh, guys if you can open the box, you can earn a reward bye guys," I say in a rush. 

Cake's pov

"X is gone," I say shocked. "Maybe 4 teleported X to him," Clock suggests. "Maybe," I reply. "You heard X guys we have to go now," Eggy says without thinking. "But guys X said there is a reward in the box". Needle says while being smart. "Oh yeah Needle you're right," I say smiling like normal. "Ok Eggy and Firey you guys go back home". "The rest of us will go open the box," I say acting like a leader.

"Got it?" I ask to confirm people had heard me. Eggy and Firey agreed and started walking home. "Ok guys come on let's go," I say still leading. We started walking to the box and opened it, Needle unlatched the latch keeping it shut. I then lifted the lid and Clock looked inside. "Oh my time," he said sounding a little surprised. 

Coiny's pov

"Don't worry Pin everything's gonna be fine," I say doubting it will. "I know," she says actually believing me.  "How'd you know, when there is the chance of me or the babies dying or the chance you could die, P Pin," I say very upset about such chances. Oh no, what have I done? I say in my head.  I hear Eggy talking with Firey as they walk in the front door.

Then angrily Eggy says  "Coiny you failure you made the pregnant woman cry". "That's unhealthy for the babies, " Eggy continued still angry. "Apologize," Firey said also realizing my mistake. "Pin I'm sorry," I say sounding sad. "Its ok Coiny," she says accepting my apology. Phew, that's a relief. "But uh Eggy, Firey what are you doing back here," I asked confused.

"X said that he and 4 will be gone for a year and, if we die we cant be recovered ever and, we will lose our chance at dream island bla bla bla," Eggy replied trying to see if we were listening. "Will you stop with the bla bla bla?," I say very irritated. "Just to see if you were listening," she said honestly. Ugh, I hate it when she does that.  

Pin's pov

Why would Coiny make me cry?, at least he apologized but ugh seriously I will live, but then I realized "Should I even have the babies or should I not I don't know"? I say not knowing I said it out loud. "Pin don't abortion the babies," Coiny said kinda upset that I would consider doing something like that. Heh heh oops, I said that out loud. "But Coiny if I have the babies someone will kill them just so they can't win dream island," I say not denying the actual truth of this messed up horror-filled world.

"Those people would be sickos," Coiny says trying to reassure me. "Coiny?," I ask ready to ask a serious question. "Yes Pin," he says not knowing what question I'll ask. "Can you make sure to protect me and my babies or baby at all costs?" I ask after deciding I'd keep the babies. "Yes," he said ready to keep that promise.

Cake's pov

"Clock what did you find!" I screamed really wondering what it could be. "It's Loser and the rest of the eliminated contestants!" he screamed back really excited. "What!" I screamed not able to believe what I just heard. "Hey, guys long time no see," Loser said happy to see his team again after all that time. "Loser," I said while sitting down and hugging him with my legs.

"Cake how are you?," Loser asks wondering how I've been. "Good," I say even tho I don't think things will be good for much longer "Now let's go home," I say feeling ready for things to hopefully be normal for a while. After a little while, we make it home. "Coiny, Pin, Eggy, Firey!" I say excited to tell them. "Yeah," they say wondering what I have to say to them. "Clock, Needle, and I found Loser!" Isay happily because Loser is back. "Oh, my gosh It's Loser," Eggy Pin Coiny and Firey say in unison excitedly.

 "I know isn't this exciting?," I say feeling the most excited I've felt since loser was eliminated back in episode 7. "Yes," Firey said feeling the same emotion I'm feeling. "Hi Loser bla bla bla," Eggy said doing her usual I have to make sure you're listening thing. "Everyone lets remember our main goal is to survive this apocalypse," Coiny says trying to place some sense into our Loser praising heads. "Ok," The rest of my team said listening to his advice.

Book's pov

"Oh Taco," I say in Taco's direction but she doesn't reply. "Taco if you don't reply to me you'll be sorry," I say ready to hurt her if she doesn't reply. "What?," she said to me rudely clearly not wanting to talk to me. "4's gone," I said smiling evilly knowing what I want to do to her. "Oh hell no," she said also probably imagine what I'm gonna do to her. "If you make any mistakes I eat you Taco," I said knowing that she will eventually make a mistake. "Define mistake," she said not knowing what my list includes.

 " Ok 1. Talking back to me, 2. Talking to Lollipop, 3. Harming anyone unless I tell you to,4. Abandoning us," I say knowing she won't be able to comply with number 4 ." Oh," she said she sounded sad probably about number 4. "Good now go to your room," I told her knowing she would put up a fight. "N- yes Book," she said and she walked away feeling upset about my rules. I could see that Teardrop heard my conversation, but she can't talk to tell anyone so we are all good there.

Teardrop's pov

Books gonna what, next thing I know she will say "Everyone our meal for the night is Taco don't eat here then starve". Book has a lot of nerve and her cover sucks, now I can't talk so I can think all I want. I then see Lollipop about to enter Taco's room this can't be good. Then I run over and shut Taco's door before Lollipop can enter. But Lollipop opens the door again and goes in and starts talking to Taco. Oh god, I feel sorry for Taco.

Taco's pov

God no it's Lollipop only thing I can do is cover my ears and close my eyes. But that just made the situation worse. When I started to uncover my ears I heard "Fine be that way you will have no friends, not even me" I just messed up bad. Now I feel depressed since Lollipop was my last friend, I almost wanted to say Book told me not to talk to you but if I did that I'd be in a lot of pain right now, and I don't want pain. 

Author's note

I didn't originally have an author's note on this chapter.

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