Will Match Be Ok And A Tiny Bit Of Beep

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Tree's pov

Oh, my seed! Oh, my seed! I need to find a chest! Yes! Please have bandages and/or painkillers and/or soup. I open it, and it's full of weapons. I bring them back home, drop them off, and continue my search. About 5 chests later I still only find weapons. It's like the world wants me to kill, but I'm not going to.

I need to save Match and ask her why she even was outside of her house instead of in it. Anyways, the next chest I open has an iPad in it. I decided to bring it home for Bottle. I checked many more chests, and by that I mean 1, and I finally found some painkillers and bandages.

I quickly rush home at the speed of light since I know Match needs these bandages or she will die.

Pen's pov

"Where is Tree? Where is Tree? WHERE IS TREE!?!". "She's losing more blood by the second, if he's not back soon, she will die, and we need to prevent her death". "She's been losing blood for about 4 minutes straight, and she is twitching, moaning, and other things proving she's alive though, much longer and she might not live!" I yell.

"Calm down Pen!" Bottle says, before laughing. "Bottle did you just laugh? Because Match WILL die!". "No, I laughed because there's Tree! He's running at a million miles at an hour!". "Oh, my ink! Tree, give me the bandages, and did you grab painkillers?". "Yes," Tree says "Here". "Thanks," I say.

I went and patched up matches cut with the bandages and then opened her mouth and gave her some painkil- "Tree no" I say. "What?" Tree asks. "You just gave me cyanide". "Oh, I uh can't read" Tree answers. I pick Match up and shake her violently hoping to get the cyanide out, but I can't, since I made her swallow them.

"I'm a failure," I say crying. "Yeah you are," Liy says. "Wait who's gonna tell Bubble?" Tree asks. "Oh, ink! Bubble! She's gonna kill us if she finds out we were the reason Match died! What do we do?". "I don't know. " Tree says. "I don't know either! " I say. Our team was a failed operation yet we tell Bottle to patrol anyway.

Bubble's pov

"I hoipe Moich woill boi okoi" I say to myself. Yep. Just me and me alone. Fanny comes over to me and says "I'm sure she's fine". "Thoinks Foiny," I say. "No problem," she says. "Fanny get away from Bubble," Pencil says, then drags Fanny away. "Oiw moin," I said and started feeling guilty of why Match is so hurt. If she's dead, Book is so dead.

Yeah, that's what I'll do! Kill Book! Good plan Bubble! You come up with genius plans! But I said that in my head, so only I heard. Now I'm going over to Death PACT's house, to check up on how Match is doing.

Pencil's pov

"Bubble needs to shut up". "Why do you hate her so much?" Fanny asked me. "Fanny I don't have time for questions right now! Go away!". "Fine, I hate you," she says. "Whatever," I say. "Ruby Bubble's sad," I say. "What do you want me to do about it?" she asks. "Nothing, let her suffer," I tell her. "Oh, ok Pencil," Ruby says. "Anyway Ruby, alliance meeting time, just me and you". "Yay!" she says.

Taco's pov

"When will I ever feel free?" I say to myself. Then I remember. I heard a knock on my door. It was Teardrop, I let her in. "What is it Teardrop?". She started acting something out, but I didn't know what so I tried to guess "You want me to run away". she started nodding her head yes. "But why?" I ask. She then tried standing on her tippy toes and running away holding my hand, yes, my hand running around the room.

"So, you're saying, run away with someone". she nods her head yes. "But who are you trying to be?". She tries to stand even higher. "Lollipop?". She nodded her head yes. "Hmm.. Teardrop you're a genius!" I tell her.

Book's pov

After being thrown over to my house, I lay stunned for a minute, before getting up and going inside. I hear Taco talking about running away with Lollipop. She seems to be talking to herself, I enter her room to see Teardrop staring at me. "Taco, I'll see you after this chat". "oh god.." she says under her breath in a scared voice. About 30 minutes later, she comes out all shaky and asks me "What do you want?" I laugh for a second. "To do this" I grab a knife and cut off her arms and leave the room.

Taco's pov

I scream very loudly. This hurts so damn bad! So damn bad! I hear voices outside my door, I'm stuck lying on the ground. I would get up but my arms are gone. Now I'm just scared, sad, alone, and probably a super dumb idiot. Everything is wrong about me.

Bottle's pov

"Guys! We have another emergency! " I scream. This time no one comes over. "Guys!" I say. but still, no one. "Liy!" I say. "What?" she says. "You gotta help me!". "No Bottle, I'm done preventing death". "I guess I'm on my own".

"Everyone, I'm leaving, if I'm not back come for me". No one replies they are all too busy helping Pen calm down while he holds Matches dead body. So I open the front door and leave.

Woody's pov

"I'm scared, " I say. "Woody, don't be, it doesn't look like anyone has died yet! So there's nothing to fear! " Nickel says. "I guess you're right," I say. "I know I'm right," Nickel says. "Thanks, Nickel," I say "No problem," he says. Nickel is a great person! He really knows how to lighten one's mood. I think to myself.

Nickel's pov

I'm glad to have helped a fellow teammate. As long as we all are fine with each other, we won't turn on each other! I wonder how everyone else is doing. Eh, they're probably all doing great!

Author's notes

Some stuff to clear up confusion

Match is dead she did swallow the cyanide.

I will make a death list also 33 people will die

Match died of cyanide

No one else dead yet

Anyway yeah

Bye my little shopkins

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