bracelety thanks

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bracelety pov

i hope icy will decide to stay im thinking this as im almost home icy still hasnt woken up wait i better be careful i mean i was just running full speed back to my house. i turn around to see that icy is flying like a kite. oh so beatiful wait icys gonna die. so i start running in circles to catch her and i succesiful catch her she does feel a little cold but hey thats normal. i knock on my team base the windows are currently patched up since book blocked the windows of every house but hers. so i knocked but my team didnt let me in and book was chasing me. ''please let me in'' i scream. ''oh its bracelety come on in'' barf bag said. i rushed in and locked the door donut looked at me with a confused face. 

donut pov

''whats up bracelety'' i ask. ''uh i got icy'' bracelety replied. ''oh thats why we have icys clothes you want her to stay here''. ''wait a minute YOU WANT HER TO STAY HERE'' i screamed. ''oh uh yeah whats wrong with that'' i ask. ''book will MURDER us'' i scream. ''its not like she can unlock the door'' bracelety says. then we hear stapy asking to be spared coming from right outside.

icy pov

''wh wha where is this''. i look around bracelety captured me awwwwww she loves me truly i  dont love her truly  but i wont tell her. then i hear walking and see bracelety coming over. ''oh my god icy youre awake'' she says. ''uh yeah but uh i  uh dont think book will uh be very happy about this'' i say. ''phhh who cares about her all i care about is you icy'' bracelety said. ''uh bracelety would you kill people just to be with me'' i ask. ''phhh what no bracelety'' says sweating. looks like there is a yandree. ''i just uh have to go the kitchen to uh grab something'' bracelety said. she came back out with a knife. ''anyone tries to steal icy they DIE understand'' bracelety said. her entire team shock their heads yes. then we hear metal clanking the door.

book pov

''oh stapy im gonna need something'' i say. ''pls dont hurt me'' stapy says. ''oh i wont'' then i  push his head down to produce a staple i tell him he can go now and i start trying to unlock the door. i hear icy inside so i know she needs rescuing. i continue to work on the lock and then the lock brakes so the door will open. i slowly and carefully start to open the door. ''ok icy lets go'' i say. then an unexpected attack from bracelety and black out. next thing i know im back in my teams base without icy and im very injuired an entire chunk of my cover is missing and i look like i came straight out of a horror movie. i might draw that. i notice that the back of me has a chunk missing on the bottom and the front of me has a piece missing on the top im lucky to be alive.

pencil pov earlier

''hey dora wheres book'' i ask. ''dada DA da da DA dA'' she said. ''oh she went to team ice cubes base to save icy'' i asked. ''D'' she said. ''yes hmm well i better go check on her''. when i get there she is on the ground looking like she came straight out of a horror movie i see baracelety with an evil grin and pick book up and start running. knives getting thrown at me but i dodge them like a boss i make it home put book down and go on my quest to get the bandages.

bracelety pov earlier

''ok icy lets go'' i hear book say. i start to notice icy getting up to go so i run over to book and cut off part of her cover she ly there in pain i turn her over nd again cut off part of her cover she passed out now i then breathe a sign of relieve then i see pencil carrying her and start yeeting knives at pencil but she dodges litterally all the knives.

icy pov

'℃oh my ice is book gonna be ok'' i ask bracelety. ''i dont know but really who cares'' she says. ''i do'' i say i run upstairs to firey jrs room knowing he died in the rain a little while back and start crying. ive been kidnapped by a yandree can my situation get any worse. of course it got worse bracelety came in the room trying to cheer me up acting like she didnt just hurt or kill my BEST FRIEND. ''thanks for trying bracelety but i need to be left alone right now'' i say. bracelety nods and leaves the room. i sit there crying i decide to sketch how book looked  then i can hug it to remind me of book since i loved her most but before i could start sketching i fell asleep. authors note i might sketch it tho. 

bracelety pov

''no one talks to icy right now or'' i hold the knife smiling evily ''you get stabbed''. ''got it'' donut said the rest of the team just nodded. i saw how most of them were watching the tv so i snuck back in to icys room and just sat in the corner sketching her she has a worried face right now and she asleep its just so cute i then just sit there. 

donut pov

''what do we do'' i ask the rest of my team. ''what do you mean'' barf bag asks. ''about bracelety'' i say. ''let her do what she wants its safer for all of us shes stronger than book we wouldnt stand a chance'' barf bag said. ''ok'' i said. we then go back to watching loomian legacy tutorials on youtube hoping we wouldnt be killed anytime soon tho all of us were scared as hell.

authors note

yes icy loves book not bracelety

yes bracelety is a yandre

yes loomian legacy again

yes braceletys team is allowing her to do what she wants

also if the creator of survive is reading hi clowntownusa

thanks to clowntownusa for inspiring me to start writing

 i will most likely eventually do those sketches

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died if rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being burried alive

thats all deaths for now also

my roblox is shoplkins

again thanks to clown town usa

you can draw fan art of this story

you can make vids of you reacting to the story

bye my little shopkins

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