Match? Were you there?

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Pencil's pov

Now that Nickel's dead, I can move on to my next victim... Roboty. I will kill this entire team. No one's gonna miss team Beep. No one ever talks about them or comes to visit them. They barely go visit other people too. I quickly and quietly enter his room and crush him with heavy stuff. It didn't really take that much effort to kill him. There was no fun there. I go over to David's room and kill him too. 

That one was a bit harder as he wasn't dying but eventually, after much effort, he finally died. I think it over, if we need to kill tons of people... Balloony and Cloudy aren't home right now... I could kill Rocky right now and then leave! I walk back over to Nickel's room to see Rocky sitting there upset. I grab a pickaxe from my pocket and strike Rocky's head with it. He cries in pain and dies pretty quickly after just a few strikes.

 Now I just wait here for Cloudy and Balloony to get back. Did I just take out a whole team?! I thought I'd slow down on the killing. Know what no, right after this, I'm going straight to The Losers' house to ask Leafy about the whole Match situation. Was she actually possessed at that moment? Was Match actually there?! I need to know the answer!! Many many minutes pass as I sit here bored. 

It's very lonely being alone, oh well. Many more minutes pass as I'm still bored waiting for the two love birds to come back home. "Guess I'll kill them some other time, this is getting boring,". I exit Beep's house and head towards The Losers'. I've done enough killing for today so it's time to go be friendly. When I'm pretty close I see a stupid boy approaching.

 What's this fool doing? Isn't he scared of me? I-Is that a knife?! I pause in my tracks and approach the boy. He stares at me... here comes the fear. Who does he think he is? Trying to kill me.... honestly... a somewhat justified choice. I push off that feeling and stab him. Looking up at his window I see Foldy just crying. I turn away and continue walking to The Losers' house. 

Firey's pov

"Leafy!!" I shout as I rush up the stairs. I rush back into my room but can't find her anywhere. Where is she... I don't have much time. "Leafy!!" I shout and continue rushing around. I knock on her door hard. "Firey, what's wrong... I heard you screaming!" Leafy says as she opens her door.

 "Well I didn't find Coiny anywhere, but on my way back I saw Pencil exit Beep's house and she's coming this way!!" I say in between breaths. "What... what do you mean Firey?!" Leafy asks in an alarmed way. "Pencil, you know, a killer, is coming to this house!" I say normally. "No, no, no, she can't be... what does she want?" Leafy asks in confusion. 

"I... don't know," I say normally. "Firey, guard my door, I'll go be the brave one who talks to her, if you hear me scream you come to save me!" Leafy says and walks down the stairs. "Why is there screaming?" Pin asks from the other side of the door sleepily. "Go back to sleep Pin, you'll be fine," I say normally. "Got it Firey," she says and gets back on the bed.  

Leafy's pov

Who does Pencil wanna kill today? Why else would a killer be coming up to my door? I feel Evil Leafy wanting to come out and kill her. I quickly take a few deep breaths and calmly sit down on the couch. A minute or so later Pencil knocks on the door. "I'm not here to hurt you," she says normally. "How should I believe you... you hurt many people... you killed part of your own damn team you bitch!" I scream in annoyance.

 I'm probably flashing from green to red. "... you shouldn't," she says normally. "You came here for a reason did you not?" I ask in annoyance and cross my arms. "Yes," she says normally. A minute passes. "Well spit it out," I say in annoyance. "Leafy... I need to know... was Match's ghost actually there... did she actually come to talk to me?!" Pencil asks in confusion. "Oh, this is about that bitch... yeah she was there," I say normally.

 Pencil makes her hands into fists. She puts one of them into her pocket. "Looks like you need a reminder on why you shouldn't call her a bitch!" Pencil says and pulls out a piece of the dead Rocky. She yeets it at me. "Why'd you give this to me?!" I ask in annoyance. "Because, you called Match a bit, so I gave what you deserve sadness," Pencil says in annoyance and turns to leave. "Bye bitch," I say in annoyance. "Oh yea Leafy, did Match's ghost tell you who killed her?" Pencil asks in confusion. 

"No, and I don't know who killed her," I say and stomp upstairs. Pencil exits my house. "Ughhhhh!" I say in annoyance as I head to my room. "What's wrong?" Firey asks when I get there. "Ugh, it's just Pencil, she gave me this," I say and place the piece of Rocky on the ground. "Is that!?" Firey asks in confusion. "It's Rocky, she fucking gave me a piece of dead Rocky,". "Why would she do that?!" Firey asks in confusion. 

"Because I called Match a bitch," I say in annoyance. "Well, you were right for doing that!" Firey says in annoyance. "I know that," I say in annoyance. "Hey, guys, Teardrop and I are back from well... Coiny's death place," Needle says in a sad tone. I feel sick. "What?! Coiny's dead?!" I say in shock. "Mhm, I don't know how we'll be able to keep Pin happy," Needle says normally. "... I'll deal with this," I say and enter my room. 

Author's Notes

I'll be trying for 1 more chapter today!

You know that feeling when you feel sick but you write anyway :0

Well, that's me right now!!

In all seriousness... I'm gonna try to keep up with this book more often.

Gonna be difficult as my show is moving into animating sometime in April hopefully, so that won't leave much time for Wattpad.

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Bye, my little shopkins!

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