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puffball pov

where am i this isnt right out front of the house i notice that im crammed and that since this is a pretty small space ill probably die in least then 3 minutes from now. if only i knew where i was the ceiling the ground and the walls are brown hmmm huh i feel the wall next to me moving the slightest bit the ceiling also slighty cracked. it tastes like dirt i would know since i actually played eat the dirt with marker. but dirt is gross if someone doesnt get me out of here ill just have to ugh eat the dirt.

fries pov

"yawn" looks like its time to get up. ''its a beatiful day outside birds are chirping flowers are blooming but alas yellowface and puffball hopefully wont burn in hell''. but eh i think theyll go to heaven theyll be fine. i go outside to hunt for things in chests. but i decide to go check on the grotatoes i planted in the backyard. when i get there my growtatoes lay dead in a pile and where they used to be there are 2 graves one for yellowface and one for puffball. but they were missing i thought. i come next to puffballs grave and just start crying. 

puffball pov

from in this dumb dirt i hear fries crying. i start screaming for help knowing i have about a minute to live i look up and start eating the dirt bleh dirt tastes gross i almost throw up multiple times while eating this dirt i hear yellowface he made his dying sound so i think he just died but i see sunlight coming from outside.

fries pov

''oh puffball you were my best friend now i will join you'' i say. i walk inside to grab one of our guns. ''i cant believe she actually died i had so hope left but now i dont and i will commit suciside''. i walk the two minute walk through the yard its surprising that even tho 4 doesnt care about us he still bought each team a mansion like theres a pool in this yard there is even a built in playground with a ball pit each of us has our own sled for the winter. oh puffball would have loved to live till winter and place me on the sled she would have pushed it down and we would have both laughed she and i would have laid in the beatiful snow that happens in winter and we would make snowangels. in fact puffball and i made snowangels last year to but alas she is gone ''i wont suicde since thats not what she would have wanted''. i turn around to see a hole form in the dirt i do whats best and grab some more dirt to fill the hole since the dirt must be caving in.

puffball pov

what whoevers out there they keep putting the dirt back i dont have enough oxygen down here to breathe much longer approximently 30 seconds of oxygen left this time i start chomping the dirt but they still refil it luckily the rate im eating at is more than the rate they are refilling eventually the hole doesnt have any dirt. so i fly out and take the biggest breaths of air ever.

fries pov

''p puffball youre alive'' i  ask. ''y yup i just c couldnt breathe in t their''. ''im so so sorry i almost killed you'' i start crying. puffball tells me its ok. but i tell her its not i also tell her how i went looking for her and gave up tho she told me im how she got back home. i ask her if we should try to get yellowface out but she said nope he died in the hole. sad i know but we all will have a proper funeral for him later. i tell eraser and foldy since they were the only ones awake at the time of the burrying that it isnt nice to burry alive people in the ground. eraser and foldy appogized and told me they thought they were murdered out front of the house. puffball said ''oh really wouldnt there have been rainbows''. eraser and foldy were silent after that. ''puffball do you forgive me'' eraser asked. ''yup'' puffball said. foldy asked the same thing and got the same response. ''im glad everything is back to normal'' i say. ''me to'' puffball says.

foldy pov

i go upstairs to my room and talk with stapy and marker about the whole puffball thing and they say ''hey dont blame yourself you and eraser thought they were dead marker and i thought the same thing in fact if we were awake we would have helped cause we wouldnt have known either stapy'' finally said. ''oh thanks'' i say. ''no problem'' stapy says. then i say ''who wants to play loomian legacy''. ''me'' marker said. ''me'' stapy said. so we sat there for the rest of the day playing loomian legacy we even beat the first battle theatre and we found a gleaming pyder. tho we didnt evolve it yet eventually stapy and marker fell asleep instead of going outside tonight i went to sleep to.

fries pov

''puffball are you tired'' i ask. appearntly puffball was tired since she already fell asleep. i sit there thoughts on everything thats been going on lately all the dying all the almost dying ugh its just so stressful i play some loomian legacy to take my mind off the stress i share an account with my teammates so i jus start gleaming hunting but i dont find any gleamings a while later i feel tired so i fall asleep laying with my head on my computer which i hooked up to the tv using a hdmi cable. i wonder what ill dream about tonight.

puffballs pov in her dream

''fries fries where are you''. ''grrrrrrrrrrrrrr'' i hear. ''where are you fries''. i turn around and see fries as a zombie he got right out of his grave his face was all green he had green ooze dripping out his mouth then he bit me i wake up in pain where fries from the dream bit me eh probably just me.

what will happen next

will we ever know why puffball is in pain 

did fries actually bite puffball in real life to

is the dream a signal for the future

find all that out and more next time

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellowface died of being burried alive

death list stops here for now

bye my little shopkins

my roblox is shoplkins

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