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Puffball's pov

"Guys, come quick, Fries is dying!" I scream from the kitchen. I start crying and he pets my head weakly. This is the worst thing that could ever happen. Why'd this have to happen? When all the killing started, I had hoped that Fries and I would survive! "Puffball, shush, I'll be fine," he says weakly. "What kind of monster could've done this?" Foldy asks in a confused way. "I don't know but whoever it is, I'll get revenge!" I reply before crying some more. "Wow you're acting like Ice Cube or something," Foldy says and rolls her eyes. "Shut up Foldy!" I scream and cry. "I think I might know who it was," Bell states in a sad tone. 

"Really?!" I ask in a happier tone. "Yes, but I'm not telling you who it was," Bell says in a normal way. Really?! She's not gonna tell me! She's not gonna tell me what kind of monster would allow Fries to die?! She really won't! "Bell, I'm super mad at you!" I say before floating away to my room.

Bell's pov

I couldn't just tell her. It seems like there's some drama between Donut and his team... I don't want him to be lonely. I don't want him to be hated, I don't want him to get hurt. "Bell, you really couldn't have just told her?" Foldy asks in a confused way. "I bet you it was Donut, he's the only killer in this house," Stapy says and crosses his arms.

 "Ooh, that's a really good guess Stapy!" Foldy says before walking away with him. Marker followed them back to Foldy's room. I decide to go over to the room where Donut is. I know he needs some sleep but I'm not sure it's best for him to be here right now. I enter the room in a sad way. I go back and forth a little bit to make some ding noises to wake him up. 

"Bell, I was asleep, why'd you have to do that?" he groans as he sits up. "Sorry Donut, but I realized that it's time for you to leave," I say in a sad tone. "Huh, why?" he asks and gives me a confused look. "As you know this whole team knows you killed Lollipop before and now they know you're killing Fries!" I say in an annoyed tone. 

"Oh... right, Bell I'm so sorry," he says in a sad tone. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it!" I say in a normal way. "Thanks, Bell, you're the only one who doesn't think I'm a monster!" he says in a normal way.

 "I don't know where you'll go, but at this point... Puffball's gonna become a problem and even tho she can't do much to harm you, she'll just ask Stapy or Eraser to do it instead, Eraser is very dumb and would probably agree due to how much time he spends with Blocky and Snowball," I say and sigh. "I see, I can't just leave, I have nowhere to go! Maybe I can lock myself in here, right?" Donut suggests in a normal way.

 "No Donut, it's best if you leave... maybe go back to your place to live?" I suggest calmly. "I can't, you were literally just watching out for Bracelety and you know she's furiously mad at me!" Donut screams and begins crying. "Just uhh sneak into your room, cook food at night while they sleep, and don't let them know you're there?" I suggest not sure if it would work. "Bell you know that won't work, but I guess I'll give it a try," Donut says before leaving the house. He quickly hides in a bush. I feel really bad for him. No one deserves any of this, it's 4's fault. 

Stapy's pov

"Hey guys, where do you think he's going?" I ask in a confused way. "Honestly Stapy, I have no clue where that murderer is going, but why should we care?" Foldy asks in confusion. Marker turns and looks out the window. "He seems to be going near his team's place," Marker says in a normal way.

 "Didn't he have a reason to live here, why would he be going back there, wouldn't he try someplace like The Losers house next?" I ask in confusion. "Well yes, that is a logical next place to go," Foldy says in a normal way. "He'd just mess up everything up if he went there," Marker says actually saying something smart for once. "Oh yeah, I guess that is true, how many deaths have even happened there?" Foldy asks in confusion.

 "I think... none so far," I say in a sad way. "Why'd you say that in a sad way?" Foldy asks in confusion. "Oh uh, it's just that they're doing better than us," I say and roll my eyes. "Why don't we just visit them later?" Foldy asks in confusion. "Why would we need to visit them?" Marker asks in confusion. "I think Foldy's saying that if we go there, they can give us tips on how to stay alive," I say with a grin.

 "Yeah! There won't be any more deaths here ever again if that happens!" Foldy says with a smile. "Oof, now would not be a good time to leave though," Marker says still looking out the window. "Why would it not be a good time?" I ask in confusion. Last I checked Book and Pencil were both in their house! "Pencil's wandering around outside, she just came from Beep's house, now she's just wandering, who knows what she'll do to us if we go out there!" Marker says in a stressed way.

 "Which way is she wandering?!" Foldy asks in a concerned way. "Uhh, she's wandering towards The Loser's house!" Marker says in a sad tone. "What?! They haven't had a death yet... I'd love to help them keep it that way!" I say in a stressed way. "Stapy, there isn't much we can do, if we go outside we might die!" Foldy screams and leans against me. "Well, I'm gonna try!" I say and open the door to this room. "Stapy no!" Foldy screams but I slam the door shut and lock it. I can't have her getting hurt! "Stapy!" she screams once more as I hop down the stairs.

Author's Notes

I might try for another chapter today!

Who knows how that'll go!

Bye my little shopkins!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

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