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nickel pov

as i wonder why a piece of  a purple flip flop was on the ground since our shoes are color coded. rocky and i wear gray woody wears brown cloudy well he doesnt have feet balloony and leafy they wear green yet leafy stays with the losers she visits us sometimes vice versa david he wears white shoes with gray on them so uh yeah no one hear wears purple i was also wondering about the three tracks i begin my long journey on the stairs to woodys room and well it starts to feel longer than it should. when i arrive outside the door i hear an "eh" sound like when woody would chat with someone he sounded a little frightened but he always sounds frightened then i hear an "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" sound he only make that sound when hes hurt i open the door to see book and pencil standing there cutting woody with saw i dont know why but i go over and try to kick book in the face unlucky for me since pencil is here she just grabs me and blocks me so i cant do anything but watch at that point pencil is holding me to face woody while leaning on the door keeping it shut the rest of our team are outside the room trying to come in balloony screams from the other side of the door "whats happening in there''. i scream back  ''books'' pencil then holds the door with one hand still leaning on t while covering my mouth with the other. i try to talk but cant heh now i know how teardrop feels in life heh then the screaming in the room dies down even tho i can still hear it in my mind and the moment i open my eyes i know why woody was fully sawed in half. pencil and book just open woodys window and leave. balloony still tries to come in the room and even tho pencil left he cant open the door balloony screams ''nickel unlock the door'' i tell him i can hear him and he doesnt need to scream i then unlock the door and the whole team comes flooding in knocking me over onto the ground balloony asks ''what happened'' as i sit in front of woodys bed and say ''nothing''.

balloony pov

''nickel whats wrong'' i ask ''nothing'' he replies. ''well wheres woody'' i ask. nickel motions his foot to point up after that we all had a moment of silence for woody. ''how'd he die'' i ask. ''book and pencil came in here and staring sawing through him they only thought about locking the door after i came in and i couldnt do anything but watch'' nickel said. ''woah buddy lets chill do you need any ice cream people love to eat that when they are sad''. ''sure'' nickel said and we started to walk downstairs. i could tell nickel was still stressed and confused.

nickel pov

even tho i found out who was in the room why was there a piece of a purple flip flop 4 color coded everyones shoes.  i realize that the only contestants that are purple are marker and lollipop so either lollipop was in on this or book stole lollipops shoes and was wearing them or something the 3 people that were n that room definitly explain the 3 tracks of dirt they wouldnt know our rules or care about our rules either. ''i cant believe pencil made me watch'' i say as i take another bite of this delicious vanilla ice cream. ''i mean im so tramatized now or whatever'' i say and again take a bite of the ice cream. balloony being the good friend he is let me just talk nonstop to him while eating ice cream what a scary day today was.

cloudy pov earlier

''so ballony today is gonna be  good day wont it''. ''yep cloudy nothings gonna go wrong today''. ''so balloony how do you feel about being my best friend'' i ask. ''oh cloudy its amazing theres no one id rather be with then you''

balloony pov

the things i said durning my chat with cloudy earlier well the about being his best friend part is probably the only thing brightening my day. ''but now i have to go nickel i have to talk to little one''. i start walking on the stairs to see rocky crying on the floor i see te most beatiful vomit art of woody ever it says things like eeh eah wah wah and others next to it above it all it says rest in peace woody you will be missed. ''rocky you made all this for woody''. then i hear a ''bleh'' and rocky writes yes using the barf ''oh ok rocky you really miss woody dont you''. again i hear a ''bleh'' and rocky writes yes. since rockys bed is in the middle of his room i look on the other side and its a barf potrait of the whole team each of us has our name over our head but woodys face is crossed off.

book pov

''saw wasnt that just a lively experience''. ''no book it wasnt first you made me kill woody second you went out the window then you snuck in to rockys room and made me make an x over woodys face in the beatiful vomit art rocky made today was the worst day EVER'' saw said. ''you take that back'' i said. ''why'' saw said. ''when we get home gaty gets cut''. ''no im sorry book''. ''thats what i thought also saw to correct you the day taco abandoned us was the worst day ever''. ''BOOK FOR THE LAST TIME TACO DIDNT ABANDON US'' saw screamed. ''oh really where was she with the swing challenge huh'' i ask. ''IN A JAWBREAKER'' saw screamed.  ''oh wait what a shame that i killed her then''. ''actually liy saved her and even tho you killed liy you didnt kill taco you tried to kill taco'' saw said. ''hmmm thanks for telling me saw'' i said with a smile.

saw pov

what the ****  have i done.

authors note 

woody is dead boo hoo

leafy does switch between houses

theirs clothes are color coded

4 also got them wigs they are color coded to but of course they dont have to wear their wigs

the piece of the flip flop was lollipops and book stole lollipops flip flop 

reason lollipop isnt wearing her flip flop cause she was in her own house and then blocky saved her and she didnt have time to put her flip flops on

book was wearing lollipops flip flop 

rocky vomit art was pretty

i might eventually make a cover tho probably not 

death list

match died if cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

also credit to the book survive for inspiring me to write this book

bye my little shopkins

also my roblox is shoplkins

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