I'm So Excited!!!!!!

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Ruby's pov

"Guys, when do you think Fanny will get back?" I ask wondering. "Hm probably sometime soon... but it depends on if she got Golf Ball yet" Lighting replies. "Yeah, I guess you're right I just hope it's soon," I say frowning. "What was that?" Snowball asks. "Um, it sounded like kicking!!" Lightning replies. "Maybe it's Fanny!!!!" I say excitedly.  "Look, you aren't sad anymore!" Lightning says. "Yeah, I guess I'm, not," I say smiling. Then I walk over to the door and open it. Behind it, I see Fanny with a huge bag. 

"Fanny, what's in the bag?" I ask. "I hate the person that's in this bag!!" she says angrily. "Is it Golf Ball... it better be Golf Ball?" I say angrily. "It is, she needs to die for what her boyfriend did!!" Fanny says smiling. "Yeah, it's time to avenge Flower," I say feeling excited. "How should we kill her?" Snowball asks smiling. "Well she's hard to kill and she sinks, so I suggest drowning her!" Lightning says. "Lightning... I didn't know you want to kill her too?" I said with a confused look. "Oops, I shouldn't have helped you guys," he says frowning.

Golf Ball's pov

WHAT... they are going to KILL ME for NO REASON!!! I think to myself. This is horrible! I think to myself while crying. UGH STOP CRYING I hear Fanny yell. I try to say "fine" but it just comes out as muffled sounds due to the duct tape that is on my face. "When should we drown her?" I hear Snowball ask. "I don't know, maybe in an hour," Fanny says. Tennis Ball better save me I think to myself while silently crying.

Snowball's pov 

"I can't believe we are actually gonna kill Golf Ball over something I did!!!" I say then quickly say "oops." "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!!!!" Lightning yells. "Um, nothing," I say. "Lightning why'd you scream that?" Ruby asks. "Did you seriously not hear him?" he asks confused. "No, I didn't I'm trying to ignore him ever since he was annoying me!!" she says. "I'm just gonna go now bye!!" I say then run.

Lightning's pov

"Ruby, I can't believe this... the one time something important is said on this team and you MISSED IT!!!!" I shout. "Pretty much," she says. "Fanny, did you hear him?" I ask. "No, I hate him so I ignored him too," she says. "You two are completely useless!!" I say. "No, you're useless Lightning," Ruby says. I then decide to fly over and shock her. "Y'know what, if you two are going to kill an innocent then maybe I'll just leave... I'd rather die out there than be stuck with you two!!!!" I scream and leave.

Ruby's pov 

"Should we feel bad for Lightning?" I ask concerned. "Nah he was stupid anyway," Fanny says. "Oh ok then... I'm excited to kill Golf Ball... you are to right Fanny?" I ask. "Yep, super excited it's gonna be the most entertaining thing I've ever done!!!" she says. "I know me too!!" I say smiling.

Lightning's pov

I start to think about everything that is annoying me as I fly back and forth. "Hey Lightning what's up!" I hear from a familiar voice. I look down to see Book there. "I may be dumb but not enough to talk to you!!" I say directly to her. "From the looks of it.... you just did!" she says. "Just shut up.... what do you even want from me?" I ask. "Lightning all I want is to help you calm down!" she says. "Really? This seems sketchy" I say. "Lighting what do you mean?" she asks. 

"You know exactly what I mean... YOU'RE A KILLER... so why would you suddenly start helping people out?" I scream angrily.   "Especially after killing for so long.... it just doesn't make any sense!!!" I scream. "I can't switch sides?" she asks pretending to be confused. "Fine if you want me to continue killing, I'll do it!!" she says. "No that's not what I meant.... if you are actually stopping that's good and you should stop!!!" I say trying to be calm. "Ok, so what seems to be making you so upset??" she asks.

"Ugh, it's just Ruby and Fanny... want to kill an innocent and whenever something important happens they just miss it!!" I say arms crossed. "That must make you really mad huh?" she asks. "Yes, it does... that's why I flew away to chill by myself." I say frowning. "Well, when I get angry I would just take my anger out on others! Whether that means I stab them or just yell at them a bunch," she explains. "Well, I don't want to stab anyone," I say.

"But what about yelling at them?" she asks. "That could actually work!" I say happily. "See we found a nice pacifist solution," she says excitedly. "Yep, I'm gonna go back home and try it right now!" I say excitedly. "Alright bye, Lightning!" she says and waves. "Bye Book!" I say and fly away while also waving.

Book pov

Perfect that worked! Soon enough my helpers and I will be the only ones left and I can win dream island!! I say in my head. Hm, I'm gonna go watch from right outside their house.

Ruby pov 

"I'm getting tired of waiting can we just kill Golf Ball now??" I ask impatiently. "Nope, not yet," Fanny says. "Hey, guys!" Lightning says as he floats back into the house. "Hey, Lightning you feeling better?" I ask. "Eh, a little bit," he says smiling. "That's good to hear," I say. "Hey, Ruby guess what!" he says. "What is it Lightning?" I ask. "THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU!!!! YOU UPSET EVERYONE YOU TALK TO AND EVERYONE WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF YOU JOINED YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!" he screams. 

"Oh ok.: I say crying. "Same message for you Fanny!!" he says. "WELL MAYBE ID RATHER BE WITH BUBBLE.... also how did you know about us dating?" she asks. I didn't I just assumed since you care about her so much that at least you had a crush on her. he says logically. "Well, you're the worst person ever!" she says angrily.  

Author's Note!!!

Ok so over the year that I have been writing this book, I have gotten better so the grammar and stuff is way better here than in most chapters! Sorry for the inconsistency!

Lightning can be fooled tho clearly!

Don't know why Fanny and Ruby are so stupid? Actually I do since I wrote this!

Death List

 Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Bye my little shopkins!!!!

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