sb is weak?

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ruby pov

"alright so snowball how do you deal with sadness" i ask. "hmm im never really sad so i cant help you with that one sorry ruby" he says. "nah its ok snowball i was only wondering" i say. 

"why tho is it about this whole thing since 4 left" he asks. "nah not everything just flower" i say begining to cry. "hey dont cry im sure flower wouldnt want you to cry right" he says. "i guess so" i say.

flowers ghost pov which again they cant see or hear

"snowball is so mean when a girl cries you have to let them cry it is a rule of girls of course he wouldnt know because he is a boy not a girl" i say. 

"flower you can stop complaining" bubble says. "sure bubble" i say. "thanks it was giving me a headache" she says. "i understand" i say. 

ruby pov

"see dont you feel much better" snowball says. "uh no i dont i feel like crying but you arent letting me sb" i say. "so where is fanny" snowball asks. "uh she is gonna kill golfball since we want revenge" i say.

  "oh ok cool she deserves death" he says. "yeah im mad that she lasted longer than flower like thats illegal" i say. "hmm i guess so" he says. "of course it is" i say. 

"please dont be annoying ruby" he says. "what me annoying never" i say. "oh you are always annoying" he says. "no im not" i reply back. "im pretty sure you are" he says. "NO IM NOT" i scream. 

lightning pov

"can the both of you just stop screaming already its giving me a headache" i say. "oh hey lightning how long have you been there" sb asks. "oh i uh just left my room now to shut you to up" i say. 

"whats so wrong with a tiny headache" ruby asks. "uh i explode in to a bunch of wild electricy which can cause earthquakes but that only happens when i have headaches to big" i say. 

"oh ok we will be quiet" sb says. "thanks anyway what were the arguments about" i ask. "oh uh it was about how annoying ruby is" sb replies. "snowball ruby isnt annoying she is just very upset about flower and" i say getting intruputed by sb.

 "for how long lightning how long do i have to be nice to her about it when can she just get over it already" sb says. "uh sb you arent a girl so you wouldnt know how she feels" i say. 

 "neither are you lightning" he says. "yeah but before all this i would actually hang out with the team you just went to go talk to your bros every day" i say. "yeah youre right" he says. 

we then hear ruby crying. "now sb let her cry please" i said. "ruby come to my room" i say. "thanks lightning" she says and we begin walking over to my room. "lightning can i talk to you about flower" she asks. "uh sure" i say.

ruby pov

"lightning sometimes i feel as if her death was my fault" i say. "how so" he says. "if i was just paying attention to her we would have figured out about the poison long before we did and we couldve prevented her death" i say crying a little in between every word.

 "ruby it isnt your fault why would you even think that it was" he asks. "because i miss her and this is what happens when you miss someone right" i ask. "yes" he says. 

"you dont know how it feels" i say. "ok so maybe i dont know what love feels like but i just want to make everything better ok" he says. "ok lightning" i say. "hmm how can i help you feel better" he asks.

 "i dont know" i say. "well you can come cry in here whenever you want" he says. "ok thanks" i say before continuing to cry. 

lightning pov

"snowball can i talk to you" i ask. "sure whats up lightning" sb says. "im letting her cry in my room ok" i say. "no not ok not ok at all crying is for weaklings and we cant have any weaklings around" sb replies. 

"snowball go jump off a bridge" i say. "no that would kill me" he says. "thats the point you dont care about how anyone feels its annoying" i say. "no ruby is the annoying one" sb replies.

 "no she isnt annoying start caring about others until then sb youre the annoying one" i say. "i im not annoying" he says starting to cry then he realizes and quickly stops. "were you crying sb" i say.

 "no i wasnt" he says. "hmm pretty sure you were and if you were then arent you a weakling" i say. "no" he says. "well according to you anyone who cries is a weakling therefore you are a weakling" i say.

 "what no thats not what i meant" sb says. "so what your saying is anyone but you who cries is a weakling" i say. "yes thats what im saying" sb replies.

 "well either the rules applies to everyone or no one take your pick" i say. "ok then it applies to everyone but me" sb says. "no you idiot" i say. 

ruby pov

hmm my phone got a notification better be a good one 

texting time duh duh

fanny; hey ruby how you doing

ruby; pretty bad

fanny oh well uh when i kill golfball i wont actually kill her i will bring her there first so we can get revenge together.

ruby; awesome fanny thank you

fanny; no problem ruby

ruby; well i got to go tell sb and lightning

fanny; ok bye

ruby; bye

texting over

ruby pov

"hey lightning and snowball" i say. "well you seem happy i did something right i  see" lightning replies. "im just happy because fanny is going to bring golfball here for me to kill" i say. "are they even gonna let her in" lightning asks. "she can figure it out" i say. 

authors notes

so iance chapter 

my sis is still working on art


anyways my sisters roblox is shoplkins4

my roblox is shoplkins

my sisters wattpad is shoplkins

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

here is the death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

anyways bye my little shopkins

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