Is Pencil Ok?

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Lollipop's pov

Ugh, only five hours left till I'm eaten... but hey I'll be with Taco in heaven then so heh! Anyway, I decide to go say my last words to everyone on my team and even Grassy cause he's still here.  "GATY" I scream loudly. "What" she replies annoyed. "I loved my time ever meeting you and talking with you... but if Book hasn't already told you... I won't be here in a few hours so these are my last words to you!" I say almost crying. "Oh, I uh," Gaty says while crying. I give the same very loving speech to each of my teammates!! Except for Book... and taco because she's gone. Then I walk back to my room to cry.

Taco's pov

"Liy isn't this the best day ever!!" I say happily. "Uh no it's not," Liy says frowning. "Why is that?" I ask confused. "Do you really want to know?" she asks angrily. "Yes!" I say normally. "Really?" she asks. "Yes!!" I say again. "You might cry," she says informing me. "Just tell me already!!!" I say smiling. "Ok," Liy says frowning. "Well, your teammate Book tried to kill you! I uh saved you... um you and her had been arguing all the time! Uh if we die we can't be recovered anymore!" Liy says stressed. "Oh ok," I say crying. 

Liy's pov'

I knew I should have let her be innocent... maybe I should go get Lollipop now instead of tomorrow! I don't know tho should I? It might help me out a bit since it won't be long until the next emergency!

Blocky's pov

I rush into Blahop's house and find Grassy tied to a chair chatting with Gaty. I quickly and quietly untie Grassy... but Book notices me so I run as fast as possible!! Carrying Grassy out of there! I come outside and run right past the rest of my team and straight home! Then they follow. "Is Grassy ok?" BasketBall asks worriedly. "Looks like it to me," I say relieved. "Phew!" BasketBall says relieved. "I know close one," I say exhausted. Then Grassy starts coughing a lot and falls out of my hands to the floor.

Pen as Match's pov

Did bubble find out it was me? I think so the truth still haunts me.... not only did I fail at preventing her death but I also failed at creating trust!! I walk home, when I get there I tell Tree to cut off the pieces of Match! But then he said he couldn't since we used glue! Now I'm stuck looking like Match... looks like my actions will haunt me everywhere and at every time ever!

Bubble's pov

I can't believe this! Match is gone! I could just pop myself to be with her... I mean what's the point I officially have no one. Then Fanny walks out and says "Hey Bubble what's wrong?". "Match is dead" I say crying. "Hey we'll keep this a secret between the two of us but since this chaos is happening... I quit my job and now I can tell you I love you!" she says smiling but not angry looking. "Wow, thanks Fanny," I say blushing. I think I found a reason to live yoy.

Pin's pov

I've been laying here only sitting up to eat when Coiny brought me food. It's pretty chill for me and Coiny. I love him and he loves me back it perfect. I'm glad things will stay like this forever!

Pencil's pov

Ugh, I still can't believe Match quit the alliance.... it shouldn't ruin our friendship. I should go say sorry... best friends don't have one argument and hate each other do they? Hmmm that's it I'm gonna go talk to Bubble. Then I hear the back door open... Bubble and Fanny walk in. I felt so nervous, scared, and annoyed that Bubble walked in with Fanny! All my emotions boiled inside me when I realized Bubble's tiny barely noticeable almost herself colored blush. It doesn't look like Fanny noticed. I decide to walk over "Hey Bubble!" I say cheerily. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO GET LIGHTNING TO SHOCK FANNY FOR YOU OR SOMETHING!!!!" she screams angrily. "No Bubble I want to apologize for stealing your alliance it wasn't right of me to do that! Now, where is Match?". I could tell by Bubble's face she is hesitant of the answer so I decide to wait. After about 10 minutes I start getting irritated I just want to speak to Match again. I decide to repeat my question "Bubble where is Match?".

Tree's pov

Earlier I went to A Better Name Than That's house... but they weren't there so should I go back soon! Yes, this is important! I start walking there and when I get there some crazy stuff is going on. Well first of all everyone is freaking out... I direct my attention to the floor and notice that Grassy is lying there coughing! It sounds like Grassy has the flu so I wonder what all that ruckus is about. But when Grassy finally stopped coughing... Author's note: continued right below this in Grassy's pov.

Grassy's pov

"Hey, BasketBall!" Grassy says happily. "Yeah Grassy?" BasketBall asks wondering what Grassy needs. Uh, Grassy wants to know if you can save Lollipop!" Grassy says scaredly. "Yeah but from what?" BasketBall asks confused. "Book!" Grassy replies in a sad tone. "What do you mean?" BasketBall asks still confused. "Book is gonna eat her!" Grassy says crying. "Oh Grassy sure but are YOU ok?" she asks in a serious tone. "Uh well, no Grassy isn't ok" Grassy replies while frowning. "What's wrong grassy" Blocky asks while walking over. "Uh, you guys go save Lollipop! Golf Ball and Tennis Ball will stay here and help Grassy", Grassy says happily. "Ok Grassy!" BasketBall replies normally. "Stay safe" Blocky adds. "Oh, Grassy will stay safe!" Grassy says smiling.

Blocky's pov

BasketBall and I start walking to Blahop's house. We hear Book saying she is getting hungry and is ready to eat Lollipop. I rush in there and smack Book so hard she passes out. It takes Lollipop a few seconds to realize; so she sits there with her eyes closed, hands over her face preparing to be eaten by only Book. I guess the rest of her team didn't like that item very much, I don't know. So anyway, when Lollipop finally notices she is rescued, she stands up and thanks me. I tell her to come with me since Grassy seeing her alive would make Grassy feel better.

Author's note

Will Grassy live or die.

Find out in a later chapter.

Death list!

Match died of cyanide.

Firey Jr died of rain.

That's all deaths so far.

Bye, my little shopkins!

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