pencil and book what could happen here

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book pov

"ok pencil what should we do first" i ask." what if we use saw to-" she tries to say. "i love it" i say. "today we will target woody" i say. ''ok book'' pencil says. ''uh book do you know who killed match'' pencil asks. ''uh no but if we find them should we kill them for revenge'' i ask. ''yes'' pencil says. ''ok uh pencil should we go yet'' i ask. ''yes'' she says. ''uh how about we use saw to cut woody'' she says. ''ok'' i say. ''oh saw'' i scream. ''uh yes book'' saw replies. ''come'' i say then we walk out to go to woody.

saw pov

why does book still want to use me to cut people i mean im not ok with this im not just some tool am i. but i only thought all that in my head so no one heard it but me. we slowly walked over to beeps house acting all casual. but i knew how painful it would be to have to witness woodys death. the poor guy is afraid of literally everything but woody stopped fearing the contestants all of us but now the poor guy will stop fearing anything since he will be dead. i put my hands on to my face wanting to run away and cry but i couldnt do that i didnt want to hurt gaty. gaty is my best friend right now so i just couldnt hurt her. we kept walking book chatting with pencil about things i didnt bother to listen to. and me just stressed with no one around to talk to. but its not like the other teams are doing better i mean beep will be traumitized soon anyway. ''book why do you have to use me as a weapon'' i ask. ''since thats what you are'' she says and continues walking ignoring me. oh thats why she doesnt want to focus on the fact that im a person to that maybe i have feelings that i shouldnt have to feel this stressed. but eh cant blame her fully none of this would have happened if 4 and x stayed here.

nickel pov

''alright lets look at my to do list'' i say out loud. oh yes check on my team lets do that first. you know what i think ill start with woody. then i start thinking things like what if something bad happened or something. nah nothing bad ever happens here right. well besides the deaths going on. i then hear some sounds coming from woodys room but we have a bigger mystery first. yes four gave us clothes and since its may we wouldnt be wearing boots we would be wearing flip flops right. i look at the ground a broken piece of a purple flip flop ill take that with me back to my room later it also appears that there are three seperate tracks but my team know they need to wipe their shoes on our shoe wiping mat when they come in this house. so then the sound in woodys room gets louder.

donut pov

eventually after an hour of me being back everything returned to normal barfbag and naily went to nailys room to chat gelatin decided to get a snack and bracelety went out to search for icy i told her it was a VERY bad idea but no she left anyway. only bomby and i know.  spongy is asleep and im sitting here sorting some clothes my team was able to grab in to what fits us luckily the clothes is labled so its not that hard. surprisingly there are more clothes for icy in this pile then anyone else i thought bracelty grabbed our pile. then i noticed it was our team and icy what in the world is bracelety trying to do.

barf bag pov

''hey naily'' i say. ''whats up'' naily asks. ''i wanted to chat with you about ways to stay safe and then host a meeting with the rest of the team'' i say. ''oh ok'' naily said. ''the first thing i wanted to mention stay away from blahops house'' i say. ''i agree 100 per cent with that'' naily replies. ''the second thing we cant trust anyone from other teams right now as they could be trying to trick us'' i say. ''yeah'' naily replies. ''and finally if one of isnt back for an hour the rest of us should go looking for them right naily''. ''yes agreed'' naily said. ''go now im gonna go and find a time for the meeting''. ''alright have fun with that'' naily says.  ''hey uh donut'' i say. ''oh huh its you barfy what do you need'' donut asks. ''just want to host a meeting with the rest of the team when should i do it''. ''uh how about on sunday''. ''ok thanks donut'' i say and walk upstairs to my room.

fries pov

''guys puffball still isnt back its been atleast a day'' i yell conserend. ''what'' eraser says calmly. ''how can you be so calm right now'' i scream. ''uh i asked what you said'' he said. ''YELLOW FACE AND PUFFBALL HAVNET RETURNED AND ITS BEEN A DAY'' i screamed as loud as possible. ''face it fries they are probably dead'' eraser said. ''oh no you did not just tell me to face the fact that htey are dead did you'' i ask him. ''uh thats excatly what i said'' he says. ''whatever im going to look for them'' i scream then i slam the door and leave. ugh they dont even care that two of our teammates are missing. sheesh but why are they still gone. especially puffball i thought she could power through but i guess not. ''puffball yellowface'' i shout. but no reply. ''puffball yellowface'' i shout again but no reply. ive got to keep looking i just have to.

eraser pov

''ok guys we may have over done it there i mean if they are dead fries just left to go to find them meaning he could be in trouble to'' i say. ''well its your fault he left eraser'' foldy screamed. ''ugh i know ill go look for him if hes not back next week''.

authors note

oh boy what will happen to fries 

will woody live or die 

what will happen next 

find out next chapter

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

all deaths for now

bye my little shopkins

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