golfball struggles

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Golfball POV

"Uh hey fanny what are you doing here" I ask. "Uh I'm here to tell you about tennisballs bad boy behavior" she says. "What fanny tennisballs a good boy tho" I say. "No he isn't" fanny says. "Uh I'm right here and I agree with golfball" tennisball says.

 "Well you know what you did" fanny says. "What'd he do" I ask. "Hmm well let's see HE SWITCHED THE GRAVESTONES MESSAGES TO VERY FALSE MESSAGES" fanny screams. "What did he switch them to" I ask. "Uh on flowers it said I never loved you ruby from flower and on bubbles it said I never loved you fanny from bubble" she answers.

 "I'm still upset about that" fanny says. "Ok I'll have a chat with him about that" i say. "No I need revenge" fanny says. "What kind of revenge:?" I ask. "Well since I know you and him love each other if you cant prove it wasn't him in the next hour you'll oof" fanny says. "W what" I say scared. 

"Bye bye golfball" fanny says. Then she just gets up and leaves. I look over to see tb crying. "Tb dont cry it'll be ok" I say tho I doubt it'll actually be ok. "Th thanks GB" tb says. "No problem tb" I say. "But just asking why would you do something like that" I say. "I I didn't" tb says while crying.

 "Well hey I'll add fanny to the list of people not allowed in here" I say. "O ok GB" tb says. "See no problems tb" I say. "Alright GB" TB says. "And tb what fanny said was wrong it's called a PLATONIC relationship jeez right" I ask. "Uhhhhh yeah" tb says. "Alrighty then" i say "so uh how should we get the proof" i ask. "Huh i dont know" tb says.

Basketball POV

Hmm fanny left looking more angry than when she came in. I also notice that ruby was building a makeshift ladder hmm why tho hmm. "Hey basketball" grassy says. "Hey grassy" I say. "What are you doing" grassy asks. "Just thinking but hey what's up grassy" I say. "Uhhhhhh hopefully nobody here" grassy says.

 "Grassy I meant what are you doing" I say. "Oh uh nothing much" grassy says. "Oh ok grassy" I say. "You wanna play loomian legacy grassy" I ask. "Yeah" grassy says. So I get up and start walking to my computer. "One sec grassy why dont you take a seat on the couch" I say. "Alright" grassy says. I then go on roblox and enter my login info and clicked enter.

 Password or username incorrect. What I could have sworn my password was SSD202379 I double check that my username shoplkins2 was typed correctly I double check the password and it still doesnt work. "Grassy did you change my password" I ask. "No grassy didn't" grassy says. "Ok well can I use yours mine isn't working right now" I say.

 "What happened" grassy asks. "My account got hacked" I say. "Oh what does that mean" grassy asks. "It means someone stole my account grassy" I say. I log into his account username being shoplkins and get onto loomian legacy. "Grassy where is your gleaming pyder" I ask. "Grassy traded it" grassy says. "Grassy why'd you trade your gleaming" I ask. 

"Because grassy lost a battle where grassy offered the winner any of grassys loomians" grassy said. "Oh I see" I say. I wandered around leveling and eventually evolving grassys loomians for him. 

"Ok that's enough loomian legacy for today right grassy" I ask. "Yeah" grassy says. "Alright what now grassy" i ask. "Grassy" I say. Aww he fell asleep how cute. Soon enough I fell asleep to.

Tennisball pov

I actually care about golfball I don't want her to oof. "Tb you ok you're still crying and your crying harder" gb says. "What yeah I'm fine you're not about to die or something" I say. "Tb I'm going downstairs right now to tell basketball not to let fanny in ok" gb says. "Ok" I say.

Blocky pov

"Hey gb" I say. "Blocky where Is basketball" gb asks. "Asleep why" I say. "Uh I need to tell her something" gb says. "I'll tell her" I say. "Ok tell her NEVER LET FANNY IN THIS HOUSE got it blocky" gb says. "Yes I got it" I say. "Good I'll be in my room" gb says. Then she leaves. Hmm I'll tell basketball if I remember.

Tennisball pov

"Did you tell basketbal gb" I ask. "Well yes but actually no" she says. "WHAT" I say. "Listen tb I told blocky to tell her when she wakes up ok" gb says. "Oh ok then gb" I say. "We should still come up with proof tho" gb says.

 "Uh they has cameras right" I say. "Its actually they HAVE cameras tb but yeah why" gb says. "Ok first see if I'm still there I'll come with ok" I say. "Ok tb" gb says. "If I'm not let's look at the footage from the cameras to prove it wasn't me" I say.

 "Good plan the cameras record audio to tb" gb says. "And if its talks then we can find out who it was" I say. "Yes" gb says. "I'm glad you're my friend gb" I say. "Well I'm glad you're my friend tb" gb says.

Grassy pov

Aww basketball is still asleep I'll let her sleep and go talk to blocky I think. I walk upstairs and knock on blockys door. "Hey grassy whatcha doing" he asks. "Nothing much what are you doing" I ask. "Nothing much what do you want to do grassy" blocky asks. 

"Uh puzzles" I say. "Alright let's go find some puzzles from your room" blocky says. "Yay" I say. We walk into my room and find a puzzle with my whole team on it well some one crossed off golfball face with a red marker I open the puzzle and see the piece with golfball face on it is marked the same way

Authors notes

Ok so uh how did you like this chapter

Oof list
Match was slain by cyanide
Firey jr was slain by rain
Liy was slain by slice
Woody was slain by slice
Yellow face was slain by dirt/no breathe
Flower was slain by poison
Bubble was slain by poison/cough cough
Gelatin was slain by get eaten

My roblox is shoplkins

The roblox stuff this chapter was true

I only put the password since someone hacked it and changed It

My yt is fnafgirllizzy

Bye my little shopkins

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