death pact finds the note

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tree pov

hmm so gaty talked to pie a few days ago and all seemed well maybe i could check on her to make sure everythings alright... "UH GUYS" i heard pie scream. 

i quickly open my bedroom door and run downstairs "pie whats wrong" i ask. "t this pie" answered. oh god shes stuttering. "GATY" i scream. "yeah tree its really late at night so id like to go back to sleep" she says.

 "its about pie" i say. "oh is she upset again" gaty asks. "yeah she said its about this but i havent read it yet" i say. "then read it duh" she says. "ok lets see bottle left to make us happier shes just gonna get herself killed" i say about to cry.

 "wait what" gaty says. "yeah oh uh pie is actually crying now not good" i say. "pie come here" gaty said then left with pie.

gaty pov

"pie lets talk first thing stop crying you know what happens if you continue" i say. "yeah ok ill stop im just worried about bottle she could be our third death on this team" pie replies. 

"well if she is you dont wanna be next or ever do you" i ask. "well no i dont" she says. "then there you go also she specfically wrote not to cry on the note so please no crying" i say. "sure can i hug you" pie asks. "sure you can i love helping a friend in need" i say.

 "oh ok" she says then she hugs me. "pie there is only 1 person ever who isnt allowed to hug me... scratch that 3 people who arent allowed to hug me" i say. "really who are they" pie asks. "well im sure you can guess 2 of them right" i say. "uh book and pencil" she asks. "yes them thats obvious the last one is teardrop" i say. 

"teardrop why her" pie asks. "uh because she almost killed me in a hug once" i replied. "oh ok wait howd she do that" pie asks. "she almost suffocated me" i reply.

 "oh wow i didnt imagine teardrop as so mean" pie says. "yeah me neither" i said. "anyways thanks for the good talk gaty" pie says. "no problem" i say. "bye gaty" pie says. "bye pie" i say. 

tree pov

ok how does one cope with this i mean i actually like bottle and she is putting herself in danger like this why. for whos benefit who does she think she is helping. i just dont get it i should have told her i love her.

 i dont understand does she want to die. that would go against everything we stand for everything i stand for everything the team stands for that would be causing death. 

there isnt even a reason for this she doesnt have a reason does she. there is no good reason for this. there cant be can there. i guess id better stay strong for bottle and maybe she wont die.

remote pov

"tree why are you crying" i say as i walk into the living room. "bottle left to make us happier" he says then cries again. "oh tree here hold my hand or hug me or something to make you feel better" i say. 

"remote i already told you i like bottle more than you" tree says. "TREE BOTTLE COULD BE DEAD BE REAL WITH YOURSELF AND DONT JUST THINK SHES ALIVE CAUSE YOU WANT HER TO BE" i scream.

 "remote you arent helping now go away" tree says. "fine if you need me ill be in my room" i say then i walk away.

tree pov

how dare remote do this to me i know bottle is ok still. she has to be maybe all she is doing is asking ruby about how to cope with death or something.

 she couldnt possibily think talking to book would be a smart move could she. nah she isnt that dumb.

bottle pov

hmm where to go next for help... maybe to the source of death itself. i just need to think of a plan so i dont die while im there. my team would be even more sad but if i achieve my ultimate goal book might stop killing or at the very least give a reason to why she kills.

 yeah ill go there now how should i get in... ill just go in normally she wont just kill me. how do i get her to talk to me... maybe if i offer her the chance to kill me she will talk to me.

 now all i need to do now is think of an escape plan so i dont actually get killed in there. hmm maybe if i get on pencils good side she will free me that might just work. 

tree pov

yeah i dont know why i was even feeling bad bottle is the smartest girl i know in fact she is probably on her way back here right now... atleast i hope so. she just cant be dumb enough to go to books house she knows what happened to liy when she was there.

 so trying to go there to stop book would be dumb... so dumb. bottle can be silly ill just hope for the best.

bottle pov

there it is books door its time to knock on the door. knock knock. no one ok lets knock again louder this time. knock knock. "ugh who is it" pencil says. "oh uh its bottle" i say. 

"bottle what are you doing here" pencil asks. "i just wanted to ask book why shes killing and-". "let me stop you there ive asked book and she said it was top secret" pencil says. "why are you not killing me pencil" i ask. 

"book has secrets i want to uncover right now im not in the mood for hurting anyone... physically" she says."oh ok well pencil i can help" i say. "are you sure bottle the first step to joining would be to kill someone and bring the body to book" she says.

authors notes

so bottle has a hard decision to make... its kill or be killed... lol

in all seriousness request pictures for my sis to draw

my sis roblox is shoplkins4

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sis wattpad is shoplkins 

death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

anyways bye my little shopkins

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