The Plan

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Pen's pov

"Ok team Death PACT we need to have a meeting!" I say feeling ready to make a plan. "What is it Pen?" Tree says not knowing what I'm about to say. "You were there, as you know we found Liy and we need to step up preventing death," I say knowing we need to make an efficient plan to actually prevent any death. "Ok Pen" Bottle says ready to listen like her childlike self. "Any ideas?" I ask hoping for a good idea. "Uh, no," Remote says not having an idea as I thought. "I didn't expect you to Remote I say knowing she wouldn't have any good ideas". "Hey wait hey wait hey wait hey wait," Remote said feeling very annoyed. "Lol," I say thinking that was hilarious. "Good job Remote," Tree said cheering her up.

 "Thank you," Remote said feeling cheered up. "Um, guys if you ever find a hurt person bring them here, so we can help them," Pie said actually making a good plan. "Good idea Pie," I say confirming that she made a good plan. "I know, "Pie says knowing she made a good plan. "What if someone was emotionally attacked?" Pillow asks thinking about if such a person would then want to commit suicide. "Bring them to," I say knowing they could kill themself. "Will we let them leave?" bottle asks thinking like a child. "If they want," I say knowing if they want to live here it would be fine. "So let's just hang out and check every day for people," I say finishing off this great plan. "Great idea," the rest of them said knowing we had the perfect plan. 

Fries's pov

"Ok everyone so what do we do?" I ask wondering what to do. "I don't know," Eraser says not knowing what to do. "Foldy, Marker, what do you suggest?" I ask hoping they will give good advice. "FOLDY MARKER ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME" I scream very angrily cause they didn't answer me. "No, of course, we're not using your plan we're to busy talking to Stapy," Foldy says clearly being busy doing nothing helpful. "Ugh," I said noticing how useless they are. "Hey that's my line," Stapy says genuinely thinking no one else can say ugh. "I don't care," I say not wanting to have to deal with this anymore. "Ohhhhhhhhh" screamed eraser from the other half the room. "Ugh you all are too annoying I'm leaving for a while," I say and walk outside where it could be unsafe. 

Book's pov

"Guys look outside," I say evilly. "What I don't see anything?" Gaty says confused about what I wanted her to see. "Fries is alone," I said happily. "You CAN'T be serious right now Book," Gaty says not believing what I have planned. "Oh but I AM," I say ready to go out there and kill Fries. "I'm not helping," Gaty says not wanting to help me. "Now uh, Gaty we need to survive so i- we can have our chance at winning dream island, so in order to do that we must murder in secret," I say trying to convince Gaty to understand.

"I see nothing wrong with that statement," Saw says listening to me. "SAW" Gaty and Lollipop scream not knowing why she is listening. "What," she asks trying to find out why they just yelled at her. "You really see nothing wrong with murdering in secret?" Lollipop asks trying to understand. "Nope," she says trying to just change the topic. "See at least one person here is loyal to me," I say knowing exactly why. "Yeah great thing," Lollipop says sarcastically. "Now let's go murder Fries, Saw," I say ready to do this. "Ok Book," she says sadly and we walk out our door.

Gaty pov

"Why did Saw agree with this Lollipop?" I ask a little confused. "I don't know," Lollipop says not knowing the answer. "Lollipop what's been going on?," I ask wondering if she is ok. "Nothing" Lollipop says answering the question. "Ok," I say feeling happy that she answered. "This team is dysfunctional," I say stating something obvious but also being a bit upset about it. "Couldn't agree more," Lollipop says understanding my point. "I just don't know what would make Saw agree to kill an innocent," I say upset about how my best friend basically betrayed me. "Should we watch them do it?" Lollipop asks not wanting to watch. "Ugh, I don't care," I say feeling very angry and then I walk away.

Taco's pov

Ugh, Book sucks, I just, why would she do this? Now Lollipop hates me. Just then I look outside through the window, oh my god she and Saw are gonna kill Fries. But Fries is so innocent he doesn't deserve this and he doesn't even see them coming. I am not gonna watch this, wait a second if Book is outside then should I talk to Lollipop? Nah she hates me, but uh I'm just gonna sit here. Then I hear a knock on my door. 

Saw's pov

Ugh, this is gonna be torture, killing innocent Fries, I just don't want to. Yet I don't tell Book, Gaty is too special to just lose because I don't want to kill Fries. Like our conversation ugh the flashbacks are kicking in. "If you don't obey me ill-use you to cut Gaty," Book said and she wasn't joking. "Ugh fine," I said while crying because Gaty is my best friend. Like Book is so rude anyway we started walking over to Fries slowly and quietly, hiding behind every bush in sight like ninjas.

Eraser's pov

"Guys Fries left at least 15 minutes ago," I say a little stressed. "Oh no oh no oh no is he ok Eraser?" Puffball says freaking out. "I don't know" I answer still feeling stressed. Then Puffball started crying. "Don't worry tho I'm sure he's ok he's strong," I say trying to calm her down. "O ok," Puffball says while trying to calm down. "Stapy, Marker, Foldy are you even gonna chat with us?," I ask them feeling annoyed at them. "Uh no not yet," Foldy says honestly "I'm still talking to Stapy" Marker adds honestly. Ugh, they are annoying especially Foldy since she is a pentagon.

  Foldy's pov

"Stapy are you glad not to be eliminated anymore?" I ask happy that he is back. "Yes," he replies feeling just as happy as me. I notice Eraser trying to get our attention, can't he see we are busy. "Come to think of it where is Fries?" I ask Marker feeling confused about where Fries is. "Eh probably out on a walk" Marker replies normally. "Oh ok," I say calmly. 

Bubble's pov

Oh noio, oit's Poincoil and Moitch the bullies. "Bubble will you forgive me yet?" Match asks feeling a little sad. "Noio," I say not ready to accept her apology. "Oh ok," Match says sadly. "Match we don't need her," Pencil says getting a bit angry at me. "I'm like tired of seeing you like hurt Bubble's feelings," Match says standing up to Pencil and protecting my feelings. "Let's go Bubble," Match said. "Oih oikoi" I said. Moitch and oi woiked oitside choiting. "Yoiy knoiow Poincoil woill say poick hoier oir me," I say sadly. "And I'll pick you," Match said. "Thoinks Moitch," I say with a small frown cause of the drama this will cause. "No problem Bubble," she says knowing the choice she is making isn't good. "Loit's joist noit goio boick insoide roight noiow," I say feeling a bit upset. "Ok Bubble," she says just trying to chill.

Pencil's pov

Is Match gonna pick me or Bubble I wonder? "Ruby," I say prepared. "Yeah," she says happily but confused. "You are hereby co-leader that means if something happens to me you're the leader" I say giving the next trustable person a high role. "Yay," Ruby says excitedly. "I know it is a very important job," I say trying to make her aware of the status she now has. "Don't worry Pencil you can trust me," Ruby says excitedly. "Oh I know I can," I say very aware that she knows how serious things are and will be now. "Ruby we will NOT talk to MATCH OR BUBBLE EVER AGAIN," I say already knowing what Match will pick. "But why?" Ruby asks feeling very confused. "Because Bubble and Match quit the alliance," I said. "WHAT?" Ruby screams feeling probably the most confused she has ever been.

Basketball's pov

"Golfball we found 8ball X brought him ba-" I say getting cutoff. "WHAT?" Golf Ball screams probably the loudest she could. "Basketball that was the worst thing you could have said" Tennis Ball adds trying to get me to understand. "Sorry but it's true," I say trying to see if anyone cares.  "I know that," Golf Ball says feeling disappointed. "Anyway X and 4 left," I said. "WHAT?" Gb and Tb screamed in unison. "Yeah they kinda left," Blocky says trying to get the point across. "Oh great," Golf Ball says knowing that means nothing good. "I know," I say also knowing it means nothing good. "Anyway main goal X said if you die you lose your chance to win dream island, so we need to survive ok," I say hoping the team agrees. "Ok," the rest of the team said in unison. "And keep grassy safe?" Golf Ball adds not knowing if she should or not. "Yes do that," I say trying to make sure everyone knows Grassy must stay safe.

Authors note if you don't understand pls ask me questions in the comments below.

Goodnight my little shopkins.

I said that like that because I wrote this at night lol.

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