eraser and foldy did what also taco finds out?

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puffball pov

''ugh we have been looking for days do you think we will ever find the way home'' i ask yellow face. ''em i sure do'' yellow face says. ''ugh i miss fries so much i just wish i could have said goodbye do you yellow face''. ''em i sure do'' yellow face said. i look down at the ground to see if i can find our house and by now yellowface and i were about 300 feet in the air so it was very hard to see the ground but of course i saw some red and white on the green grass moving. could it be fries nah it couldnt be we have been gone for a week the whole team probably thinks we died by now. ''maybe we should just give up'' i say to yellowface. ''do you agree yellowface'' i ask. ''eh i sure dont'' yellowface replied. ''ok we will keep going for you yellowface''. ''thank you puffball'' yellowface said. 

taco pov

''liy liy'' i scream. but no reply. ''are you in your room''. no reply. ''im opening your door''. no reply. i open her door like i said i would and huh no liy in here i thought she'd be here but nope noone. hmm well liy told me that some people on this team are bottle pillow remote blackhole and pie maybe i should try and find them. maybe they know where liy is because this is my least favorite hide and seek game ever.

bottle pov

knock knock. ''uh guys i heard a knock on my door should i open it''. the other pepole in here gave me mixed emotions i heard pillow say ''yeah'' i heard blackhole say ''it could be a trap what if its book you would be letting her in''. hmm i think ill open it. i get up wondering  who it could be still stressed about taco and to my surprise i open the door and it was taco knocking on my door. ''hi'' she said to me. ''hey taco'' i say back. ''so uh i need your help'' she asks. ''with what do you need my help with taco'' i ask. ''i need you to tell me where liy is'' she says. ''oh uh taco im sorry to tell you this but liy got murdered by book'' i say. ''w what'' taco says tears rolling down her face. oh god this is bad i shouldnt have told her i think to myself. ''oh ok'' taco says and slams my own door in my face and i could then hear crying from liys room.

lollipop pov

''so lollipop you happy to be alive'' grassy asks. ''yes very were you responsible young grass man'' i ask. ''yes'' grassy says happily. ''well you did good little one you know one day you might grow up to be a hero'' i say. ''really'' grassy asks. ''yes'' i say. ''and because you saved me ill sleep here tonight'' i say. ''yay'' grassy says. ''hold up'' golfball says walking over. ''we didnt agree to that'' she continues. ''but grassy wants lollipop to sleep here tonight to stay safe from book'' grassy said. ''ok fine just for tonight'' golfball says. ''yay'' grassy says. ''ill be happy to sleep over tonight grassy'' i say. i heard that liy had died sad she was part of death pact the team to save lifes. 

basketball pov

from all the comotion downstairs i heard lollipop would be sleeping here she can sleep in grassys room with him tonight i hear golfball saying. im glad grassy is happy since i mean grassy is the youngest and he needs to be happy. so i just finishing reading how to be dumb it said the first thing you do is get lost so i stopped there since no one should ever want to get lost i mean seriously really. 

fries pov

''puffball puffball puffball'' i scream maybe its time i give up they are both probably dead just like the rest of the team said. i turn around to go cry about in my room. i start walking and suddenly i hear the most horrifying thing ever it sounded like one of woodys screams but alas i just keep walking back to cry on my bed.

puffball pov

''the red and white thing went that way should we investigate it yellowface'' i ask. ''yup'' yellowface says. i fly down a lot and notice that its fries he didnt give up on us after all. ''fries'' i scream then fries goes inside to the house and locks the door.'' fires just locked us out yellowface what do we do'' i ask. ''uh scream for help'' yellowface suggests. ''that would work but eraser is listening to really loud music right now and i could barely hear you talk'' i say. ''well we will just have to sleep outside then'' yellowface says. and we both fall asleep.

eraser pov

''ok i think thats enough music now so imma turn it off''. ''finally'' foldy says after i had shut off the music. ''well foldy you and i are the only ones still up wanna go get more stuff from the chests outside''. ''yep'' foldy says. i open the door and see yellowface and puffball. ''foldy what do we do with them'' i ask. ''well if they have been gone for a week then that obviously means they got here and were murdered why else would they not be moving right now''. ''youre right lets bury them'' i suggested. ''good idea'' foldy says. ''you bury yellowface ill bury puffball'' i say. ''got it'' foldy says. i pick up puffball and move her into the back yard of our house then i grab a shovel and start digging i dig the hole right around her body deep enough so she fits once i finished the hole i picked her up and carefully placed her inside. foldy got about the same progress done then we put the dirt back in the hole make gravestones and placed them behind the grave like a grave should be then we went back inside the house to go to sleep

authors note

foldy and eraser just burried them alive and now they are trapped

we will cut back to beep in the next chapter

what will happen with taco

will yellowface and puffball live

all that and more next time in yet another murder story

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being cut by book

all deaths for now

bye my little shopkins

yet another murder storyWhere stories live. Discover now