Will Grassy Be Alive!!!!

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lollipop pov

"uh sure blocky ill come i guess but where are we going" i ask. "my house" blocky replies. "ok" i say. so we start walking to a better name than thats house. "blocky" i ask. "yes" he replies. "whyd you save me" i ask. "grassy wanted me to" he says. "oh ok" i said. atleast someone cares about me i think.

golfball pov

"grassy is feeling sick golfball" grassy said. "oh poor grassy" i said. cough cough cough grassy was coughing. "tb what do we do" i ask. "uh i dont know" tb said. "grassy sees a light" grassy said. "but thats impossible the lights are off and it is already dark out" i said. "golfball that means hes dieing" tb said. "what no ha he cant be good joke tb" i said. "im not joking around" tb said. "no" i say. "what do we do" tb asked. "uh grassy what happened at blahops house" i ask. "grassy got stabbed by a syrigue" authors note i think thats how you spell it. grassy said. "what do we do golfball" tb asked. "uh grassy what was in the syringue" i ask. "a 6 hour kill poison its been 5 and a half hours" grassy said and then continued coughing up blood. "uh tb we need to go see flower her petals heal this poison" i said. "uh golfball you go i wanna stay here with grassy" tb said. "fine tb" i said then i walked out.

flower pov

what the aphid golfballs coming well cant let her in. "LET ME IN RIGHT NOW" she screams . "NO" i scream back. "but flower i need one of your petals" she says. "not intressed" i say and walk to the other side of the house. i then hear golfball following me from outside the house. "please" golfball says. "for what" i say. "for grassy he needs it hes been poisoned". "oh my aphid youre right here" i open the window and give her one petal then i regrow it. "thanks" she says while walking back to grassy.

golfball pov

grrr it takes 10 minutes to run from home to there and another 10 to get back that means only 5 minutes left since flower argued with me for 5 minutes. i got to get back there now.

tennisball pov

"grassy you ok" i ask. "no grassy is not" grassy said. "oh uh here lets put you on the couch" i say. "thanks tb" grassy says. "ill go get tv you can watch your favorite show on him until golfball gets back" i say. "sure'' grassy says. ''tv we need you''. ''what'' tv plays. ''put on grassys favorite show for him''. ''sure'' tv plays and walks in to the living room. ''awww grassy is watching pocoyo'' i say.

golf ball pov

alright just 5 minutes and ill be back home. ''hey golfball'' blocky says. ''hey i got to go blocky'' i say. ''wow golfball stop running everywhere youll waste your energy'' lollipop says. ''no lollipop'' i say and continue running. "golfball lollipop is right" blocky says. "yeah" basketball says. "how many people will distract me today and oh no i really got to go sorry". i then continue running knowing i got extremly off schelule im 5 minutes away and have 4 minutes left. i then trip and flowers petal floats to the edge of a cliff 2 minutes away. my only hope is pencil and her supervan which is 1 minute away. i run over and fight pencil for the supervan like how you would in gta 5. i then drive it to the cliff i get out grb the petal and have 2 minutes left i drive home 15 14 13 wait why am i counting i walk inside. 10 9 8 "grassy eat this" i say. 5 4 3 then grassy eats it. "thank goodness grassy you had 1 second left that was way to close".

grassy pov

''thanks for saving grassy golfball'' grassy said. ''no problem grassy we dont know what we would have did if you died'' golfball said.'' oh ok grassy will stay more safe now an-'' grassy said before being intrupted by basketball and blocky and ''yay its lollipop you saved her'' grassy said. ''yes grassy we did'' blocky said. ''golfball is grassy healthy now'' basketball asked. ''yes'' golfball told them. ''but you almost killed him'' golfball told them. ''o oh'' basketball said.

basketball pov

''well atleast hes healthy now'' i say poisitilivy. i look to my left i see grassy talking to lollipop i look to my right and see blocky arguing with golfball and tennisball giving golfball the seriously girl look. authors note the look he gave in bfb 14 while saying yup. i then went upstairs to my room sat on my bed and read how to be dumb its the best novel type book ever. i only overcomplicate things because book might be spying on me.

pencil pov

''bubble answer the question'' i said in a nice tone of voice. ''uh um up'' bubble said. i looked at the ceiling. ''she is not up im looking straight up and i dont see her'' i said to bubble. ''no up'' bubble says back.'' again im looking up maybe shes on the ceiling in a diffrent room''. i walk out of the room i go to her room nope shes not there i go to my room nope i go to bubbles room nope i go to rubys room nope i go to flowers room nope i go to snowballs room nope i go to fannys room nope i go to lightnings room nope. ''ok bubble im checking the kitchen and the dining room and the living room if shes not there you better tell me where she is'' i scream loud enough for bubble to hear me. so i check the kitchen nope i check the living room nope i check the dining room nope. ''OK BUBBLE WHERE IS MATCH'' i scream. ''UP'' she screams back. ''what do you mean'' i ask. ''MATCHES DEAD THERE NOW YOU KNOW TO'' bubble screams. ''what she died who killed her'' i ask.

authors note

grassy lives yay

oh no pencil knows match died

flower and blocky basketball and lollipop almost caused grassy to DIE.

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

thats all deaths right now

bye my little shopkins

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