rock... armless...paper... donut...scissors...fries

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marker pov 

 "haha i win again foldy its actually very easy to beat you" i say. "yeah cause i can only play paper" foldy says. "yeah i guess you cant play scissors or rock cause you dont have arms" i say. "yeah it kinda sucks but eh you know" foldy says.

 "i dont know how armless people even pick things up i cant pick things up with my feet" i say. "its cause we have to get used to it or we will never hold anything" foldy says. "oh ok im gonna try being armless for the day" i say. "how" foldy asks.

 "uh ill tie my arms behind my back so i cant use them" i say. "uh can you even do that" foldy asks. "yes i can do it watch me" i say. i then tie my arms behind my back.  "uh marker you cant untie that can you" foldy asks. "no i cant" i say.

 "well you might be stuck like that for a little bit i cant really untie things either" foldy says. "oh well we should have thought about that at the begining before i tied my arms" i say. "marker you litterally didnt give me time to tell you that tieing your arms was a bad idea" foldy says.

 "yeah i guess your right i say. you wanna play more rock paper scissors" foldy asks. "sure im gonna win" i say. "alright rock paper scissors" foldy says then she plays paper. i play paper as well. "look who played paper now marker" foldy says.

 "yeah we both did cause we both cant play anything else" i say.

bell pov

"bell im a bad person" donut says. "dont say that donut ive told you every day that you arent that bad and you are one of my friends cause you cared how i felt when everyone else didnt you respected me bad people dont do that... well most bad people dont do that" i say. "m most bad people dont do that" donut says.

 "ugh some bad people love to mantiuplate others by tricking them into either doing what they want or just to be a jerk but that isnt you" i say. "you sure tho" donut asks. "ugh yes why dont you just relax ok" i say. "cant gotta watch out for bracelety" he says. "why are we letting her in if we see her" i ask. "nope she wants me dead i have to stay safe" he says. 

"oh right listen chill and ill watch out for her cause you need to sleep you havent slept since you first entered this house" i say. "alright thanks bell ill get some sleep today" he says. "good well now i have a job" i say. 

"if you cant do it im fine" donut says. "no you need sleep i can watch out for brcelety ok" i say. "ok" donut says.

donut pov

"well bye bell im gonna go eat real quick then ill sleep" i say. "bye donut" she says then i walk to the kitchen. hmm what should i eat maybe some fries. first step cut the potatos. next step soak the potatos. hmm ok and then fry it. 

easy now to make the fries. honestly i hope fries doesnt come in here and see me making well fries. after a bunch of deep thinking later i hear the fries are done. mm these look delicious i am so ready to eat these. 

bell pov

i wonder what donut is going to be eating and when he will go to sleep i mean he needs it he didnt eat much since he got here either and that was like 2 weeks ago or something i dont know. where is fries and puffball. eh they are probably ok.

fries pov

"and thats when we found you" puffball says. "hold up my last fry is gonna rot i need to go make a new one luckily i know a quick way to make fries so can you finish your story later puffball" i ask. "oh uh sure" puffball says. "thanks" i say then i go inside.

 "hi bell what are you doing" i ask. "uh watching for bracelety" she says. "alright ill be right back i just have to do something real quick" i say then i head to the kitchen. "hey donut" i say. "hi fries" he says. "watcha doing" i ask. "washing a plate then im gonna get some sleep what are you doing" he says. "uh im about to just make some quick fries" i say. 

"oh" donut says before leaving the kitchen. alright now to grab the- the potatoes where are they i need them. "bell do you know where the potatoes are" i yell. "uh yeah ill be there in a sec fries" she yells back. "ok hurry" i yell.

 "alright puffball please watch out for bracelety for me" bell says. "sure thing" i hear puffball say. "alright what is it fries" bell asks. "the potatoes arent in here where i kept them" i say. "eh  i think i see the problem and its bad" bell says. "huh" i say. 

"look in the trash" bell says. "potato skins but who ate my potatoes when we have so much more other food" i say. "i dont know" bell says. "alright bell you can back to your job get puffball in here for me" i say. "alright then" bell says.

bell pov

"hey puffball can i talk to you for a second" i say. "sure bell" she says. "ok so fries wants you for something so uh yeah go to him ill go back to my job now" i say. "oh alright well have fun bell" puffball says. 

puffball pov

"fries what did you need" i say. "anything important you would want to tell me puffball" fries says. "huh i dont understand" i say. "poor puffball im honestly not happy for you at all but ugh here we go anything you want to tell me before i die or atleast get a close to death sickness at best".

authors notes

alright so the chapter will stop here next time we cut to free food we will continue

firstly i made a one shot book please request in it im not getting really any requests just the one that i already finished

secondly no art cause my sis in school right now

thirdly there is gonna be a bunch of updates in my art book tho so yeah

fourthly ooh donut needs to try harder at not killing 

fifthly sorry that the production rate is slow

death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

Grassy was slain by fanny stab stab

my sis roblox is shoplkins4

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sis wattpad is shoplkins

anyways bye my little shopkins

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