icy why

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barf bag pov

is that bracelety outside looking like she is going to die a slow and painful death. maybe i should go help her let again she is yandree for... oh my sap icy is dead alright then i should probably save bracelety. dont wanna let her die tho when i couldve prevented it after all she is a teammate. even if she does try to kill.

 yeah im gonna save her. and is that book crying wow thats a first for sure. then i see book getting up and running home while crying. wow anyway off to save bracelety. "bracelety dont worry ill save you" i say while running to her. "b barfbag" she says weakly. "yes bracelety im coming" i say then i pick her up and run back inside the house.

 "bracelety what were you thinking why did you fight book you knew you would lose right" i say. "well yeah but i didnt start the fight book started stabbing me" bracelety says. "oh right sure and look what you did bracelety you got icy killed". 

"but i didnt start the fight" bracelety says. "ok sure bracelety" i say. "i didnt" she says then she slaps me. "ok bracelety just go chill in your room or something" i say. "you know what fine maybe i will" she says. then she leaves. ok maybe i was a little harsh on her but she needs to know not to start fights with book. 

bracelety pov

why did book kill icy i thought she and icy were friends. this just doesnt make any sense at all. i miss icy already she was just the best possible person to ever exist. whyd icy save me does that mean she liked me.

 its just so hard to understand. the only goal i ever have left in life is killing book. i mean she killed icy so i kill her right. i  noticed she was sad to but who cares she killed my crush. i just cant believe icy loved me i just WHY. 

barf bag pov

ugh when will bracelety shut up her crying is so annoying. i mean icys dead she needs to get over it she caused it by attacking book in the first place if bracelety would have left book alone then icy wouldnt be dead and everything would be fine but no bracelety wont admit that she is in the wrong here.

 ugh im just gonna watch some tv to get over it lets see here ooh oso 4 thats perfect time to watch it. i really hope that cologne and glowing heart interact or maybe guarana and graffiti. wait a second extension cord is safe well that rules out any extension cord and diamond stuff. hmm maybe guarana and grafiti. really guarana you gonna do the challenge on your own. hmm maybe cologne and glowing heart will interact. 

wow cologne is barely at all on screen and glowing heart just finished the challenge. wow diamond was choking on a butterfly lol. ok so no ships happened at all and more importantly vape was being his lazy self i am so voting for him [D] there we go vote completed. wait a sec bracelety stopped crying ill go check on her now.

naily pov

"hey barf bag watcha doing" i ask. "oh uh just checking on bracelety shes been very sad about icy" barfy says. "oh well i wouldnt do that" i say. "why" she says. "because bracelety just fell asleep" i say. "naily why doesnt she get she cant cry over what she caused" barfy asks.

 "uh she told me she didnt cause it" i say. "i know she told me that to but i just cant believe that" barfy says. "well i believe her" i say. "ok naily then who started the fight" barfy asks. "book she is very known for attacking people" i say. "and bracelety is known for attacking book so you have no proof naily" barfy says.

 "yeah but i just think im right" i say. "well then you can think that all you want" barfy says. "alright then" i say. "oh and naily" barfy says. "yeah" i say. "oso 4 came out" she says. "sweet ill have to watch that later" i say. "yeah you will" she says. 

bracelety pov

why must i be woken up by two of my teammates aruging. im just trying to ignore life right now. why cant i ignore life. im just gonna go eat something and then go back to sleep. hmm lets see here chicken nuggets and fries delicious. 

time to eat it... oh wait i need to cook this first im so stupid. i then put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. "hey bracelety i thought you were asleep" naily says. "oh i was until you and barfy started fighting" i say. "oh sorry about that bracelety" naily says.

 "no problem" i say. "hey wanna watch tv with me" i ask. "uh sure ill just grab my dinner and some ice cream and ill be right there" i say. "alright cool ill wait for you here" naily says. "alright press play" i say once im finally ready. "alright then" naily says.

 "you know naily if i was oso novel i would use my 'power' for good" i say. "really how so" naily says. "by stopping everything bad that would happen before it happens since oso novel knows everything that will happen before it does" i say. 

"yeah that is a cool power i think id use it to keep my friends safe" naily says. "yeah i wouldve used it to keep icy safe" i say before i start to cry. "hey hey bracelety calm down" naily says. "you know what i will calm down as snowball says crying is for weaklings" i say. 

"yeah now lets just finish the episode" naily says. "that was a great episode time to vote" i say. "wait a second barfy voted vape when i wanted to vote server wanna go yell at barfy with me bracelety" naily says. "sure" i say. 

authors notes

death list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice from book

woody was slain by slice from book

yellow face was slain by no breathe

bubble was slain by poison/coughing

flower was slain by poison

gelatin was slain by get eaten from donut

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

pillow was slain by fall from tall height

coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster

icy was slain by book stab stab

Grassy was slain by fanny stab stab

nothing much to say other than oso 4 is out and i have writers block right now idk why lol

my sis roblox is shoplkins4

my yt is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sis wattpad is shoplkins

anyways bye my little shopkins

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