tacos very sad

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taco pov

"lollipop im sorry about trying to oof book" i say. "its ok" lollipop says. "we could have been killed tho" i say. "its fine taco" she says. "thanks lollipop" i say. "no problem now lets go back to death pacts ok" she says. "ok" i say. im glad to have a friend like lollipop she is super nice and friendly and stuff she is an amazing friend. 

"so taco do you think we will bring back your memories" she asks. "idk" i say. "thanks for not killing book i only said that because anyone who murders would most likely be feared and i dont want you being feared" lollipop says. "oh ok" i say. "but why do you care that much about me" i ask. "uh thats not important" lollipop says. 

"oh alright then" i say. we continue our walk home and see one more wrong move and youll be ded from bracelety scratched on free foods window. "wonder who that message is for" i ask lollipop.

she says "we might as well just get home now and not go over and investigate it right taco... And why do i even bother". "im gonna go investigate" i say while running over to free foods house.

lollipops pov

"TACO COME BACK" i scream. "what could possibly go wrong" taco screams while running in the direction of free foods house. "ANYTHING" i scream. 

"like what" taco says. "ANYTHING BAD" i scream. "you worry to much lollipop" taco says. "no i dont" i say. "whatever you say but im still investigating" taco says. 

"taco dont touch the window please" i say. but  then taco touched the window. "hmmmm what was usd to write here smells like tomatoes and tastes like mmmm ketchup" she says.

"i feel like we should go now" i say. "what could possibly happen" taco says then she trips. "ow i  tripped over this string" taco says. "uh strings arent just out in the open for no reason" i said. 

i then looked on and noticed this knife about to hit taco there was no way to stop it i didnt know what to do. "taco look out" i say. "what" she says. "ugh" i say. then i ran in front of her. "lollipop no are you ok" she asks. 

"no im not my stick is cracked to the point where it is gonna break" i say. "lollipop no" taco says then she starts crying. "dont die first liy now you when will this torture end" she says.

"taco i know this is sad but you can do it win dream island for the both of us but most important you have to survive" i say then i see a light.

taco pov

"lollipop you still here" i say. "y yes" she says weakly. "stay with me" i say crying. "i see a light" lollipop says. "dont go into the light lollipop please" i say crying. "bye taco" lollipop says. "no lollipop please no dont go". i then feel her go limp in my arms. "lollipop" i say crying. 

donut pov

"im so glad i installed those traps outside to protect myself from bracelety i mean she did just try to kill me what do you think bell" i ask. "uh donut you might want to uh take a look outside" bell says. "what is it bell" i say. "look" she says. "alright fine" i say. i look outside to see lollipop broken into two pieces her head and her body. 

her stick was sliced directly in half  and blood dripping from the end where her head is. taco sitting there crying really hard on to those pieces. gelatin was right i am a killer not only did i kill him and firey jr but i also killed lollipop those traps were meant for bracelety incase she tried to kill me again but no lollipop had to come in the way. ugh i need to just sit down and relax. 

saw pov

"its taking lollipop and taco forever to come back here so im going to go find them" i tell gaty. "ok saw have fun" i hear her say. "alright if im not back soon dont come and look for me send someone else i cant bare to see you get hurt alright" i say. "yeah ok" gaty says. i then open the front door." be safe alright" gaty says. 

"i will" i say then i embark on my epic quest to find lollipop and taco. "TACO LOLLIPOP" i scream. no reply from anywhere. "taco lollipop"  i say. still no reply from anywhere.

i continue walking for a while until i approach free foods house and see lollipops dead body laying there on the ground but not taco. "taco where are you" i say. "i need to know how this happened". 

taco pov

ugh everyone im around dies everyone would be better off if i jumped off a cliff lucky for me im standing on the edge of one. ill jump off now. i mean first liy she only died to help me.

then lollipop she only died to save and help me. im not worth life im only having trouble jumping off becuase lollipop told me to keep going to win dream island for her ugh i dont know what to do.

saw pov

"TACO TACO" i scream. "WHERE ARE  YOU COME HOME WE NEED YOU" i scream. hmmm no reply where could she be. i continue my walk over to taco and i find myself staring at the cliffedge that hangs over the goiky canal if someone was to jump off they would land in the deepest part of the goiky canal or they would miss and hit the ground either one would probably kill whoever was stupid enough to jump over further observation i saw taco hanging off the cliff the edge was crumbling like it was ready to snap right off and fall bringing taco down with it. this isnt good for taco. "TACO YOU OK DOWN THERE" i scream. "no" she says.

authors notes

ok so if the picture isnt here when you are reading this my sis is working on a new picture for the story the cover will stay the same but a picture will be added at the bottom of these authors notes so yay 

remember my sister or shoplkins here on wattpad does all the artwork including the cover so uh thats something go support her

next chapter will most likely pick up on coiny and pin or leafy and firey we may also get some of lollipops ghost or whatever soon in futuer chapters

not all chapter with the ghosts will just be the ghosts or mostly the ghosts as they dont really do an impact on the story

but the ghosts will be in normal chapters


if you have any ideas LEAVE THEM IN THE COMMENTS also just comment for fun i will reply to the comments as wattpad notifies me

also my sis only will draw sometimes but you can suggest scenes for her to draw maybe she will i do tell her what to draw for the story so thats something there 

also whos hype for bfb 15 on december 14th 2019 if you are write hype in the comments

oof list

match was slain by cyanide

firey jr was slain by rain

liy was slain by slice by book

woody was slain by slice by book

yellow face was slain by dirt/no breathe

flower was slain by poison

bubble was slain by poison/force of coughing

gelatin was slain by get eaten

lollipop was slain by donuts trap slice

my yt is fnaf girl lizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

my sister roblox is shoplkins4

and anyway if you dont remember 33 people will die in this book


anyway bye my little shopkins

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