Eraser's Prank

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Snow Ball's pov

"Hm, I wonder when Eraser will get here!" I say kinda just sitting around. "Sorry I took so long to get here... Foldy and Stapy were bothering me!" Eraser says as he sits down. "Oh, it's fine... the live stream just stopped!" I say frowning. "Oh so life's boring again?" he asks in a sad tone. "Well sort of... honestly we are all just trying to live!" I say in a bored tone. "Eh makes sense... that's honestly why I came here!" Eraser says in a stressed tone. "Wait what I'm slightly confused," I reply sounding confused. "Well I live with a murderer so... yeah!" Eraser says frowning. "You live with a murderer?" I ask confused as usual.

"Well yeah... Donut is the killer Snow Ball!" Eraser says really bored. "Oh... how many people has he killed?" I ask wondering the exact number. "Uh, he killed 3 people so far!" I say still kinda stressed about the whole thing. "Well anyway, what should we do?" Snow Ball asks. "Um I don't actually know... can I stay here for a bit?" I ask hoping he'll say yes. "Well um, we have to deal with annoying whiny girls here... do you wanna have to deal with that?" he asks seriously. "Well, it's better than dealing with an actual murderer!" I scream loudly. "Oh, ok well sure you can stay here for a bit," he says and just pulls out a phone. "So um, what do you wanna do?" I ask feeling very bored. 

"I don't know, today is boring," he says and goes back on his phone. "Guys did you hear about Grassy, and how he died!" Blocky says as he runs in. "Dude we watched you when you were watching Pocoyo," Snow Ball says. "Ugh never bring that up," he says annoyed. "So why are you here?" I ask confused. "Well I'm still sad about Grassy's death and I kinda said I'd kill myself if he died," I say kinda crying. "Blocky... don't," I say looking at him with a serious face. "But why, I'd be happier with Grassy!" he screams. 

"Cause Snowball and I would miss you," I say holding his hand. "Actually Eraser we should let Blocky make his own choices," Snowball says. "Ugh, I'd miss you!" I scream with tears in my eyes. "Well, I'll think about living," Blocky says with a frown as he sits down. "Now how'd he die?" I ask a little confused about why Blocky would let such an event happen. "Well, Basketball and I were letting Grassy do a puzzle by himself," Blocky says. "Then what happened?" Snowball asks. "Well, we heard him scream so we ran to him and saw that he was bleeding out!" Blocky screams.

"Wait where was he doing the puzzle, was it in a safe environment?" I ask confused. "Well it was in his room but clearly a killer got in there," Blocky says crying. "Blocky don't cry please, you're too much of a tough guy for that," I say and hug him. "Thanks, I'm just stressed," he says wiping the tears from his face. "I get it, I go through that type of risk every day living with Donut," I say and just shake at the fear of ever returning home. "Huh does Donut kill people now or something?" Blocky asks confused. 

"Well he killed Gelatin, Lollipop, and Fries," I say in a scared tone. "So you think you'll be next?" Blocky asks concerned. "Mhm, I do," I say still shaking. "Well most killers have a reason to kill someone, or they're me," Blocky says. "Well I don't think I did anything to piss off Donut," I say thinking. "Well is there something all the people he killed have in common?" Blocky asks. "They are all food?" I say as an answer. "Hm, well you don't fit that category anything else?" Blocky asks. 

"Well, none of their names end in y?" I say shaking. "Bruh I doubt he'd go hunting for people whose names don't end in y specifically!" Blocky says and starts to laugh at the thought of that. "Yeah, that would be like Stapy going over to him and not getting killed just because his name ends in y!" Snowball says. "Yeah, I guess," I say. "So right now the evidence points to him not trying to kill you but instead go for Taco next or something," Blocky says. "Yeah um thanks Blocky I can't think of anymore similar things about the people he killed," I say. 

"Well, I should go home and make sure Basketball doesn't kill herself!" Blocky says as he starts to run back to his house. "So now we are bored again," I say feeling bored. "Yep," he says and falls asleep shortly later. I get up and walk over to Lightning's room. "Hey Lightning, I'm bored... also I'm gonna be staying here for about a week!" I say happily. "Oh ok you can sleep in Flower's room or Match's room," he says. "Alright thanks," I say and lay down on the bed in Flower's room. "Ooh, I have a very cool idea on how to prank Fanny and Ruby while I'm here," I say out loud.

 I carefully and quietly go outside and change Flower's gravestone to say, 'Ruby I can speak to you through here... just put a piece of paper on the ground and I'll change this message when I get around to it.' From Flower. "It's perfect hehe," I say and grin. I proceed to write the same thing on Bubble's but instead of the word Ruby it says Fanny and instead of From Flower it says From Bubble. I then go sit on the couch and see Fanny and Ruby walking downstairs. "Eraser what're you doing here?" Ruby asks me. "Oh, I'm staying here for the week!" I say excitedly. "That's cool," Ruby says and walks over to the door to the gravestones with a flower. "Oh, Ruby what are you going to do with that flower?" I ask her. "Oh I put 1 flower at Flower's grave every day to show her I still care about her, I hope she sees them!" Ruby says and walks outside. "FANNY COME OUT HERE!!" Ruby screams. "Haha the prank is working," I say quietly. 

Flower's pov

"Aw, I just love all the pretty flowers Ruby puts at my grave," I say as I watch her place one. "Wait what's she screaming to Fanny about. "Ruby I can speak to you through here... just put a piece of paper on the ground and I'll change this message when I get around to it." I read in shock. "What kind of idiot would write that and why is Ruby falling for it!" I scream. "Huh?" Bubble floats over and sees it. "Who put that lie on there?" Bubble asks me. "I don't know... Fanny is falling for it too, of course, she is!" I scream and float away from there.

Author's Notes

Well, this chapter was kinda hard to write but I got through it. 

Wait till Ruby and Fanny find out Eraser is the one doing it.

That'll probs be funny!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Bye my little shopkins.

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