fries what the hell

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puffball pov

''fries i feel hurt a bit'' i say. ''oh uh what no'' fries said. ''uh yes i feel hurt'' i say. ''no'' he said. ''yes'' i said. geez that man. i look outside at yellowfaces grave to make sure hes not gonaa emerge out of it like a zombie. then i hear fries say ''ok i bit you''. ''what'' i say ''why''. he says ''eraser triple dog dared me to that so i had to''. ''oh ok'' i say. i then ask fries ''how was your day so far''. no reply. ''fries how was your day'' i ask again. no reply again. i then look over at him green ooze coming out of his mouth his arm looked like it got bit by something. oh god is there gonna be a zombie apocolipze. ''fries are you ok'' i ask. he seems to be just staring at me looking like he wants to bite me. theres only one thing that can do this to an object. a zombie snake will start the infection and the objects will infect each other. our bodies dont even ever disappear the zombie object will bite the dead object bringin them back as zombies to this is not good. while i think all this fries tries to bite me. i start screaming for help i scream ''ERASER FOLDY MARKER STAPY BELL HELP''. i scream this while trying to escape tho fries blocks the only exiT ''oh crap this is not good'' i say. foldy says ''puffball whats happening in there''. ''oh thank god someones there'' i say ''foldy im gonna die but run go find somewhere to hide zombies will be happening''. ''what'' foldy says. ''i cant escape fries is blocking the door''. ''do you want me to open it'' she says. ''no i want you to run'' i say. ''hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i got you good puffball you ok'' fries said. ''NO IM NOT OK'' i scream. ''sorry'' fries said. ''wait so howd you fake the bite'' i ask. ''i found pins sweat on the ground of blahops houses basement''. ''i found her tied up and stole her sweat from the ground and left her there'' fries said. ''FRIES'' i say. ''WHAT'' he says. ''you cant just leave her there i say. dont worry coiny saved her at the last second fries said. FRIES YOU CANT LEAVE A PREGANT WOMAN ABOVE LAVA  ABOUT TO FALL IN'' i say. ''thats not what i did'' fries said. ''what do you mean'' i say. ''i did all that and took her sweat and left'' fries says. ''THATS WORSE FRIES'' i scream. ''sorry'' fries said. ''whyd you prank me'' i ask. ''eraser'' fries said. ''wheres stapy'' i ask. ''with eraser'' fries said. ''were you gonna do something about pin being above lava'' i ask. ''i was'' fries said. ''why didnt you'' i ask. ''eraser'' fries said. ''anyway fries im telling coiny'' i said. ''no'' fries said. i started to fly over to the losers then i saw a certain creep bout to enter the house. so i did the only reasonable thing possible i flew back home got pins sweat put it in my mouth and flew back in that direction. then the creep screamed zombie and ran away. i flew in the house didnt even knock. then i flew up the stairs and finally went into coinys room and woke that man up. ''coiny no sleeping on the job'' i say. ''oh thanks for getting me up puffball wait puffball what are you doing here'' coiny asks. ''i got a creep away'' i say. ''since when was sb a creep'' coiny asks. ''no dumby pencil tried to enter this house to kill pin'' i say. ''wait PENCIL TRIED TO ENTER'' coiny screams. ''yep'' i said. ''well howd you get her away'' he asks. ''pinS sweat was in my mouth so i looked like a zombie object'' i say. ''howd that work the zombie snakes ave been exstint for 10 years now'' coiny says. ''no theyve been endangered for 10 years now coiny'' i say. ''oh'' he says. ''anyway i came to tell you fries almost let pin die then you saved her tho so yeah''. ''uh howd fries almost let pin die'' coiny asks. ''uh he was there and just collected her sweat from the ground then left''. ''what he did that'' coiny asks. ''yep'' i said. we look out the window to see an explosion from the other side of the forest and a jumbo zombie snake. 

coiny pov

''what do we do about the zombie snake'' i scream. ''i dont know but its COMING THIS WAY'' puffball says. ''well they dont eat objects no matter what size they are but they do spread zombie disase'' i say. ''i dont wanna be a zombie'' puffball cries. ''well i mean theres nothing we can do cause i dont have any guns to shoot it down'' i say. ''i do'' puffball says then she grabs a gun and shoots it down. ''thank my mint" i say. then the world goes black.  i wake up on my bed and pin is gone again.

pin pov

for some weird reason i seem to be kidnapped again but this time near a volcano ok pencil tried to hard this time like way to hard. ''coiny'' i scream then the world goes black. whew just a dreaM guess i dreamed about coiny having a nightmare but i was having a nightmare as well. i look over at coiny asleep so i punch that man but it seemed to me his reflexs are strong and he punched me in the STOMACH. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW'' i scream. ''p pin'' he says. ''right here'' i say. ''PIN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU'' he asks.'' you punched me in the stomach thats what happened''. ''oh my mint im so sorry pin but are you ok'' he asks. ''no i think im gonna barf and then pass out'' i say. then i barf and then i pass out. ''pin'' coiny yells right before i passed out.

authors note

coiny did actually punch pin

no there isnt actually a such thing as a zombie snake that was just for the dreams

my youtube is fnafgirllizzy

my roblox is shoplkins

death list 

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

Woody died of being attacked by book 

yellow face died of being buried alive 

flower died of poison 

bubble died of poison / force of coughing 

anyway bye my little shopkins

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