The Death PACT

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Bracelety's pov

Icy... she didn't care about me?! I lay there crying. I thought she was my friend... why'd she make me feel like that?! We need to kill a certain amount of people right? I think that's what was said. I'm gonna go see if anyone wants to kill me. Wait... does anyone actually want me alive? Shouldn't I find out the answer to that before just dying? I open the door to my room. I laid there crying last night, couldn't even fall asleep.

 I exit the room and walk over to Naily's room. I sigh before knocking on the door. "Oh hey Bracelety, why the long face?" Naily asks in confusion. "Ugh, it's just Icy didn't care about me... but she made me feel like she did so now I'm wondering if I should even be alive," I say in sadness. "Last I check, Barf Bag changed the vote for you, as an apology," Naily says normally. "Really?" I ask in confusion. "Yeah, she knows she can't do much as for the Icy situation but she really cares about your health Bracelety," Naily says normally. "...ok," I say and walk back to my room. Seems like death isn't really an option anymore. I go to my room and delete the Icy files off my iPad.

 I had quite a few... won't need those anymore! I smile for a second. I'll start doing what Death PACT does... maybe I should visit them! I run over to Barf Bag's room and knock on the door very fast and repeatedly. "Barf Bag, Barf Bag, I wanna ask Death PACT if we can combine teams, do you think that's a good idea?" I ask in confusion. "Didn't Bleh already combine with them?" Barf Bag asks in confusion. "Well yea, but the death rate hasn't been slowing I think," I say normally. "Hm, that isn't the worst idea.... are you trying to move us all to their house though?" she asks in confusion. 

"Well... I mean no? We could still live here! It'd just be them sharing materials with us, and sometimes we might go help them, or they might come to help us if a situation gets too overwhelming!" I say happily. "Are we doing their job because their all dying?" Naily asks in confusion. "HUH?! THEY ARE ALL DYING?!" I ask in concern. "Mhm, I think it's just Pen and Bottle right now, well the Bleh people are alive over there too.... but they don't really know how to do the job of Death PACT," Naily says normally. "Hmm, I'll do Death PACT's job... but better than they ever could!" I say happily. "But didn't you let Ice Cube die in your care?" Spongy asks in confusion. I punch him in his stupid face. 

"She's a touchy subject for me!" I say in annoyance. "My point still stands," Spongy says in annoyance. "I'm gonna have to agree Bracelety, if you can't save one person what makes you think you'll be able to save tons of people?" Barf Bag asks in confusion. "This!" I say happily and hold a few pieces of paper. "I don't get it," Naily says normally. "Suicide notes!" I say and begin writing. "Bracelety what are you doing?!" Barf Bag asks in confusion. "I'm faking our deaths, Book will never know we are alive if she thinks we are dead," I say happily. "I... mean I guess," Barf Bag says uncomfortably. I write for a while. I had to think of a reason each member of this team would commit suicide.

 "These... are very well written Bracelety," Barf Bag says in shock. "I know, I had to make them convincing!" I say and rush up the stairs with them. I place one in each of our rooms, making sure it's the right one in each. "Ok guys, now we get in our closets!" I say and bring bread with me. The rest of the team notices and grabs some too. We enter our closets. It's something we can eat that doesn't make much noise.

 We'll need to live in the closets until we know Book checked the house. We should be able to hear when someone is in our rooms so it'll be easy to text each other that she's been in the room. I text the others to put their brightness all the way down and make sure they have a charger. It could be weeks until Book or Pencil shows up. We'll just have to get lucky I guess. 

Donut's pov

What's the team doing? I know I'm not supposed to get in their business. I managed to sneak in last night during the few hours they were asleep. I've been here in my room the whole time hoping they won't come in. What's going on outside right now? Oh, Bottle's knocked out at ABNTT's front door. Not a surprise seeing as Bottle is one of the weaker people. I think about it for a while. How long should I hide from them? Maybe Barf Bag will forgive me? She seems like the forgiving type! I walk over to her door and knock on it. She doesn't respond so I open the door. "Barf Bag?" I say as I enter. I don't find her anywhere. Just a note on a table. 

Dear whoever reads this,

I'm done living! It's been really hard on everyone and after the fight with Bracelety last night plus the lack of forgiveness I don't think I can go on. I'm pretty sure she killed herself too. I didn't tell anyone about this because I don't want them to stress out. 

From Barf Bag.

"What!? T-That means Gelatin's old theory would be false as Barf Bag...... killed herself," I say in shock. Why'd she do that? She could've talked it out with the team! They would've been there for her! I rush over to Naily's room. "Naily... Barf Bag ki-" I say when I don't see her anywhere but I see a note. "N-No!" I say and sit there crying. 

Author's Notes

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Nickel was slain by Pencil stab cut cut.

(forget where Nickel goes so he is there now)

Roboty was slain by Pencil crush.

David was slain by Pencil.

Rocky was slain by Pencil strike strike.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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