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ruby pov

ugh this sucks why did flower have to die im glad her last moments were good moments since of the beatiful song. ''fanny'' i say. ''WHAT RUBY'' she screams. ''you need to stop hating everything fanny'' i say. ''why should i the one thing i loved is gone that means i shouldnt stop hating things or bad things will happen so leave me alone'' she says. ''fanny calm down'' i say. ''NO LEAVE ME ALONE'' she screams. ''ugh fine i will'' i say.  i start to walk away right now lightning is the safest person to talk to i head into lightnings room and just sit there on the ground with my head in my knees crying.

fanny pov

i hate this i hate 4 i hate x i hate ruby i HATE pencil i HATE book i hate everything. im just sitting here crying i guess it doesnt help that everywhere i look in here is pictures of me smiling or bubble smiling even one of us high fiving one of me blushing one of bubble blushing you get the idea but uh thats all i see in here ugh i miss bubble so much i hate that shes gone.

lightning pov

so ruby walked in to my room im staring at her like what are you doing in my room. i then get a notification on my phone. come meet me at my grave from flower. not letting ruby see that she will cry harder. i text it back and say pencil i know its you. it then says no its not. i text yes it is then i removed flowers number and pencils number from my phone.

ruby pov

ding a notification. i look at my texts and see that it says. come meet me by my grave from flower. i reply with pencil quit it flowers dead. it replys with im not pencil 😏. well i dont care i reply back. then i delete pencils number from my phone i mute flowers number but i dont delete it. i continue crying until lightning asks me ''whats wrong''. i say ''its the fact that i feel like its my fault flower died if i had stayed with her she probably wouldnt have found the poison from pencil anyways''. lightning says ''ruby it isnt your fault you couldnt have known''. i say ''i guess your right thanks lightning''. i get up and go outside to the grave i see a shadow there.

fanny pov

i pick up my phone and check out the previous texts ive had with bubble texts about dating texts about other things all the texts were good moments. then i hear a ding i scroll to the bottom it says come meet me by my grave. i say nice try pencil. it says im not pencil. i say nice try book it says im not book. i say stop lying you to then i mute bubbles contact.

snowball pov

ooh im gonna prank them so good. i get dressed in blackish gray clothes particually see through to cause a shadow effect i then go outside to the graves pull out my phone and start teting lightning ruby and fanny to come meet me at 'my' grave then i swap out the gravestone to say i never loved you ruby for flowers and i never loved you fanny for bubbles mwahaahahhaaha im evil. well sort of i agreed to help pencil and book. and book gave me this idea.

ruby pov

''hmmm who are you'' i ask. ''its me'' the figure says. hmm it sounds like tennisball its round like tennisball its facing me but it has this mask on it doesnt seem to have arms. i look around this little grave yard for a little bit longer i notice flowers grave changed it says i never loved you ruby. why would flowers ghost wait a second tennisball is right here he must have done this. ''tennisball'' i say. ''yes ruby'' tb says back. ''i cant believe you did this flower did love me you idiot i hate you more than i hate golfball hmph''. i then walk inside.

snowball pov

yes yes yes i made her think tennisball switched the graves when it was really me yes. ill stay here all day incase fanny or lightning come. i stand there thinking about stuff for a while.

ruby pov

''hey fanny'' i say. ''what'' she says. ''tennisball switched the gravestones'' i say. ''what'' she says. ''yeah bubbles gravestone now says i never loved you fanny'' i say. ''lets go get our revenge on tennisball'' fanny says. ''yeah lets go wait with golfball and hurt her as the punishment for messing with us'' i say. ''good idea ruby'' fanny says. ''i know'' i say. ''well lets go to sleep since its nighttime then we will do our new plan'' fanny says. ''yes'' i said.

fanny pov

i lay awake in bed not able to fall asleep im still just thinking about bubble ruby and i are getting revenge on tb tomorrow for switching the gravestones our plan is to kill golf ball right in front of him since we know tennis ball loves her it will make him so sad we will allow golf ball one hour to find proof tennis ball didnt switch the gravestones although we all know he did so yeah she will have to have luck to find proof. i dont know what golf ball will do now. she needs to hope luck is on her side.

ruby pov

fanny told me she would tell me her plan tomorrow i also have a plan but it might be the same as fanny because no one ,messes with flowers gravestone and gets away with it. hmph anyway yeah uh im gonna go to sleep now. i lay here trying to fall asleep i gonna end up crying myself to sleep. 

snowball pov

i text pencil that i put books plan into action and i say its going good since they still think tennis ball switched it. pencil replies with GOOD.

authors note

ooh drama

no  seriously what in the world will happen to golf ball 

will she be ok

will she find proof

will she giv e up and say good bye to everyone

maybe she will confess her love to tennisball 

who knows

well actually i do

but i wont tell you


death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellow face died of being buried alive

bubble died of force of coughing/poison

flower died of poison

my roblox account is shoplkins

and just because im so cruel 

next chapter will NOT continue this chapter


also does anyone reading this support the murders or what

the murders being



and snowball 

not ruby 

and fanny 

they just think they are

getting revenge on tb

but seriously does anyone support them 

also we will have dead spirit chapter next 😐

the first dead spirit chapter IF NECESARY i MIGHT  do TWO OR THREE OF THOSE

AGAIN my roblox account is shoplkins

i sometimes make polls on amino i dont know what i called on there'

bu the polls are bfb whos better

anyways bye my little shopkins

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