Death PACT Ghosts.

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Tree's pov

"This is complete bullshit, why did she choose to go to Book... that's the one place she shouldn't have gone!" I say in pure annoyance. Suddenly Remote and Pie appear in front of me. So they died too, huh? "How'd you two die, were you looking for me?" I ask in confusion. It's the only logical explanation I can think of. "No, your fucking bullshit excuse of a girlfriend killed me!" Remote says in annoyance with her arms crossed. "Putting batteries back in you should make you alive again right? If so that'd be a good way to communicate with the living!" I say normally.

 "No, I've been dead for too long, 15 minutes is too long... so now I'm dead until 4 comes back and recovers me," she says in annoyance. "Oh, I can't believe she did that!" I say in annoyance. "Honestly, it makes sense Bottle's just so dumb that of course, she did this," Remote says in annoyance before floating away. 

"Tree, don't worry, Remote is just annoyed and hasn't gotten over all this yet," Pillow says as she floats over. "Oh hey Pillow, I hope you're right," I say normally. "Maybe Remote will get over this soon?" Pillow says in confusion. "I doubt it, life was great for Remote before Bottle went to Book... she was gonna get to kiss me for the first time, I finally agreed to it," I say normally. "Oh... that's why she's pissed off, she's been trying to get you to agree for a long time," Pillow says normally. 

"Mhm, and none of us know if 4 is coming back so none of us know if she'll ever get to kiss me," I say normally. "I see, Bottle must be killing you guys for a good reason... it isn't like her to go against the meaning of the team like that," Pillow says normally. "Ugh, she's doing it out of fear," Liy says in annoyance. "Huh?" I ask in confusion. "Tree, I died a while ago, I've been watching her recently and saw everything," Liy says normally. 

I kinda forgot we could do that. I float down through the roof of our house and just kinda spectate Bottle. She's sitting in the living room with a fake smile on her face. Trying her very best not to cry. I really miss the real her. The cheerful, loving, caring girl that she used to be. I float into her room.

 Maybe I can communicate with her through the use of some paper? I find a piece of paper on her desk, I pick it up to write on it but before I can I hear someone coming. I quickly put it back on the table. "What am I doing to myself?!" Bottle screams and cries face down on her bed. I carefully pick up the piece of paper and write on it. What I wrote says,

"Hey Bottle, this is Tree, well I'm a ghost now but yea, please stop killing your friends... if you kill Pen... we can no longer be friends,".

When I place it back down... Bottle gets up. She didn't see me writing but I can tell she heard the sound of the paper being placed. "...Tree... I'm sorry... hopefully this helps," she says and rushes out of the room. "Bottle no!!" I scream but she couldn't hear me.

 "No, Tree... she's gonna kill Pen!!" Liy says and rushes after her. "Liy, we can't do anything about it," I say in annoyance. "I'm still gonna try!!" she says and continues chasing Bottle. "Leave her alone!" I say and rush over to Liy. "No, I won't let that bitch kill Pen!" Liy says in annoyance. 

Pen's pov

"Oh my ink, finally this stupid corpse is off!!" I say out loud to myself. I never wanna do that ever again! I walk over to my door about to leave to tell people about this but the door opens. "Oh hey Bottle, did you come here to talk to me?" I ask in confusion. She just starts crying. 

"Pen, I'm so sorry... I killed Tree... it was me!!" she says and cries. "Y-You caused death?!" I ask in confusion. "Yes I did, I killed him, I killed Remote and Pie too... I only did it because I was forced... if I didn't I'd die... but now I've found out that... is what I want," she says crying still.

"What?! Bottle we can talk this out... there can be a better way!!" I say with concern. "Pen, there is no better way... I have a plan with a 50% success rate, depends on many factors... and I mean many... don't tell anyone that I killed Tree until I'm dead, you understand?!" she says and pulls out a knife. 

"Mhm... I understand!" I say stressed out. "Good, I'll be back here later... you do what I say... got it?!" she asks in confusion. "... I understand," I say normally. "K, bye-bye Pen, see ya later, tee hee!" she says and runs out of the room. 

Bottle's pov

Ok, step 1 is I gotta go to A Better Name Than That's house. Hopefully, they don't cause trouble. If I can go get the Pencil costume and voice changer... Pen can pretend to be Pencil checking for any sign of remaining Death PACT members!! 

If that happens Book will leave when nothing is found and Pen gets to live. I run as fast as I can to get there, this needs to happen as soon as possible. I should've thought of this kind of idea long before I killed people. I'm sure Pie and Remote could've disguised as someone too. I wouldn't have had to kill them at all!!

 Whatever, I'm just gonna do this plan and go die right after!! As I run, I don't notice myself about to trip on a rock and I fall face-first into the ground and shatter a little. Right outside of ABNTT's house. Maybe this is the end of me. Everything around me goes black.

Author's Notes

I'm trying for 1 more chapter today... may not happen but we'll see!

I might make a book where fan art and official art of this book goes.

I'd also link any and all animations for yt (about this book) that I may or may not make in the future.

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Nickel was slain by Pencil stab cut cut.

(forget where Nickel goes so he is there now)

Roboty was slain by Pencil crush.

David was slain by Pencil.

Rocky was slain by Pencil strike strike.

Bye, my little shopkins!

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