Decision Time!

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Bottle's pov

What am I supposed to do... should I just go back home? Should I kill? Killing is the opposite of what I stand for.... but if I did it I could maybe stop all the killing... ugh I'm gonna regret this! I think to myself. "Bottle, Book is coming.... you have to choose right now!" Pencil says looking at a door. "Uh I pick to join you!" I say with a really fake smile. "Bottle that smile isn't gonna cut it!" Pencil says staring at Book. 

Pencil's pov

"Pencil what are you doing?" Book asks. "Oh uh, nothing Book!" I say and slam the door shut. I hear Bottle start to knock again. "It appears we have a visitor Pencil!" Book says from inside. I just checked who it is... it's not important!" I say. "Pencil it appears to me that someone is here and you don't want me to kill that correct?" Book asks. "Well yeah!" I say and I stand in front of her. "Pencil get out of my way!" Book says and pushes me to the ground. "Book please don't open that door!" I scream.

Tree's pov

"Hey uh, team Death PACT?" I say aloud. "Hm, what is it Tree?" Pie asks wondering what I'm going to say. "I think I should go out and see if Bottle is alive or dead!" I say crying a bit at the thought of her being dead. "Um Tree I would say yes but that's unsafe.... what if you find out she's dead and then you die?" Remote asks. "Good question... I think if she's dead I might wanna die anyway!" I reply. "Well uh, good luck out there Tree!" Gaty says. "Do you wanna bring me as self-defense against Book?" Saw asks ready to leave.

 "Um no, thanks Saw... if I'm not back in about an hour... feel free to come looking for me tho!" I reply. "Oh ok!" she says and sits down on the couch. "Fine Tree... if you won't listen to me... I'll at least kiss you before you go!" Remote says. "You really don't need to do that!" I say. Then I feel her kiss me. "Ugh thanks, Remote," I say as I roll my eyes. "No problem Tree!" she says as she sits back down on the couch. "Be safe out there," Pen says as I open the door. "I will," I say as I walk out.

Bottle's pov

Ugh, I'm ready. I think to myself before looking up to see Book. "Oh hey, Book!" I say nervously. "Bottle I know what your team is about... so why are you here?" Book asks. "Uh, I wanted to prove to you that I could join you!" I say smiling. "Uh yeah sure.... you can join... if you kill Tree!" Book says. "What!!" I quickly say holding back tears. "Yah that's the deal!" Book says. "If I don't?" I say still holding back tears. 

"If you don't you can't join us.... therefore you wasted my time... therefore I kill you!" Book responds while smiling. "Well, I uh...I'll kill Tree!" I say with a fake smile. "Ok now go!" Book says and I go sit on the ground outside her house. Ugh, I don't want to do this but I have to! At least we found those weapons! I think to myself. By the time I finish dreading this... Tree arrives. "Oww, I think I broke my leg Tree!" I say while putting my hand on my leg.

 "Here Bottle grab my hand... I'll help you up... then we can go home!" Tree says with a soft smile. Ahhh I don't want to kill him. "Thx Tree it really hurts!" I say and grab his hand. The second he helps me stand I pull out a gun. "Bottle what the heck is that a gun?" he says. As soon as he finished that sentence I pulled the trigger. I can't believe I just did that! Why?! For what?! It wasn't worth it!! Remote's gonna kill me when she finds out it was me!! 

"Bottle good job... I clearly underestimated you!" Book says. Pencil looks at me with a face basically asking me if I'm ok. I look at her and shake my head. "Book... can I talk to Bottle and introduce her to our killing rules?" Pencil asks. "Well.... sure Pencil!" Book says and walks away. I sit there with Pencil... a frown on my face. "Bottle... I know you didn't come here just to kill Tree!" Pencil says.

Pencil's pov

"Well, of course, I didn't!" Bottle says. "So then why did you come?" I ask. "Well, I came here to help my team!" Bottle says trying to force a smile on her face. "Listen  Bottle... you know killing wouldn't help your team!" I say. "I know that... I came here to find out why you two are killing!" Bottle screams. "Woah Bottle.... quiet down... you don't wanna get in trouble!" I say. "Sorry, I'm just pissed!" Bottle says. "It's ok... I only killed because I wanted revenge... and I don't even know if I've gotten that revenge!" I say with a frown on my face.

"I know the answer to that!" Bottle says. "No shut up!" Pencil says with a smile. "It's true... know what forget it!" Bottle says. "Bottle who killed her?" I ask. "Well, I kinda don't wanna tell you!" Bottle says while crying. "Bottle don't cry... after I get my revenge... I'll hang out with your team and protect you guys!" I say happily. "I just... can't!" Bottle says.  "But why?" I ask. "Because Book is over there in the doorway!" Bottle says. I turn around to see Book in the doorway. 

"Oh hey, Book... I just finished telling Bottle the rules!" I say. "Oh cool... Bottle go home... I expect your team to be dead by the end of the week!" Book says. I sit there mentally crying. "Got it Book!" Bottle says and walks out. "Pencil I hope Bottle isn't changing you... you seem more hesitant to kill!" Book says. "I promise you she isn't Book!" I say. "Ok good welp I'm gonna go take a nap!" Book says and walks away. "Poor Death PACT," I say as I sit down on the couch and silently cry. 

Author's Notes

Welp this chapter exists!

I might hopefully by the end of this month start a new book!

I have like at least 2 ideas!

Anyway request fanart for my sis to draw!

Death List

 Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Bye my little shopkins

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