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gaty pov

''ok uh saw we need to talk'' i say. ''uh about what'' saw said. ''uh about you'' i say. ''what me why'' she asked. ''because you let book kill liy using you why'' i asked. ''uh can we talk about this later'' she asked. ''no'' i said. ''i cant tell you book told me i cant'' she said. ''hmmmm interesting'' i say. ''gaty please dont try to figure it out'' she says. ''oh but i will i will figure it out'' i say. i hear saw whisper ''oh no'' under her breath. why was saw so worried about me finding out what i want to know hmm i wonder. then i see teardrop walk over with a worried expression so i say ''hey teardrop''. she looks at me and tries to clear her face of that worried expression. ''teardrop can you talk or no'' i ask. she shakes her head no so im assuming she physically cant not just doesnt want to. ''so teardrop uh why were you worried you can write it down on this piece of paper''. she shakes her head no starts crying and rips the paper then she does the most unexcepeted thing she could possibly do and hug me.

teardrop pov

gaty please dont figure it out i think but cant say i try to make a sound while crying but no sound comes out. why cant i talk why why why why. oh well i hear and see everything that goes on in this house im kinda like the ninja of the house. i know about liys death now from the conversation gaty and saw were just having i know saw secret i know taco is gone i know lollipop is gone i know dora has done nothing ever helpful ever. i know everything anyway i snap back into reality to see im still tghting hugging gaty while gaty screams but i cant tell what she said. so i let go of her. she then breathes heavily calls me stupid and leaves. 

dora pov

"My name is Dora and I need the Island very badly because I feed on islands. Islands are my only food, and, as such, I need as many islands as I can get! Many people refuse to sell me islands because they know that I will just gobble them up, and that is true, but what harm would that do to them? We island-eaters are tired of the discrimination we receive from society in general, and would greatly appreciate if just one ray of light was shone on our people in the form of Dream Island!""That was a bad decision you voters made! You'll all regret it when I starve to death! I'll haunt you in your sleep!"

"I am very glad Fries gave me the shovel, and, with it, the ability to dig. I know that if I can dig, I can create islands! And since islands are my only food, creating islands is very important to me. I love islands so much that I have written my very own island song. Would you like to hear it? Never mind - I don't care about your opinion. I'm going to sing it anyway. It goes - 'Islands, islands! Yum, yum yum! Islands, islands! Chomp. Islands! They are so delish! Gimme islands now! Gimme! Gimme gimme, gimme! Gimme. Islands! Yum! Islands. Glorp. Shlorp! Gobble! Gloop! Gulp! Lala! Islands.' So, what did you think? Never mind - I don't care about your opinion. I know that you, being biased against us island-eaters, will say you hate it. But we island-eaters know that all the songs we write are wonderful. My two favorite things in the world are islands and songs. My two least favorite things are you and David. David is not my brother. He is not even related to me. I have tried to kill him plenty of times, but all my attempts have failed miserably. Most of my failures are the result of the horrendous "David Cloner." I forgot to tell you that the David Cloner ranks third on my least favorite list. Anyway, back to islands. I like islands. They are good. So good, I want to sing my song again! 'Islands, islands! Yum, yum yum! Islands, islands! Chomp. Islands! They are so delish! Gimme islands now! Gimme! Gimme gimme, gimme! Gimme. Islands! Yum! Islands. Glorp. Shlorp! Gobble! Gloop! Gulp! Lala! Islands.'"

"Digging! How novel. If I am to construct and produce islands for consumption, acquiring dirt in this jubilent manner seems most appropriate."

*starts singing* "Islands, islands! Yum, yum, yum! Islands, islands! Chomp. Islands! They are so delish! Gimme islands now! Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Gimme. Islands! Yum! Islands. Glorp! Shlorp! Gobble! Gloop! Gulp! Lala! Islands. Islands, islands! Yum, yum, yum! Islands, islands! Chomp. Islands. Yum!"

", you ipprehensible imbecile, how about shutting YOUR pie hole for a second? All the years I spent with you in the and you still haven't learned a single thing about me. I could eat you right now. Like right this instant. But you don't even know that because you didn't think it was worth your time to learn my language? I don't even need to eat you. It would grant me no sustenance in the slightest. But maybe I still want to. I bet you don't even taste good. But I'd do it anyway, just to see your worthless attitude disappear. Honestly, it's astounding that you made it this far without getting stuck in a cactus, or getting your face covered in sand. Now, I am going to repeat everything I said a few times so that you'll be able to determine, that from the duration of the rant, that how much I am done with you, Lollipop. Since you never care to understand what I say. Lollipop, you ipprehensible imbecile, how about shutting YOUR pie hole for a second? All the years I spent with you in the TLC and you still haven't learned a single thing about me. I could eat you right now. Like right this instant. But you don't even know that because you didn't think it was worth your time to learn my language? I don't even need to eat you. It would grant me no sustenance in the slightest. But maybe I still want to. I bet you don't even taste good. But I'd do it anyway, just to see your worthless attitude disappear. Honestly, it's astounding that you made it this far without getting stuck in a cactus, or getting your face covered in sand. Lollipop, you ipprehensible imbecile, how about shutting YOUR pie hole for a second? All the years I spent with you in the TLC and you still haven't learned a single thing about me. I could eat you right now. Like right this instant. But you don't even know that because you didn't think it was worth your time to learn my language? I don't even need to eat you. It would grant me no sustenance in the slightest. But maybe I still want to. I bet you don't even taste good. But I'd do it anyway, just to see your worthless attitude disappear. Honestly, it's astounding that you made it this far without getting stuck in a cactus, or getting your face covered in sand."

authors notes 

there we have dora but really this is probably the only time dora will ever talk so i took everything she ever said translated and uh yeah 

if you have any questions ask me in the comments

death list

liy died from getting cut by book using saw as a weapon

match died from cyanide

firey jr died from rain

the deaths arent in order

anyway uh yeah next chapter we go to pencil and book first 

bye my little shopkins

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