pin and coinys movie night

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coiny pov

"pin pin where are you" i scream. i rush around looking for pin its too hot out for this. im already sweating like crazy. i eventually continue running until i find her laying next to lollipops corpse. i start to drag pin home she is very heavy. "why every time you get hurt its my fault" i say. "its not your fault coiny" pin says. 

"pin oh my mint youre ok" i say. "yeah why wouldnt i be" she says. "because i left you with eggy and then he got so hot out here that you collapsed because apperantly eggy can not be trusted" i reply. "well that was eggys fault not your fault" pin replies. "lets get home now ok" i say.  "alright coiny" pin replies.

so we start to walk home and eventually we make it and this point pin and i are sweating like crazy so we just sit down on the couch ready to chat some more. "anyways pin when i hurt you most of the time its my fault" i say. "no coiny its not if anything its my fault im not complety helpless" pin says. "yeah i just feel as if i dont protect you enough" i say. "thats cause you dont you protect me more than enough" she replies.

 "oh the first half of that sentence really had me scared" i reply. "silly boyfriend i wouldnt make you upset" pin replies. "ok thanks pin" i say. "lets watch this movie" pin says. "pin you want to watch that horror film" i say sounding scared. "chill coiny its a great movie its called world of light which means its good cause light symbloizes angels and angels are good things so no fear" pin replies.

 "but ive seen reviews saying its scary but has a really-" i say before getting cut off by pin.  "shush boy you was about to spoil and i dont want any spoilers so shush" pin says.  "alright lets watch it then" i say. after about an hour of mostly woody i was so glad to finally be done with this movie. "so how was the movie coiny" pin asks. "it was ok but it was also scary" i reply. 

"boy it wasnt even scary it was actually fun to watch" pin replies.  "maybe to you it was" i say. "i like how it had our show and some of ii and even shieldy" pin says. "yeah the shieldy battle looked hard" i reply. i also liked how the only time they switched was on books battle and they switched to taco just to troll taco pin says. "yeah so true" i say. "anyway coiny feel better now" pin asks. "yeah i feel better" i say. 

"ooh lets watch bfb fun" pin says. "alright" i say. "wait are the mechanical mind contestants having a dance battle"? i ask. "yeah they are" pin says. "wait a huge lollipop crushed braf bag and it says you have no life thats hilarous" i say. "and they are making a tree milkshake" pin says. "that would taste gross" i say. "yeah it really would" pin says. "lets watch the next one as well" i say. "sure" pin says. "and the word bland just crushed icy" I say.

after pin and i watch the rest of the bfb funs. "so pin how was it" i ask. "it was good i loved the cake cake section" she says. "wait cake cake" cake says. "uh yeah its a cake made of a bunch of clones of you" pin says. "nope im out" cake says. "anyway or the woody cookies" i say. "yes the woody cookies" pin says. "well that was fun but im taking a nap" pin says. "ok i will protect you while you sleep alright" i say. "ok coiny" pin says then she falls asleep.

book pov

hmm what to do today ill probably go kill that useless eggy cause she is useless.  im excited to get another kill and my actions may be mean but do i care no i open the front door ready to leave and go kill her "im glad pencil hasnt found out the truth yet". i say. "i havent figured out the truth about what" pencil asks.  "uh nothing bye" i say then i begin to run over to the losers house.

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