The Vote.

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Naily's pov

"Ok let's go Bracelety," I say and sneakily walk up the stairs. We can't let Barf Bag see us... that would ruin everything! "Sure thing Naily," Bracelety says and follows. We walk over to Barf Bag's room. I decide to listen through the door. She seems to be asleep... perfect! "Ok, Naily you ready?" Bracelety asks me quietly. "Yes, follow me," I say quietly and walk over to Barf Bag. Bracelety follows with a megaphone. "Do I scream now?" Bracelety whispers as quietly as she can. 

"Yes do it," I whisper back as quiet as I can manage but loud enough to hear. "OH, MY GOD BARF BAG WHY THE FU-" Bracelety screams. "AHHHH what the FUCK is wrong with you two!" Barf Bag screams as loud as she can. "WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR COLOGNE WE WERE GONNA VOTE INHALER!" Bracelety yells into the megaphone. "I voted for Cologne because he sucks!" she says in a displeased way. "Barf Bag, you haven't given him time to improve!" I reply and frown. "You guys aren't giving Inhaler a chance either!?" she screams in a pretty noisy way. 

Spongy's pov

Why is there a fight? .... I walk over to the door of Barf Bag's room. "Cologne is better than Inhaler!" Bracelety says in a normal tone. "No!" Barf Bag says and crosses her arms. ... I forgot we all share an account to vote on! Wait... I can get in there and vote OSO Novel! I quickly sneak in as quietly as I can. 

Putting no attention on myself. I grab the device that Barf Bag voted Cologne on and quickly switch the vote. Barf Bag notices me and taps Bracelety's shoulder. Next, she points at me. "Spongy what are you doing with that?!" Bracelety asks in a puzzled way. "I was just looking for Ice Cube's wiki page," I respond before she steals the device.

 "Why were you on Book's page?" Bracelety says before rolling her eyes. "Well, isn't that how you find Ice Cube's page?" I ask in a puzzled way. "No!" she says before pulling up Ice Cube's page. "Oh, thanks Bracelety!" I say and try to steal it back. "NO!" Bracelety screams and runs to her room. "Hey, that's mine!" Barf Bag screams and leaves the room. 

Barf Bag's pov

Did she really need to steal my tablet? She has her own, we all do! I stroll to her door and knock on it. "Bracelety, may I come in?" I ask in a confused way. "Nope!" she says and laughs. "Bracelety, what's so funny?" I ask in a concerned way. "Heh, just the fact that Book thought she could ruin my life!" Bracelety says right before I hear a recording of Ice Cube.

 "Bracelety, what are you doing in there?" I ask in a very concerned way. I stand there for a few minutes. Silence. "Finally I found one!" Bracelety says in a happy tone. ...She found what? "Barf Bag can I tell you a secret?" I hear Ice Cube say... my face turns pale. "Bracelety turn that off!" I scream and try to pick the lock to the door.

 "Sure, you can tell me anything," I hear myself say. I already know what video Bracelety is listening to. I start aggressively knocking on the door. "Ugh Barf Bag, what do you want?" Bracelety asks after pausing the video. "You can't watch that!" I scream and continue trying to get in. "Oh but I'm gonna watch it!" she says and unpauses. This is the part of the video where Ice Cube looks to her sides to see if Bracelety had escaped the elimination area. A few seconds later, she begins speaking again. 

"Bracelety kinda scares me, she gives me way too much attention to the point where she's creepy, I have no one who legitimately cares about me!" Ice Cube says and starts to cry. Bracelety pauses the video. "BARF BAG... HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN ON YOUR TABLET?!!" Bracelety screams and a few minutes later I hear the sound of something shattering. "BRACELETY?!!" I scream and push her door down. 

"I DON'T WANNA TALK TO YOU... HAVE FUN USING THIS TABLET!!" Bracelety says and hands me a broken tablet. "BRACELETY YOU CAN'T JUST BREAK MY STUFF!" I say ready to punch her. She seems to just sit there and take it. "Woah!" Bomby says and grabs my arms. "Huh... Bomby, when did you get here?" I ask in a confused way. "Spongy and Naily heard screaming so they asked me to come right away!" he says and pulls me out of the room. "Ugh, I wasn't gonna seriously hurt her, I promise," I say and begin to cry.

 "I know that, let's go talk about it in your room," he says and drags me to my room. "I can walk on my own," I say when we are halfway there. "Oh right, sorry," he says and lets go of my hands. I walk over to my room and just sit on the bed hugging myself. "Sorry about lashing out, being the most mature one here can be hard sometimes," I say after a long sigh. 

"It's fine, Spongy voted OSO Novel, I'll switch the vote back now,... to Cologne right?" Bomby asks in a confused way. "Yes please," I say after another long sigh. "There we go, our vote is for Cologne, voting OSO Novel isn't more important than keeping people happy!" Bomby says and gives me a hug. After he pulls away, I start to wipe my tears. "I tried to tell her not to watch the video!" I say in a gloomy way. 

"We know you care about her feelings Barf Bag," Naily says in a normal tone. "You know what, no, switch the vote to Inhaler," I say in a slightly cheerful tone. "You sure?" Bomby asks in a confused tone. "Yep, maybe it'll cheer her up!" I say in a joyful tone. "Alrighty," Bomby says and switches the vote. "Well it's getting late, let's all go to sleep," Naily says in a delighted way. "It's literally 3 am," I say and close my eyes. 

Spongy's pov

"Heh, they all went back to sleep, time to switch it back to OSO Novel!" I say and grab my tablet. I go under the video and spend 25 of the remaining 30 minutes looking for the account. I wait until we have about 4 seconds and switch my vote to OSO Novel. "Heh," I say before going to sleep. 

Author's Notes

How was the chapter?

The reason we were talking about voting those specific characters has to do with when this chapter specifically began writing!

shoplkins and I were still pretty upset how our brother switch our vote from Inhaler to OSO Novel and caused the tie!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom.

Anyways bye my little shopkins!

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