Paint Chicken Nuggets.

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Pin's pov

Hopefully, everything is fine with Coiny. What am I thinking... of course it is!! I shouldn't be worried. The door opens and Leafy walks in. "Hey Leafy!" I say happily. "Oh someone's happy," she says normally. "Yeah, you are here to tell me Coiny's fine right?" I ask in confusion. "N-No, I'm not," she says normally. "Oh, we still don't know... ok," I say normally. "No Pin, we do know.... he died!!" she screams in annoyance. 

"W-What?!" I say as I'm shocked. I can't believe this... well he did promise to protect me... so he must've died protecting me. "Do we know how he died?" I ask in confusion. "I don't but I'd assume Needy probably does," she says normally. "Don't call me Needy!" Needle says after opening the door. "Oh hey Needle, thanks for coming, who killed Coiny?" Leafy asks sharpening her knife. "Hey, Leafy... you're scaring me!!" I say in fear. "Yea ok, Leafy go to Firey!" Needle says and pushes her out of her own room.

 "Hey, that's my room you are in!!" Leafy shouts from outside the room. "Anyway, um, Snappy killed him," Needle says normally. "You mean the fish monster?" I ask in confusion. "Mhm, I don't know how Snappy got to him but she did," Needle says normally. "Ok...," I say in shock. "Will you be ok?" Needle asks in confusion. "I-I don't know!" I scream and fall asleep crying. 

Needle's pov

"Guys, Pin's not doing ok mentally, it's best if we leave her alone for a bit!" I say normally. "Are you suggesting ignoring her?" Clock asks in confusion. "Nope, I'm suggesting giving her some space," I say normally. "Oh ok," Clock says normally. "Clock, wanna hear our plan?" Cake asks in confusion. "Sure!" Clock says and rushes up the stairs with Cake and Loser. "What do you think they are talking about?" Eggy asks in confusion. "I don't know or care," I say normally. "Uh ok?" Eggy says and walks away. 

Eggy's pov

Everyone here has become a lot more negative recently. Why is that? Is it because 4 left? We all just need to get over it. Stupid people for not learning that. I go to my room and pull out my computer. Time for some pokemon nuzlocke! 

Loser's pov

"Ok, Clock you ready for the plan?" I ask in confusion. "Yeah," he says normally. "We thought it'd be a good idea to kill Eggy with a paint chicken nugget!" Cake says happily. Clock gives him a weird look. "A what?" Clock asks in confusion. "A paint chicken nugget!" Cake says happily. "Basically, we'll cook a bunch of chicken nuggets, then we'll paint some of them, after that we'll give her the ones with the paint and she'll die of poisoning," I say normally. Clock just gives us both a weird look. "So you want to kill Eggy.... using painted chicken nuggets?!" he asks in concern. 

"Mhm, if she can make us all forget about you during the show... she can sure as hell do it again now!" I say normally. "Well... you aren't wrong about that," Clock says normally. "So you in on helping us or not?" Cake asks in confusion. "I-I'm in but isn't this a bit insane?!" Clock asks in concern. "Isn't her not caring about you a bit insane?" Cake asks in confusion. "Fair point, so what do I have to do?" Clock asks in confusion.

 "Well, Cake and I will be making the chicken nuggets, Clock could you go inform Eggy of the fact that I'll be bringing people some chicken nuggets tonight?" I ask in confusion. "Sure thing Loser!" he says and exits the room. "Cake you stay right there!" I say and go to my room. In my closet is a bucket of paint. It's the type of paint you'd apply to your walls. I heard digesting this paint could kill a person in the span of 24 hours or less... we'd want Eggy to die before she could get help... so we'll need this kind of paint... plus it's easily accessible in the color of a chicken nugget. I walk back downstairs to the kitchen. Carefully making sure no one saw the paint I was holding. 

When I get into the kitchen Cake looks at me in shock. "What's that... I thought we were using purple paint... so we could easily tell the nuggets apart in the case of an emergency!" Cake says in a stressed way. "Don't worry, the first batch to go in will have the paint chicken nuggets, the second, third, and fourth batches will be normal," I say normally. "4 batches?" Cake asks in confusion. "Mhm, one for me, one for Eggy, one for you, and one for Clock... 4 batches!" I say normally. I get the chicken nuggets out of the freezer and put in the first batch. It'll take 30 minutes for them to cook... once they are done I'll let Cake do the painting. 30 minutes of waiting later and the chicken nuggets are finally done. "Cake you'll paint those ok?" I ask in confusion. "Got it Loser!" Cake says and begins painting. I put the second batch in. Then the third. Then the fourth.

 Somewhere during production, I couldn't remember which batch was the paint chicken nuggets or not. I got out the plastic bowls and made 4 bowls of chicken nuggets. Cake took his and went to his room. Clock came in and got his and left. I walked upstairs with both my batch and Eggy's batch. "Hey Eggy, here's the chicken nuggets I promised I'd make!" I say and take a bite of one of my mine. Weird, it tastes funny... probably the pepper that fell on my batch. Last I heard about paint, it has the taste of pepper. "Mine tastes like pepper was in it or fell on it," Eggy says normally. "That's because I dropped pepper in the kitchen, sorry about that," I say normally. "It's fine,I'll eat it since you made it Loser!" Eggy says normally.

Author's Notes

Idk when the next chapter of this book will be coming out. 

I'm slow with updates for this one, tho i do hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Death List

Match was slain by cyanide.

Firey Jr was slain by rain.

Liy was slain by slice from Book.

Woody was slain by slice from Book.

Yellow Face was slain by no breathe.

Bubble was slain by poison/coughing.

Flower was slain by poison.

Gelatin was slain by getting eaten from Donut.

Lollipop was slain by Donuts trap slice.

Pillow was slain by fall from tall height.

Coiny was slain of eaten by fish monster.

Icy was slain by Book stab stab.

Grassy was slain by Fanny stab stab.

Tree was slain by Bottle boom boom

Fries was slain from no more fries

Remote was slain by Bottle stab stab

Pie was slain by Bottle stab

Snowball was slain by Golf Ball stab stab stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Nickel was slain by Pencil stab cut cut.

(forget where Nickel goes so he is there now)

Roboty was slain by Pencil crush.

David was slain by Pencil.

Rocky was slain by Pencil strike strike.

Bye, my little shopkins.

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