taco dont be sad

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taco pov

i just cant believe liy died all to go get some stupid son of a ***** named lollipop i swear imma hurt her if i ever see her since i mean my best friend my only friend liy is gone so now imma have to hurt lollipop and book since she killed her. knock knock dang it i heard a knocking sound. ''who is it'' i say trying not to sound upset. ''its bottle'' i hear from the other side of the door. ''oh come in bottle'' i say. ''i cant you locked the door taco'' she said. ''oh right'' i say then i stand up and unlock the door. ''what are you here for bottle'' i ask. ''i came here because i want to be friends with you'' she said. ''ugh fine'' i say annoyed. ''alright uh where do i begin do you know who lollipop is'' bottle asks. ''yeah i know who she is'' i say annoyed. ''good good uh do you know who book is'' she asked. ''yeah i know who she is'' i say even more annoyed. ''just to get this straight do you know anything about their personality'' she asks. ''why are you even asking of course i dont i only know that book killed liy when she went to search for lollipop therefore lollipop and book are mean rude idiots'' i scream. ''woah girl chill'' bottle says. ''how can i the only person i know died and and''. ''its ok taco im here'' bottle said. ''thanks i say youre my new best friend''. ''and uh just to let you know taco lollipop used to be your best friend'' bottle says. ''oh thanks for letting me know'' i say ''i just uh wanna be alone right now'' i say and bottle understands she leaves the room. i just sit there crying confused sad scared all night long until i eventually fall asleep.

bottle pov

''well that went well tacos now my best friend meaning i can talk to her now the only thing i need to do now is to actually get lollipop without getting murdered by book i mean i dont wanna end up like liy then taco would probably say something like'' ''friends who needs friends'' ''then she would join book for some reason and thats what i want to avoid so we are not letting that happen''. ''but uh pillow'' i say. ''yeah'' pillow asks. ''either you can become tacos friend or you can take over patrol'' i say. ''oh ill patrol'' she says. ''ok perfect'' i say im just gonna go to bed today hs been a long day. 

book pov

''saw come'' i said inpaitently. ''saw lets go'' i scream but she still doesnt move her eyes are open so she isnt sleeping. ''SAW LETS GO'' i scream the loudest i can but she still doesnt move. ''ok thats it im getting gaty'' i say to saw but again she doesnt do anything she doesnt even blink and of course since i said id get gaty i did i walked over to saw and picked up gaty and started rubbing gaty against saw i then realize nothings happening not a single scratch. ''WHAT THATS IMPOSSIBLE I WHAT HOW WHY'' i scream. ''WAIT BOOK YOU WERE TRYING TO DO THAT UGH DISPICABLE GROSS HORRID BEHAVIOR IM LEAVING'' gaty screamed and with that she kicked over saw and left. or atleast what i thought was saw when it landed i noticed it was a mattress that saw shaped most likely with a knife and painted to look like her from both sides im assuming she knew how her back looked by grabbing a camera and snapping a picture of her back then copying it so the back of the fact looked like the back of her and it tricked me when i find her i will kill gaty in her sleep.

gaty pov

i cant believe book did that but oh great now i need to find saw and tell her about this and maybe even find lollipop and taco as well i start my search by hiding in the woods spying by just looking out from the trees to see if i can spot them tho i cant find a single one of them like this living in the woods is my safest decision right now.

saw pov

im glad i left that fake me i made out of a mattress there now i can escape. hmmm where should i go maybe team ice cube defintily not beep i see bracelety so i walk over and say ''hi bracelety where are you going''. ''your house to look for icy'' she says. ''oh well can i live at your house'' i ask. ''last i check your not icy so no'' she says. i start walking to her house anyway to ask the rest of her team what they think.

bracelety pov

sheesh saw needs to calm down these days i notice a pair of eyes in the forest eh creepy i continue walking until i approcah blahops house i notice book out back so i carefully go inside awwwwww icy is sleeping im going to have to kidnap her since i dont have much time at all i grab a rope tie it around  icy and carefully start dragging icy to my teams house.

lollipop pov

ok im leaving now no one here knows that but me i open the front door and walk outside i can eyes staring at me from the forest i see bracelety dragging icy i see saw walking to team ice cubes house i think to myself where would taco be. after a while of thinking i remember that liy saved taco so if anything death pact would know where taco is so i start heading there. i walk there hoping taco will want to talk to me after i did what i did i hope she will i sigh while continuing the walk there eventually i get there and i knock on the door since i dont know if its locked i hear a ''hello'' from the other side of the door.

authors note

who said hello

what will gaty do in that forest

my sister will be sketching grassy anime note that they are objects in the story but the sketch is a human since thats what anime characters are humans or weird bunny looking things or fairies etc 

my sis will also sketch how grassy looked at basketball last chapter you know with the twinkle in his eye

but i might sketch characters when they are getting murdered or maybe some of their rooms or something i might sketch other things like the flip flops or something tho to be honest i would just get lazy and take a non slip shoe so ha and color it purple maybe i might draw a character after something bad happened or when puffball and yellowface are buried alive recomend what you want me to draw and ill do it

death list

match died of cyanide

firey jr died of rain

liy died of being attacked by book

woody died of being attacked by book

yellowface died of being burried alive

my roblox is shoplkins 

any loomian legacy status re my loomian legacy status

lel i actually have a gleaming pider

and i do gleaming hunt tho i dont record it

my youtube is fnafgirllizzy 

and yeah

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bye my little shopkins

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