/𝘖 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘚 𝘖 𝘙 𝘛 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎/

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The Slytherin Quartet walked into the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table. It was their Fourth year, and it was the year for the 'Great Savior' Harry Potter to come to Hogwarts.

"How was everybody's Summer?" Leo asked, trying to lighten up the mood before the sorting was about to start.

"Boring and Lonely." Morgana replied monotonously, making her girlfriend hold her hand.

Regulus rolled his eyes as he started talking, "Well my Summer was filled with lovely Draco Malfoy hopping around the house like the great ferret he is, talking about how he'd be starting Hogwarts and even befriending Harry Potter."

Morgana looked away from the great hall's doors that just opened and slowly looked at the now-pale Leo, "Befriending..Harry Potter?"

"I assure you, my Lady, he won't be doing that anytime soon. I'll make sure of it." He immediately said, avoiding her hard eyes.

"Hey," Amara soothed, turning Morgana's face to look at her, whose eyes immediately softened, "Let's talk about these stuff later, yeah?"

"Of course, darling." Her girlfriend immediately replied, making the two boys breathe in relief.

The sorting started after the hat finished singing, making everybody sit up straighter. Morgana tuned out the sorting and looked at the staff table, making eye contact with Quirrell. She frowned when she realized that he had a turban on. He didn't have that last year..That is strange, is it not?

'Quirrel's' eyes narrowed on the girl, why did she feel somewhat familiar?

"Malfoy, Draco!" McGonagall exclaimed, catching their attention. They all clapped when he was sorted into Slytherin, except for Morgana, who was still making eye contact with Quirrell.

Morgana knew, of course, that her cousin was still out there, not dead.. "Legilimens." She mumbled, catching the other three's attention, but she ignored them.

Quirrell's eyes widened slightly at the powerful Legilimency that was just tried on him, while Morgana frowned when she realized that there were two thoughts at the same time before he used Occulemency.

"Potter, Harry!" Caught all their attention as the said boy nervously sat on the stool, looking like he was conversing with the hat for a few seconds before getting sorted into Gryffindor

"Not surprising at all." Regulus mumbled, glaring at the boy.

The two boys were extremely loyal to Morgana, wether it was clear how powerful she'd be in the future, or they just liked being friends, Morgana didn't know, nor did she actually care. Plus, having a Malfoy and Lestrange on her side was influential..but having two Malfoys?..That would be much greater.

Her eyes found the younger Malfoy, who gulped and turned away, making her slightly smirk. "Not going to eat anything?" Amara glared, piling food onto her girlfriend's plate.

Morgana snapped out of her thoughts and smiled slightly, "Thanks, love."

At first, she thought that having an Auclair, one of the biggest and most powerful French families, on her side was really beneficial, since they were even more powerful than the Malfoys and Lestranges combined, and that was saying something. However, she never thought that she'd actually be falling for the said girl, yet here they were..


"Is that..my sweatshirt?" Morgana asked, looking amused. She had a dorm all to herself, which was one of the biggest dorms, since she was related to Salazar Slytherin. But that didn't stop her girlfriend from coming in whenever she wanted, something that amused Morgana to no end.

Amara smiled with a little blush, "Yep. It looks better on me, don't you think?"

Morgana chuckled slightly, gazing adoringly at the girl, "I believe it does, my love."

Only Amara could bring out that side of Morgana, and they both knew that. "G'night, Ma belle." Amara said, snuggling in Morgana's side.

Morgana kissed her head, "Goodnight, darling."

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