/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘎 𝘙 𝘐 𝘕 𝘎 𝘖 𝘛 𝘛 𝘚/

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Morgana anxiously fiddled with her Gaunt ring, something she always did when she was nervous about stuff. "It'll be alright, Belladona." Tom tried, earning a glare from the girl.

"Alright? Alright?" scoffed Morgana, staring at the bank, "We're breaking into Gringotts!"

Tom's lips twitched upwards for a second. They walked into a dark alley and stopped , "I'll glamour you into Bellatrix, got it?"

"Won't they know that she's in Azkaban?"

"No. The goblins don't have any contact with the wizard community." Tom pointed out and started muttering some charms and spells.


Tom grimaced as he immediately stepped atleast 5 feet away from Morgana, who was now looking like Bellatrix.

She glared at him harshly, "I'm Morgana, Marvolo."

"Sorry-..you just look exactly like her."

"That's the point." huffed Morgana, "So, what's the plan?"

"Okay. I'll be behind you with this," he pulled out a vial of polyjuice potion, "It'll make me look like a random person, but that's the point."

Morgana hummed and looked away as Tom started turning into a man with Gray hair and turned taller, and older.

"You look disgusting." snorted Morgana.

"Who cares about what I look like, Belladona." Tom's eyes widened as he touched his hair, "What happened to my lovely hair-?" His voice unusually high.

"You look like you're about to be bald any second."

"No-!" exclaimed Tom in horror, but was hushed by Morgana.

"Let's get this over with so that I no longer look like a crazy death eater and you get your luscious hair back."

"Good point. Let's go."


"Name?" asked the goblin in boredom, not looking up from the paper infront of him.

"I hardly think that will be necessary." 'Bellatrix' said, making the goblin look up.

The goblin looked at her for a few seconds, but she just sneered as Bellatrix would. "Madam Lestrange..To what do I have the honor?"

"I wish to enter my vault."

"Ragnok will lead you to your vault." The goblin pointed to the other goblin, who was looking at them.

Morgana, who was hating her crazy hair, nodded as she walked over to Ragnok.

Ragnok stared at her calculatedly for a few seconds. She looked exactly like Bellatrix, from her hair to her clothes and to her facial features and body. It was a huge glamour that one would have to master in order to achieve, which was why all the goblins weren't too suspicious.

"Follow me madam Lestrange and..you." Ragnok said, looking at the man behind her.


Morgana watched as Ragnok opened the vault. She stepped into the huge vault with Tom behind her, who pointed to something upwards.

Morgana followed his gaze, her eyes widening at the sight of Hufflepuff's cup. She took a few deep breathes and reminded herself to scold Tom later on.

She walked over to the cup, accidentally bumping into a table. Every stuff in the vault started duplicating. Morgana acciod the cup wandlessly as they rushed out of the vault, which was beeping for some reason.

"What's going on?" She asked urgently as a group of goblins appeared.

"It may seem that the vault had charms and spells, which would alert the goblins of an intruder." Tom replied, his eyes stuck on the dragon, "Follow my lead, Belladona."

"Reducto!" Tom casted, dodging the spells the goblins started sending.

Morgana watched in shock as Tom jumped onto the dragon's back. "Come on, then!" Tom exclaimed.

She groaned as she jumped on as well, "Relashio!" She casted, holding on for dear life as the dragon broke the ceiling and was now out of Gringotts.

"That was fun." mused Tom as the dragon started flying them around London.


Tom burst out laughing, making Morgana roll her eyes fondly and join in.

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