/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠- 𝘋 𝘌 𝘊 𝘐 𝘚 𝘐 𝘖 𝘕/

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"That's done." Morgana said as she finally finished adding fake memories to Ron's head. Harry looked at the unconscious Ron on the floor and looked at the cousins, who were now sitting next to each other.

He blinked as he realized how alike they looked. "You two look very similar.."

Morgana and Tom shared a look. "He just called you pretty." Tom joked. Morgana rolled her eyes at his ego and looked back at Potter, "So? What's your decision, Potter?"

Harry glared. "I'm not joining you."

Tom raised his wand, but Morgana pushed it away, "One second, Marvolo. Legilimens." she mumbled, looking into Harry's eyes.
"Get the chores done, freak!" A woman banged onto the door.

11-year old Harry sighed as he turned on the light and opened the cupboard door. The woman looked horse-like, making Morgana sneer.

"And don't burn anything!" The woman hissed, making Harry flinch and nod.
"You're staying in the cupboard for trying to be better than our duddikins!" A man, who resembled a walrus, pushed 9-year old Harry into the small cupboard.

Harry frowned in confusion as he looked at the grades in his hands. He got all A's, so why were they punishing him?
"I'm playing Harry hunting!" a fat boy exclaimed, rushing through the park, chasing a running and terrified Harry.

Morgana quickly went to another memory as the boy started beating Harry up..badly.
"It's not much.." Ron said, looking ashamed, "But it's home."

Harry grinned in awe. "It's brilliant!"
Morgana sighed, wanting to go to his deepest memories that he had been hiding or forgotten. She went deeper and stopped.

"Lily! Take Harry and go! It's him! I'll hold him off!" A man said, looking like an older version of Harry.

A woman with Red hair rushed upstairs into the room, cradling the 1-year old in her chest. "Momma loves you, Harry. Dada loves you."

The door behind her smashed open and in came Voldemort. Morgana snorted as she saw his snake-like face, she was definitely going to tease him about that later on.

"Step aside, silly girl. Step aside, now!"

"No! Not Harry! Please, have mercy!" cried the Red-head.

Voldemort rolled his eyes tiredly as he raised his wand, "What would you do if you had a family?" Lily continued, making Voldemort stop for a second, "Someone you could care for? How would you feel if that was taken away from you?"

Voldemort blinked a couple of times. "I said step aside."

Lily shook her head vigorously. "So be it. Avada Kedavra." Voldemort casted.
"Sir- please! They abuse me!" Harry complained to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore frowned, "I'm pretty sure they do not, Harry. After all, you are family."
Morgana stepped out of his memories as the boy started silently crying. She fidgeted in her place in pity.

"Kill me. Please." begged Harry, his eyes filled with tears as he looked at the cousins in desperation.

Tom frowned, not knowing what was going on. Morgana cleared her throat awkwardly, feeling slightly bad for the boy. She looked at her cousin as they both started talking in hushed whispers.

Harry sighed and looked around the room. It was huge, but what had he expected from the heiress of Slytherin anyways? He looked at his bestfriend and sighed when he realized that he was still unconscious.

"Potter." A somewhat gentle voice said, bringing him out of his thoughts. Morgana continued as she realized she got his attention, "We'll give you something if you join."

Harry frowned, "What?"

"It seems as if..you're somehow important." Morgana concluded. She had just found out about the prophecy right now and how Harry was a horcrux, which Tom just realized.


Tom groaned, "Look, Potter. Join us and we'll give you an actual nice place to stay at. You'll get power and real friends in the end, as well."

"What do you mean 'real friends'?"

Morgana gave him a look, "Your 'bestfriend' has been stealing from your vault for two years now, and so has his mother. Even his sister, whom they planned for you to marry, due to you two having a blood-marriage contract."

Harry blanched. "What?!"

"I just went through his memories almost an hour ago, Potter. I thought you knew about all that? You're really that dumb?"

Harry glared at her. "Whatever." He mumbled and looked away, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, Morgana had a bright idea. "Join us, Potter, and we'll give you what you actually deserve. As much as I hate you..nobody deserves the rough childhood you had."

Harry blinked a couple of times in shock. Morgana had a heart? Tom snorted, knowing what the boy was thinking.

"Anyways, I've got an awesome plan if you do join." She continued, "I'll kill the stupid bloodtraiter girl. You're going to say that you slayed the basilisk and couldn't save her in time..some other stuff too, which I'll continue later. What do you say?"

Harry straightened up, "Kill?!" He asked in shock.

Morgana rolled her Green eyes, "You think that a blood marriage contract can be broken? The only way that can happen is if your parents don't allow it. Which you sort of don't have..The Weasleys and Dumbledore used your blood when you were only a baby, meaning that you somehow had given your permission to be in an arranged marriage."

Harry paled immensely, while Tom threw his head back and laughed whole-heartedly. It was really amusing for the cousins, and they didn't fail to hide it, judging by Tom's laugh and Morgana's smirk.

"You're-..helping me?"

She nodded once, "Only if you join, of course. You won't be living with us until your Seventh year or so, but we'll take care of your..aunt and uncle, maybe even your cousin."

Harry looked grateful, making Morgana uncomfortable. "C'mon Belladona, admit that you're being nice." Tom teased, much to the shock of Harry.

Morgana huffed, "You wish, Marvolo. I don't do 'nice'."

Tom rolled his own Black eyes, "Sure.."

"I'll join."

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