/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘋 𝘜 𝘙 𝘚 𝘓 𝘌 𝘠 𝘚/

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"Manipulative old coot." Tom mused as they both landed from apparation, both of them staring at the muggle houses in disgust.

"Let's get this over with-"

"Hold on." He cut her off and looked towards a house, "There's magic coming from that house."

"Marvolo, this is a muggle neighborhood."

"It's not as powerful as a wizard's." He continued, walking towards the house, "It must be a squib."

Morgana's face showed recognition. "You think that Dumbledore placed a squib to spy on Potter for him?"

"That's exactly what I believe." He said, pointing to the woman, who was staring at them from the window.

"Great. Another mess we've got to clean up." She sighed.

Tom, however, merely raised an eyebrow and started putting a few spells around the house, also obliviating the woman from far away, shocking Morgana for a second.

"What spells are you using?"

"I'm putting charms around the house to make it seem like it's a normal day, and it'll also not show us and what we're doing."

"Great idea." She mused, her eyes going back to the Dursley's house and sneering.


Vernon Dursley opened the door and tilted his chin up as he saw the well-dressed and wealthy looking teenager and man infront of his front door.

"Here for business, I suppose?" Vernon asked in a proud tone.

Tom almost rolled his eyes, but held himself back. "Yes. Can we come in?"

Vernon nodded, "Pet, show them to our gracious living room." He told the horse-like lady, whom Morgana immediately recognized from Potter's memories.

Petunia Dursley nodded with a huge smile and led them into the living room. "Welcome to our lovely house. Can I get you any drinks?"

"No, thank you." Tom said as they reluctantly sat down on muggle furniture, "We'd like to talk to you about-"

But the door opened and in came a fat boy, "Mum! The freak is coming down!" He complained, not noticing the two on the couch.

Petunia's smile sharpened, "Thank you for the heads up, duddiekins. This is my smart son, Dudley." She introduced.

Dudley's eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful girl. The door opened once again and in came Vernon Dursley looking pompous, "What is it you'd like for our business?"

"This is no place for you, freak. Get dinner ready." hissed Petunia as Harry walked in.

Morgana immediately stood up, "Hello, Potter. Lovely day, is it not?"

The family of three watched in shock and disbelief. Harry grinned. "A very lovely day, Gaunt."

"Very lovely day to torture some muggles as well." She continued, pulling out her wand.

"You-..you're also freaks! Get out! Out of my house!" fumed Vernon, trying to push Morgana.

Tom immediately stood up, his eyes flashing red from the anger he was feeling, making them tremble in fear. "Don't you dare touch her." He said, his voice dangerously calm, "Crucio."

Petunia and Dudley watched in horror as Vernon was being tortured. "Now that we've got your full attention," Morgana started as she imperiod the muggles to sit down on the couch, "We have a few new rules."

"We're not listening to you freaks!" Petunia tried, but was silenced by a crucio as well.

"Would you repeat that?" Tom asked, tilting his head in fake curiosity. The three shook their heads in fear.

"Good." Morgana started, "First of all, Potter what's wrong with your hands?" She frowned, pointing to his bandaged up hands.

"I got..burnt." Harry replied in a small voice.

Morgana motioned for him to open up the bandages and sucked in a sharp breath at the sight of it being so messed up, "Here, let me heal it." She said, her voice somehow softer as she started healing his hands.

While that was going on, Tom rounded up on the Dursleys. "The new rules..You're going to listen very carefully. Understood?"

He continued as they nodded, "Potter will not get any chores. Those are all your jobs." He gave them a piercing glare as they almost protested, "If one of you touches a single strand of his hair, your son will be gone before you can say 'freak'. Got it?"

They paled, making Tom smirk. "Good. No name calling, either. Belladona will take it from here."

Morgana looked back at the Dursleys after she was done with Potter's hands. "So, you like to abuse Potter for fun? Good because I like killing for fun-" she pulled out her wand.

Tom immediately turned her around, "Not now, Bella. We both know what'll happen."

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Fine." Morgana said, looking at the Dursleys again, "No more Harry Hunting, I'm talking about you, walrus." She glared at the young boy, whose hands were on his buttocks for some reason, "No more abuse. No more controlling. You'll let Potter go wherever he wants whenever he wants. You'll leave him alone. You'll cook him and yourselves food, you horse." She glared at the woman.

Tom and Harry both snorted at the nicknames. "Get one inch near him or his room, I will end you." She hissed at Vernon, who was purple with rage.

"We're not taking orders from you freaks!" Vernon finally snapped.

Morgana and Tom both simultaneously said, "Crucio." As they pointed their wands at Dudley.

"Stop it! Please-!" Petunia tried as his son looked like he was getting tortured and was screaming.

"Alright alright!" Vernon reluctantly said, "We'll do it!"

"Good." Tom said, putting his wand back in his pocket. "I think we're done here."

Harry rushed up to the two as they walked out of the house, "Thank you. Both of you."

"We made a promise, did we not?" Morgana smiled slightly. "Owl us whenever they break a rule, alright?"

Harry nodded with a huge smile and laughed when Morgana muttered, "I really hate muggles." just before apparating away.

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