/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘐 𝘝 𝘌- 𝘞 𝘐 𝘓 𝘓 𝘖 𝘞/

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It was now almost Summer. Every examinations and O.W.Ls were over.

Morgana was walking around the castle on her own, trying to rest her mind when she saw what was happening. She immediately groaned as she saw a huge Black dog near Potter. She and Tom had found out that Black was an animagus as well, so it was pretty obvious that the dog was him.

Judging by how the dog pulled Weasley into the whomping willow, it was obvious that the rat in his hands was Pettigrew. She sighed and rushed over to them, "Careful, Potter. The whomping willow attacks." She said in a monotonous tone as she somehow stopped the tree from moving, "Coming?"

Harry and Hermione snapped out of their shock and nodded.


They watched in confusion as Morgana pulled out a mirror right before they walked into the chaos by the room next to them, "Marvolo."

Tom showed up on the mirror and immediately frowned at her expression, "Everything alright, Belladona?"

"I'm not alone. I'll make this mirror invisible so you can watch the show, as we both know how much you love drama." Morgana said in parseltongue and wandlessly made the mirror invisible.

Harry questioningly looked at her, "Can I kick the door down, now?"

She nodded, making him kick the door and rush inside with Granger, "Ron! You're alright? Where's the dog?"

Ron shakily pointed to a man by the corner. "It's not a dog, Harry! It's a trap! He's the dog, he's an animagus!"

"I thought you'd come to help your friend." Black croaked out, "You didn't call for a teacher, as well. Good. It'll make things much easier-.." he stopped as he saw Morgana, "Who're you?"

"What's Gaunt doing here?!" exclaimed Ron angrily. Sirius' eyes widened slightly, "I thought the Gaunts had died out?"

"Nah." dismissed Morgana with a wave of her hand, "I'm heiress Gaunt..The Blacks, however, are almost died out."

Sirius snorted, both of them knowing that he couldn't care less about the Black line dying out. "Mother Walburga would be proud."

"She screams like a banshee." Morgana sneered, remembering how she used Legilimency on Kreacher.

"Anyways-.." Sirius looked back at the three third years, "I need your rat."

"As do I." said a voice by the doorway, making them all turn around. Morgana glared at the man, "It was getting interesting, why'd you have to ruin it?"

"I'm not letting you stay in a room with a mass murderer." grinned Tom as he stepped in. They all looked at him in confusion except for Morgana and Harry, who both knew who he was.

"Who're you?" Ron, Hermione and Sirius asked simultaneously.

"We're obliviating them after this, are we not?"

"Yes, Belladona." Tom replied, smirking as he showed his infamous Red eyes, making them all stumble back except for Morgana, who rolled her eyes at his dramatics.

"V-Voldemort?" Ron asked in shock, his pale face becoming paler each second. Tom let out a snort and pointed to the rat, "I need that rat. Hand it over."

"No, you don't!" exclaimed Sirius angrily as he stepped up, "I need my godson to know the truth! I don't care who you are-"

"You don't care that the most feared dark wizard is standing infront of you? Circe, Black. You really are a Gryffindor." Tom sneered.

The door behind them opening again caught their attention, Remus immediately looked at Sirius, "Where is he, Sirius?"

Sirius pointed to Ron's rat, but Remus' eyes were now stuck onto Tom. "No-..You-..But the map said 'Tom Gaunt' not 'Tom Riddle'-.." he stuttered, looking at Tom's Red eyes.

"I changed my last name, wolf." Tom replied in boredom.

"I just hope that it'll get interesting soon." muttered Morgana.

Harry gave her a look of disbelief, "Lord Voldemort, the most feared dark wizard, Sirius Black, the infamous mass murderer, Remus Lupin, a..werewolf? All in the same room. Please, Gaunt, could it get more interesting?"

The door opened once again, and in came..Snape. Morgana smirked, "It just did, Potter."

"Well, well, well. Vengeance is sweet." Snape's lips curled coldly, his eyes stuck on Remus and Sirius, "How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you-"

"Oh, go and play with your chemistry set!" sneered Sirius angrily.

Morgana whistled, "Oo he went there."

"I know, right?" Tom whispered to his adopted daughter, "He just reminded Snape that he's a half-blood."

Snape's glare turned to them, he immediately stepped back in shock as he caught Tom's red eyes. "M-my lord?"

"YOU'RE A DEATHEATER?!" Ron exclaimed in shock and disgust, but was ignored.

"Ronald!" whispered Hermione in urgency, "We're in the presence of Lord Voldemort! Could you just shut up for once in your life?!"

"This is taking longer than needed." Harry spoke up, immediately getting shielded by Remus and Sirius.

"Don't you dare get near our godson." Sirius said, much to the confusion of the trio and Severus.

"You're married?" Harry questioned, noticing the ring on Remus' finger.

"Not the time, Potter." Snape rolled his eyes at his idiocy, "What brings you-..here, my lord?"

Tom rolled his eyes and started walking to a whimpering Ron, "Give me the rat and you won't go down like your sister."

Ron shakily handed him the rat. Tom sneered and pointed his wand at it, all of them, (except for Morgana) , stumbled back in shock and disgust as a balding chubby man appeared and bowed.

"M-My lord! What-..an honor! H-how?!" Peter Pettigrew exclaimed.

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