/𝘚 𝘌 𝘝 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘕 𝘐 𝘕 𝘌- 𝘈 𝘍 𝘛 𝘌 𝘙 𝘔 𝘈 𝘛 𝘏/

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Morgana and Tom were waiting for the results as they drank some firewhiskey by the fireplace.

"Think they did it?"

Tom snorted, "Definitely. Think the little Malfoy was the one who did it?"

It was now Morgana's turn to snort, "Definitely not. Like I said, suicide mission."

Tom hummed as they stayed like that in silence until the wards warned them of people about to apparate in. A few minutes later, 8 figures were bowing infront of them and started explaining as they stood up.

"Dumbledore is dead." Bellatrix immediately announced with a small cackle.

Morgana motioned for the Malfoy brothers, Regulus and Harry to follow her, while Tom started talking with his deatheaters.


Draco, Regulus, Leo, and Harry stood infront of Morgana, who was looking at them.


The Malfoy brothers both paled and looked away, making Morgana frown in suspicion. She looked at Regulus, who for once, looked serious.

"I'll get back to you three later," Morgana said and looked at Harry, her eyebrows rising slightly at the blood on his clothes, "I assume you told them which side you are on?"

Harry grinned, his clothes bloody, and his mark fully shown on his left inner forearm, "Yes, my lady. They got quite a shock. I killed the Weasleys like you told me to. The only Weasleys that are left are the twins and Ronald. The twins still want to join."

Morgana nodded in satisfaction, "Inform them that I'll be meeting with them soon. Severus will most likely be headmaster now, so you can change your house if you'd like, since you have told them all that you're no longer light and the Gryffindors are..fully light."

Harry's eyes lightened up and he nodded. Morgana raised an eyebrow, "Did you do it?"

Harry looked confused for a few seconds, then his face showed recognition as he pulled something out of his pocket, making Morgana smile slightly.

The Gaunt Ring.

"Thank you." Morgana said as he gave it to her, making him look shocked for a second. She ignored his shocked face as she put on the ring and looked at the other three, "So?"

"I killed Dumbledore." Leo blurted out, making Regulus rub his face anxiously, while Draco flinched.

Morgana stayed silent for a few seconds. Whatever she had expected, it certainly wasn't this and it was clear by the slight widening of her eyes. "..Even though it was clear that it was Draco's task?"

Draco flinched again, while Leo answered, "Yes, my lady.. However, Draco did achieve his task with the cabinet—"

"Alot more than you have ever achieved." sneered Morgana, "And don't you dare talk back to me, Leo."

Leo nodded, not looking up from the ground as he felt and looked very shameful. "..Why didn't you do it yourself?" Morgana asked Draco, her voice calm but the fire in her eyes evident.

"I-.. I couldn't."

Morgana hummed mockingly, "You couldn't?" She repeated with a tilt of her head, "So you let your brother betray me by going against my orders?"

He stayed quiet, "Reg, Potter, you're both dimissed." Morgana ordered.


As soon as the two apparated away, Morgana looked at the Malfoy brothers. Her eyes stopping on Leo, "Leo, what's going on?"

Leo looked up from the ground, his eyes holding desperation, "Kill me if you wish, My lady-"

"I'm talking to you as Morgana, your friend, not as your lady right now."

Leo looked shocked for a second, but then nodded, "I couldn't let him be something he doesn't wish to be.." his eyes slightly tearing up, making Morgana raise an eyebrow, "Morgana, he's just a boy.."

Morgana hummed as she sat down, her legs on top of each other, "But this was the price you have paid for failing the missions I've given you."

Leo sighed, "And you should kill me.. Just leave-.. leave him alone.. I'll do anything.."

She frowned slightly, "Leo, remember the missions and tasks I've given you this year? How many have you succeeded in?"

Leo opened his mouth to reply, but closed it as he realized something..He had failed every task.

"You broke the prophecy, even though I had warned you specifically to keep it safe." started Morgana, "You couldn't kill Nymphadora Tonks and a few other order members, like you were told to do weeks ago. All you got from that mission was a broken arm. I can keep listing every failed task of yours and I wouldn't be finished until tommorow night."

Leo flinched slightly as she started getting angry and pointed a finger at him, "I can count how many missions you've succeeded in with one hand, Leo. You were powerful and were destined to be my right-hand man alongside Regulus..So, what happened?! You're about to get kicked off from the inner-circle, Leo!"

"I-.." Leo's shoulders slumped, "I don't know.."

Morgana sighed and walked over to Draco pulling his arm harshly and putting three of her fingers on his mark. The two brothers watched in shock as Draco's mark was now gone.

"That's what you both wanted, is it not?"

They both nodded, still in shock to talk. "Good." Morgana concluded and sat back down, "One more failed task, Leo, and you know what'll happen."

Leo nodded, smiling slightly at his brother's shocked look who was busy with touching his clear inner forearm to notice, "Thank you, Morgana.."

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