/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟 𝘛 𝘌 𝘌 𝘕- 𝘊 𝘓 𝘜 𝘉/

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"Draco!" Leo exclaimed, walking up to his brother. Draco frowned in confusion, "yes?"

"Have you made any progress?"

His little brother blanched, "I-..No."

Leo's eyes narrowed dangerously as they started walking through the corridors, "You know what she said yesterday?"

"What?" Draco asked, already having a bad feeling. "One mistake, Draco, mother's getting tortured."

Draco stopped walking as he paled immensely and his eyes widened, "W-..What?"

"Don't you dare be the reason for this. Find something and soon. It's not even that hard. All you have to do is conjure a snake near Potter. The spell is 'Serpensortia' and you know the wand movement. Remember, Draco: Snake near Potter infront of an audience. " said Leo and left, leaving his little brother.

Draco frowned in sadness. He was 12, for merlin's sake! How was he supposed to do the dark lady's bidding..His breathe got caught in his throat in hope as he saw the paper on the wall:

"Dueling Club: sign up!"


Draco, Crabbe and Goyle walked into the duelling club were students from all houses and years were at. He looked around and his eyes lightened up as he saw that Morgana wasn't there, so he could do it without too much pressure.

The sound of footsteps made him turn around. His shoulders slumped as the said girl walked in with her girlfriend and friends. Leo gave Draco a look, making him nod.

"Gather around, everyone! Gather around!" Lockhart said as he walked onto the dueling platform, "Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?"

"This git is teaching?" sneered Draco unbelievably.

"Excellent." clapped Lockhart, "Because of the petrifications that are happening, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club to train you all up incase you ever need to defend yourself! As I, myself, have done on countless occasions..for full detail, see my published works!"

Most of the students rolled their eyes at him, knowing how much of a fraud he actually is. Morgana straightened up as she overheard a mudblood talking to Potter, "That Lockhart's something isn't he? Awfully brave chap..Justin Finch-Fletchley. Hufflepuff." He introduced himself.

Potter shook his hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm-"

Justin cut him off, "I know who you are. We all do, even us muggleborns."

Morgana held in her smirk. It was too easy. "Let me introduce, my assistant: professor Snape!" exclaimed Lockhart, catching all of the student's attentions.

As they bowed, Morgana didn't pull her eyes away from the young Malfoy, making him fidget in his place. She didn't even look away when Lockhart was basically blasted across the room.

"Do you think he's alright?" a student questioned, to which her friend replied, "Who cares?"

Lockhart stood up and tried assuring everyone that he was alright and already knew that was going to happen, making them roll their eyes once more. "Now, let's have a volunteer pair, how about Weasley and Potter?"

"I don't think so." Snape's lips curled coldly, "Might I suggest someone from my own house? Malfoy, perhaps?"

Lockhart nodded and showed Potter a few wand movements, dropping his wand along the way, "Just do what I did Harry."

"What, drop my wand?" scoffed Potter as he stood on top of the dueling platform, walking in the middle with Draco Malfoy on the other side.

"Scared, Potter?"

"You wish."

"On the count of three. Cast your charms to disarm only, only to disarm!" Lockhart exclaimed, "One, Two-"

"Everte Statuim!" Draco exclaimed, smirking when Potter was thrown across the room.

Harry stood up, "Rictumsempra!"

The Gryffindors stood up in awe, while Leo sneered at his pathetic brother, who was flipped across the dueling platform. Draco stood up, angrier than ever, discreetly making eye contact with Morgana for a second, "Serpensortia!"

They all watched in fascination as a snake burst through Draco's wand, while Morgana sat up straighter, waiting eagerly for what was about to come. "Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it for you." Snape said, making Morgana frown.

"Allow me, Professor Snape." Lockhart cut him off and walked to the snake, "Alarte Ascendrae!"

Morgana huffed as the snake was thrown into the air and back onto the ground. She subtly used wandless magic to make the snake slither over to the mudblood who talked to Potter earlier.

Everyone watched in confusion as Harry walked over to the snake. Their eyes all widened when he started talking to it, "Leave him alone." hissed Harry, making Morgana's eyes lighten up. Even Thomas lifted his head up to see the wonderful show.

"Vipera Evanesca." muttered Snape, his eyes on Potter calculatedly while banishing the snake.

"What are you playing at?!" Justin exclaimed angrily, making Harry confused while Morgana openly smirked.

Draco felt immense relief as he just finished the task he had been worrying about, but shocked about Potter being a parselmouth. How did Morgana know this anyway? He knew it wasn't his place to ask, so that thought was out.

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