/𝘛 𝘏 𝘐 𝘙 𝘛 𝘠 𝘚 𝘐 𝘟- 𝘛 𝘞 𝘖/

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Tom immediately sneered at the coward infront of him, while Sirius had to be held back by Remus in order not to kill the worthless rat.

"Can I kill him?" Sirius asked eagerly, all thoughts of the man being Lord Voldemort gone from his mind.

"Sirius." Remus jabbed his side, earning a groan from Sirius.

Tom looked thoughtful, "Actually, Black..I think it'd be better for you to take this rat to azkaban and get freed in return, don't you think?"

They all looked at him in shock, while Morgana looked at him in disbelief, "Are you joking?! Kill the damn coward! He lead you to your death, literally!"

"I know, Belladona-"

"This is getting weirder and weirder." Ron whispered, earning a smack in the head from Harry and Hermione for interrupting the dark lord.

"You're in charge of Weasley and..Granger, Belladona. I'll take care of the others." Tom instructed.

Morgana nodded and pointed his wand at Ron, starting to change his memories. "What are you doing to us?" Sirius asked in confusion, not knowing why they weren't killed already.

"You see, Black, the thing I don't get is.." Tom stopped his pacing and slowly looked at Sirius, "..How did Dumbledore not know that you weren't the secret keeper, when he was the one who put the Fidelius charm on the house and helped choose and should've known who the secret keeper in order for the charm to work?" He continued.

Sirius' face showed recognition. "There's absolutely no way-.."

"Oh there is." interrupted Harry, much to the shock of others. "I have been stolen from, for years now. Dumbledore and the Weasleys have done so. They even set me up with a blood-marriage contract with Ginny before she died."

Remus and Sirius looked outraged as they started to piece the puzzles together. "And, one more thing." continued Tom, "Why did Dumbledore leave Potter in the care of abusive relatives when he could've left him in the care of a loving godfather, who was supposed to get the child in the first place?" He looked at Remus as he said this.

Remus swallowed the lump in his throat as he remembered what Dumbledore had said to him. "Because I'm a werewolf."

Tom's brows furrowed, "There is no law saying that a werewolf couldn't have a child in his or her care, Lupin." He said and then looked at the shaking coward, "Obliviate."

The adults watched in confusion as Tom also started sorting out Pettigrew's memories, making him forget that the dark lord and Morgana were ever there, while Morgana was done doing that with Ron.

"Guess what, Granger?" smirked Morgana as she stood up and looked at the girl, "They're planning to use love potions on you to love Ronald soon. Goodluck."

"Wait!" exclaimed Hermione desperately as Morgana raised her wand, "Don't take my memories of this event away, please. I'll join your side like Harry has. He's not the only one who is getting betrayed if what you just told me is true."

Morgana grimaced, "The problem, Granger, is that you're a mudblood."

"You take that back!" Sirius exclaimed, looking like he just had flashbacks of some sort.

"Don't talk to my d-..cousin, that way, Black." sneered Tom, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

Morgana, who didn't realize his slip-up, looked at Severus. "Marvolo..What about Snape?"

Severus, who has been watching everything silently, probably to tell Dumbledore everything soon, masked his fear.

"We both know how you're a spy for Dumbledore, Severus." Tom pointed out, making him almost stumble back in shock,

"However," he continued, "You gave an oath to protect Potter for his mother. Potter has been on our side for a year now, so technically, you're supposed to no longer be on Dumbledore's side."

Snape looked thoughtful and started nodding. "I just realized something-.." Morgana said and looked at Remus, "Isn't it the full moon?"

Remus paled immensely. Snape rolled his eyes and pulled out a potion, "You forgot it, Lupin." He sneered as Remus drank the potion and thanked him.

"Now that everything's settled." Tom said and looked at Remus and Sirius, "Whose side are you both on?"

"Yours." They both said simultaneously, still outraged about the fact that Dumbledore let Sirius go to azkaban and the stuff he had done to their godson.

Tom nodded and watched as Hermione tried convincing Morgana. "-please..I can be a spy. Nobody would realize or suspect anything." Hermione said.

Morgana sighed tiredly. "Fine. Circe, I just want to sleep."

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