/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘍 𝘖 𝘜 𝘙- 𝘔 𝘈 𝘓 𝘍 𝘖 𝘠 𝘚/

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"Are you ready yet, Belladona?" shouted Tom from downstairs, waiting for his cousin.

"No need to shout." said Morgana as she walked downstairs in a Black suit, looking scarily like a girl version of Tom at that moment, "Let's go."


The Gaunt cousins apparated infront of Malfoy Manor's gates. "I see Lucius still has his liking for peacocks." sneered Tom as he looked at the peacocks.

"They're Malfoys. What do you expect?" His younger cousin retorted, making the corners of Tom's mouth lift.

A house elf opened the door, "What can Dobby do for you?"

"We wish to speak with the Malfoys." Tom said in a cool tone.

"Who will be speaking to the Malfoys?" flinched Dobby. "The Gaunts." Morgana replied in boredom.

Dobby's eyes widened as he opened the gates and walked them into the manor. "Dobby-!" sneered Lucius, but stopped and blinked at the cousins, "Who're you?"

Leo walked in at that moment, his eyes widening, "Morgana?"

"Always a pleasure to see you too, Leo." Morgana rolled her eyes. Lucius' eyes widened, "I-..Come in."


"Lucius Malfoy." Lucius introduced himself to the young Gaunt as they all sat down in the living room.

"Morgana Gaunt." She shook his hand. Lucius cleared his throat and nervously looked at the elder one, who was looking amused, "And who might you be?"

"You don't recognize me, Lucius?" Tom teased. Lucius stumbled back in shock and lost his pureblood mask as Tom's eyes turned Red.

"So bloody dramatic." complained Morgana. Tom hushed her, "Let me have my fun."

"M-..My lord?"

"Yes, Lucius." Tom said and crossed his legs. Draco, Narcissa and Regulus walked in at that moment.

Draco paled immensely as he spotted Morgana. Regulus, however, bowed teasingly, "What brings you here to our gracious manor, My Lady?"

Narcissa slapped her nephew's head, "Ouch." Regulus mumbled, glaring at Leo, who snorted.

Lucius snapped out of his shock and bowed, making Morgana almost laugh. "How, my lord?"

"I'm back thanks to my cousin over here." Tom replied impatiently and continued, not paying attention to their gawking, "Now, I need the journal I gave to your father years ago."

"Diary." coughed Morgana, but was ignored. Lucius nodded, his heart hammering in his chest as he stood up and walked out of the living room to get the journal.

"It's not a diary." said Tom immediately as the deatheater walked out. "Yes it is."

"It's a journal."




The others were watching in shock and amusement as the most feared dark lord went back and forth with his cousin, they couldn't even miss the little smile both of them had as they argued.

A few minutes later, when Lucius finally gave him the journal, the cousins stood up. "We must get going. I'll keep in touch, Lucius." Tom said as they walked out of the manor, leaving Lucius almost trembling.

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