/𝘚 𝘐 𝘟- 𝘉 𝘈 𝘊 𝘒/

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Morgana walked into the great hall with her girlfriend's hand in hers, making 'Quirrell' roll his eyes at the show of affection as they sat down.

"How was everybody's Yule?" Leo asked as Dumbledore started his welcoming back speech, ignoring him.

"Pleasant." Morgana dismissed, making Leo look at Amara curiously. Amara smiled, "It was great. Morgan met my parents."

Regulus sat up straighter with a huge smirk, "How'd it go? You didn't crucio them, did you, Morgana?"

Morgana rolled her eyes, but didn't reply as she started eating. Amara gave him a look with a fond smile, "No, Reg. She didn't crucio them. They love her."

"Well, of course they do." Leo teased, "She probably charmed your parents with a few words here and there."

Morgana finally joined the conversation, "As a matter of fact, I actually like them." she said, making Amara smile.


"I'm literally so tired of this body." Tom complained to his cousin as they sat in the library together. The other students thought that Quirrell was giving Morgana extra lessons, so they didn't bat an eyelash.

Morgana rolled her eyes at his dramatics, "There's only a few months left."

Tom groaned as his cousin started looking for a few books, "What're you looking for?"

"Slytherin's history or all the house's histories."

"Chamber of secrets, again?"

"I've been looking nonstop and still haven't found it!" She began complaining, "It's so bloody annoying."

"I assure you, it's not that hard."

Morgana rolled her eyes again and sat down with a book in her hands, "So what are you planning to do when you achieve a body after 11 years?"

Tom huffed, "I've got a good idea, but I'll need you to accept."

Her eyes narrowed as she looked up from her book, "Has it got something to do with me?"

"Yes." answered Tom as he slowly started smirking, "I'll turn into an animagus, which is a black snake, and you're going to introduce me as your snake. I'll be spying on Potter and Dumbledore that way, and if you find the chamber of secrets, I'll be helping you through it all. I'll be going back to Slytherin manor with one of our house elves every nigh, so that's not a problem."

Morgana looked thoughtful, "Do I get to trap you in a snake cage?"

Tom gave her a deadpanned look, "Are you joking? Please say you're joking..Circe, you're not." He mumbled when he saw her smirk.


He glared at her, giving her the answer she needed as she grinned, "I'll take that as a yes, Marvolo."

"Shut up, Belladona."


Morgana was glaring at the portrait of Salazar Slytherin in the common room, who was smirking in reply. The others, who were also in the common room, looked between the two in shock and awe, as Salazar never talked to anybody else except Morgana.

"Where is it." She hissed in parseltongue, making a few first years look at her in awe, but she paid them no mind.

Salazar slightly rolled his eyes, "You've summoned me here from my portrait in Slytherin Manor, just so you could question me about something you've been questioning me for about two years?" His voice held amusement, making Morgana's anger rise.

"Salazar, I swear to the Gaunt family name I will burn your portrait if you don't atleast give me a hint."

Salazar raised his eyebrows and started slowly smirking again, "It's somewhere you'll never think."

Morgana took a few deep breathes to calm herself down, "CIRCE, SALAZAR!"

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