/𝘛 𝘞 𝘌 𝘕 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘏 𝘖 𝘎 𝘚 𝘔 𝘌 𝘈 𝘋 𝘌/

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Morgana sneered at the unprofessional bar, which was the three broomsticks. She quickly walked to the table Tom was sitting at. Everyone might now know who Tom Riddle was, nobody knows how he used to look like, which was why it was alright for Tom to be in public. Dumbledore and a few other old teachers might've known what 11-17 yr old Tom Riddle used to look like, but they never knew what 17-26 yr old Tom Riddle looked like, nobody did, which was why Thomas Gaunt, who looked like a 22 year old Tom Riddle, could freely walk around anywhere he wants to with no problems.

"So, what have you been busy with?" Morgana questioned.

Tom had been going back home, or that's what Morgana thought, much more than usual, and it had been driving Morgana's curiosity insane.

"Nothing that's too important for now." Tom lied.

Morgana saw right through it and glared at him, "It must be important."

"You'll find out soon. Anyways, how's school been?"

She nodded at the waiter as a 'thanks' when he brought her butterbeer. "Boring. How's the ministry?"

"Oh, I won't be working at the ministry." Tom smirked, making Morgana furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "I just might be your new DADA teacher next year. How could Dumbledore prove that Tom Gaunt is Tom Riddle, anyway?"

Morgana gawked at him for a few seconds, making his smirk grow. "Lord Voldemort..teaching?"

Tom chuckled and leaned back, "I suppose so. Only for a year, though."

They both stopped talking as the minister and a couple of other people walked in. "Think it's a private conversation?" Morgana asked.

"It looks like it." murmured Tom as they watched the minister sit down and order a drink.


"And there goes Potter." Morgana mumbled as the said boy rushed out of the bar in an invisibility cloak. "His thoughts were way too loud."

Tom hummed as he paid for their drinks and walked out together. "I still need to find out why Black has escaped."

Morgana looked thoughtful as they started walking around the village. "He's becoming closer and closer to Hogwarts."

Tom stopped, making his cousin stop as well. "What?!"

"You didn't know?"

"I've been busy with-.." he stopped suddenly and cleared his throat, "Nevermind."

Morgana groaned as he started walking again, "What have you been busy with, Marvolo?"

"Like I said, you'll find out soon." He simply replied. "Here, keep this." he continued, giving her a mirror, "Don't lose it."

"What's this?"

"It's a calling mirror. Just say my name in Parseltongue and mine shall heat up, meaning that you're calling. I can do the same."

She frowned, knowing what this meant. "So you're not staying for the rest of the year with me?"

Tom smiled slightly, wanting nothing more than her frown to go away. "I'll see you at Yule and Easter break, Belladona. Take care, alright? And keep in touch." He said and apparated away, not giving her a chance to reply.

She sighed and started walking to Honeydukes, knowing that her girlfriend and friends were in there at the moment.


"What is the great ol' dark lady doing in a shop filled with sweets?" teased Regulus as the said girl walked nearer to them.

Leo slapped his head, "You're going to get cruciod soon, Reg."

Amara smiled softly as her girlfriend held her hand, she frowned slightly, noticing her expression. "Are you okay, chérie?"

Morgana hummed and nodded. "Yes, love."

"Well, we're out. Goodbye." said Amara to the boys and dragged a confused Morgana with her.

"Love? Where are we going?"

Amara didn't reply as she still kept walking, holding Morgana's hand through the way.


"The Astronomy Tower?" asked Morgana in confusion and a bit of shock.

Amara smiled softly as they walked over to the edge and pointed to the sunset. "The view from here always relaxes me. I saw you looked a bit stressed and somewhat sad, so maybe this could help relax you too."

Morgana took a few seconds admiring her girlfriend. She really was the sweetest and kindest person ever, something Morgana couldn't fathom. Amara looked back at her and gave her a soft smile, making her girlfriend blush and look at the sunset.

They stayed like that, in silence, for a few more minutes, until Morgana broke it, "Why do you put up with me?"

Amara looked at her girlfriend in shock, "Because I love you." she replied simply with no hesitation.

Morgana tightened her hands around the railing and looked at her, "Why? You deserve someone much better and not as mean as me-"

"There's nobody better than you. You're never mean to me." Amara cut her off. "You might be mean to others, but never to me. That's what makes you the best."

"But-..I don't deserve you."

Amara frowned at her sad tone. "On the contrary, I am the one who doesn't deserve you, Morgana." Using her first name instead of a nickname or 'Morgan' for the first time in years, showing how serious this was. "No matter how cold you think you are, you're never like that to me. You always show me that you love me, and I know it's because you're actually deep down scared of saying those three words, so you just show it instead."

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