/𝘍 𝘐 𝘍 𝘛 𝘠 𝘌 𝘐 𝘎 𝘏 𝘛- 𝘙 𝘌 𝘎 𝘜 𝘓 𝘜 𝘚/

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Morgana was about to walk into her room when she heard someone..sobbing from the door she was close to.

Her eyes widened slightly when she realized it was Regulus' room. She knocked on the door and opened it, "Reggie?" She asked softly, frowning at the boy on the bed who was sobbing.

Regulus lifted his head up, shocking Morgana with his red puffy eyes. "Yes?"

Morgana opened and closed her mouth a few times, not knowing what to say. She sighed and closed the door as she walked into the room, "What's wrong, Reg?"

Regulus shrugged and looked away, not knowing what to say. Morgana couldn't blame him though, because it was the first time she had seen this side of him.

After a few seconds of silence passed, Morgana spoke again, "Do you-..Do you want someone to listen?"

Regulus looked back at her and looked like he was debating wether to say yes or no. "If you want me to go, I'll go-.." she said quickly, "but I just want you to know that I've felt what you're feeling right now before and I know what it's like."

Regulus finally spoke up, knowing she was right and that she could relate, "It hurts so much-..I've been wanting my mother back since she had left and now that she's back, all she cares about is Voldemort..Did I not make her proud?" His voice cracking at the last sentence as more tears started flowing from his eyes.

Morgana sat down next to him as he pulled his knees to his chest and put his chin on top, listening as he continued, "I tried, Morgana. I really did..but it wasn't enough."

"Reggie," her voice softened, "We both know how much you've achieved. Rodolphus is proud, is he not?"

Regulus nodded, his head still on his knees as he didn't look away from the wall, "Yes, but I've-..I've always wanted my mother more."

"..I know." Morgana said, "But Reg, look at the man you've grown into. You're almost 20 and you have achieved much more than your own mother has in her 44 years, even though she might not be proud..I am."

Regulus looked at her in shock, "Really?"

Morgana nodded, "Really, Reggie. And so is your father. Even your uncle is proud. Bellatrix just..well, her mind is badly damaged. I reckon she might need some mind healers, I'll probably talk to Marvolo about that later. Anyways, you're worth much more than you think, Reg."

"..thank you, Morgana." He said, finally smiling.

Morgana smiled back and then frowned, "When was the last time you've eaten? Or showered?"


"You haven't been taking care of yourself, have you?"

"No.." he admitted, looking ashamed.

Morgana frowned and stood up, "Take a shower, I'll take us to a restaurant. We both need a rest away from here."

Regulus smiled and nodded, making Morgana smile in satisfaction and leave the room so he could take a shower.


Regulus walked into the living room where Morgana was waiting for him, both of them wearing Black suits. "Where are we going?"

"To a muggle restaurant in Paris, due to the fact that there aren't many magical restaurants. We'll floo over to the Ministry of Magic in Paris and i'll apparate us to the restaurant there." Morgana said, pulling out the floo powder.

Regulus nodded as he grabbed a handful of floo and walked over to the fireplace, "Ministry of Magic, Paris!"

As soon as Regulus went, Morgana followed his lead.


They both dusted themselves as they walked out of the fireplace. Morgana gave Regulus a hand, who held it, and apparated them to an alley near the restaurant.

When they reached the restaurant, they sat down and started talking after ordering some food. "You know you don't have to do this, right?"

Morgana shrugged, "I know."

Regulus leaned back on his chair, "Then why are you doing this?"

Morgana gave him a slight smile, "I might be heartless, but in the end, you have been a close friend of mine for years."

Regulus looked at the Eiffel Tower from the window and answered, "You're not as heartless as you make it seem, Morgana. Atleast not to us."

"Have you forgotten my crucios, Regulus?" scoffed Morgana.

Regulus winced as the memories appeared in his head:

"It was one stupid and easy task!" Morgana fumed.

Regulus and Leo looked at the floor, both of them feeling ashamed. "We tried, my lady-"

"I've been preparing you both for something as easy as this for weeks!" Morgana cut Leo off, "Crucio."

Regulus looked away as Leo started screaming in pain. When Morgana was done with Leo, she moved onto Regulus.

As unbelievable as it may sound, that was the moment that they had pledged undying loyalty to the girl, since she just proved her power by being able to use an unforgivable without any practice on her first try, something only Lord Voldemort had achieved.

"No, but we technically deserved it." said Regulus, both of them staying quiet as the waiter poured champagne into their glasses and continued as he left, "We failed our very first task."

Morgana hummed and took a sip of her champagne.

They spent the rest of the night hanging out all around Paris, making Regulus feel much better, something he thanked her many times.

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